Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 384th chapter black people's walking

Tang Chen Chen and Lu Yichen have come to the monitoring room. They seriously viewed the monitoring, but they found that the black people walking almost all dead sides, a little clue is not, see here, Lu Yichen is sad and worrying about the emotions All. "In the morning, you don't worry, you will definitely have clues, you should not worry, since they take away the treasure, then in a short time they will definitely not give the child, as long as we want to do it in them I can find a child before, you have to have confidence now, if you have anything, what can you do? The child is still waiting for you to save. "Seeing the trend of Lu Yichen to collapse, Tang Chen Chen hurriedly motivated her.

However, there is no such thing in the morning, and she has been immersed in her own sadness.

Lu Yichen feels that this is her fault. If she has no heart to promise Ye Meng Meng's request, if she doesn't walk too slowly, she is not letting with Tang Chenchen, then the child will not be taken away.

Thinking here, Lu Yichen almost poured to the ground.

Seeing Lu Yichen to fall, Tang Chenchen wants to catch her, but the Ye Tang, who was fortunate to be rushing, was fortunate.

When I saw Ye Tang, Tang Chenchen has driven Ye Tang once, and now she can comfort the inception of the morning.

"Ye Tang, what to do, we have seen monitoring, we didn't find clues, the black man went to some dead ends, did not see his face or anything, did not know where he went, after blocking museum We also didn't find the treasure, Ye Tang, what should we do? I will lose the treasure. "Lu Yichen said to Ye Tang.

Seeing Ye Tang, Lu Yichen is also strong, and she is crying in Ye Tang.

Since Ye Hao is taken away, the nerves of Lu Yichen have always been tight. She is superfoot what will come out, I am afraid that I can't find it back, her heart is very embarrassed.

Seeing Ye Tang is difficult, Ye Tang's heart is not a taste, Ye Hao is also his daughter, he is also very worried about her, but now he can't be chaotic, if he is also chaotic, then there is no longevity, then In this case, I want to find a back, I'm more difficult.

Ye Tang held the morning, took her, comforted, "You believe me, I will bring the treasure back, you should not be sad, don't blame, you still have children, you also I have to take care of him. "

"But things are really my fault, or because I agree to bring them out, I will not be taken away by others, all this is my fault, Ye Tang, sorry, I will get the child I lost it. "Lu Yichen said.

I thought about it because my child will be blocked, and the heart of Lu Yichen is about to suffocate.

"Well, don't blame you, you have no way to find children now, you can give it to me, you will go back to Tang Chen Chen and Meng Meng, you don't want to worry, I will find it back. Come. "Seeing the state of Lu Yichen is not right, Ye Tang is not relieved, just want to send her back.

"No, now the child has not yet lost, how can I leave, I have to personally caught the murderer taken away will be left." Lu Yichen shook his head and rejected it directly.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Ye Tang did not say anything, only can serve in the morning, and he is not good at taking care of her.

"Right, morning morning, you will take a Meng Meng now, I am afraid that they will also play Mengmeng's idea. You don't worry here, I will tell you, and there is If you don't want to say, I am afraid that she will think about it. "Lu Yichen thought about it and said.

Tang Chenchen also knows what she is helping here, I nod to say, "Okay, I know, I will return Yang to come and help."

So Tang Chen Chen went to find Ye Meng Meng, I saw Ye Meng Meng asleep on the way back, she gave Yang to the phone and said something happened today.

After Ye Tang Aucu, he seriously saw monitoring again, but as Lu Yichen said, the black man's whereabouts are uncertain, there is no clue.

When Lu Yichen accompanied Ye Tang to watch monitoring, she saw the waiter to give her a guide, and there was a little doubt in the heart of Lu, so it will make people monitor the monitoring of the waiter.

After reading all the surveillance of the waiter, there is a problem with the people who have given her a road before Lu Yichen, and that person seems to know her, it seems to have been waiting for her.

"Ye Tang, you come over, I think this person has a problem, I haven't long been in the morning, he has always followed our back, later in the morning, she brought the people after leaving the person. The shadow, but he finally appeared in front of me. "Lu Yichen pointed at the waiter who took her to find the elevator to talk to Ye Tang.

"I know, I am now letting see if he gives you a lift, if you have, what is wrong with him, if there is no, it means that this thing is definitely a long time." Ye Tang looked at the monitoring and touched the Pakistan and said slowly.

"Well, then you will let people go see it, I will see if there is any clue." Lu Yichen nodded.

So Ye Tang gave the person in charge of this asked if there is no elevator in the direction of the person.

Soon, the person in charge came over, "There is no elevator there, and there is no one in the opportunity."

If you hear the person in charge, the road in Lu Yichen did not have an elevator at all, and Ye Tang understood that the things that Ye Hao took the way have been homogeneous.

"In the morning, you listen to me first, I suspect that this thing is that some people have been homing for a long time. I have already reported the police before, and you don't worry. Since they are a long time, they are not in the short time. What happens, what you have to do now is good, don't be collapsed. "Ye Tang grabbed the shoulders of Lu Yichen.

"I know, I won't fall. Now the most important thing is to hurry to the waiter. If you find him, then we can know where the treasure is."

"I know, I am going to find now." After finishing Ye Tang, I took out the phone to call Luo, telling him that the current discovery, the photo of the person has also sent it, let him arrange now People's big area search.

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