Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 420 Shenman deliberately

The next morning, Shen Man really appeared in the company headquarters. The people around you see that Shenman will come back, there will be some gratification. Now someone else has cooperated with the Shenshi Group, Shen Man's appearance is to show that the company is definitely no big problem. After all, If the World Enterprise Group really has something, then Shen's will definitely be tired.

All people have polite and Shenman hit greeted. Shen Mang saw that everyone was so friendly to himself, and she had a feeling of the company's boss.

Shen Man did not waste time with others, and went to the Ye Tang office after told them.

"Ye Tang, I will come back, I will always be with you to guard the company." Shen Man entered Ye Tang's office, directly showing her own attitude toward Ye Tang.

Wen said that Ye Tang is not happy.

"You have a heart, right, your current work is the same as you, you should have no objection." Ye Tang looked up at Shen Man said.

Now, where there is any objection, just let her and Ye Tang stay in the same company.

"I have no problem. Anyway, I was also responsible for that piece. If you really give me other positions, I may adapt to it." Shen Man said.

Silently I feel funny in Chen Feng in front of the board.

"Then things are determined this, you will be familiar with familiar work now, no matter how you leave the headquarters, there are some time, there are some things you may not know." Ye Tang want to say.

"I know, I will work well now." Shen Man said is right.

Ye Tang nodded, so Shen Man left Ye Tang's office.

"Okay, you go out." Ye Tang saw that Chen Feng is still in, helplessly said.

Wen said, Chen Feng has only went out.

She was a few days in the company. As a result, she found that she didn't see Lu Yichen to find Ye Tang, my heart has a idea.

On this day, Chen Feng went to the Ye Tang office before, and Ye Tang said the company happened.

Shen Man saw Chen Feng came out, the eyes were turned, and came to Chen Feng.

"Hey, Chen Feng, I haven't seen it for so long, why didn't I see the overland? Why didn't you come over Lu Tang, after all, is now in such a crisis, is there a little point in Lu Yichen? I It is not to let Lu Yichen work in the company, a power for the company, but she came to the company to see Ye Tang, the pair of Ye Tang is also very good, such words, Ye Tang is not more powerful. "" Shenman was unsolicited.

After listening to Shenman, then Lu Yichen, and now Chen Feng needs to deal with some things, so he will take it in the morning of the next morning.

"It is not a mid to see president, but now she doesn't know what happened in the company."

"The words are then said, but the company's things Ye Tang are also impossible to have a first morning?" Shen Man shakes his head.

"The president said, how long can you have a long time? The president is also to protect the wife. Now the wife still has children, so I should not tell the wife because the company's things are worried. Mrs and children, so don't say anything else later. "Chen Feng frowned and said.

Chen Feng finished, he realized what he said and Shen Man said, there is a little worried.

After Shen Man came back, Ye Tang said in front of Chen Feng's face, can't let Shen Man knew the land of Lu Yichen, but now he actually said.

Chen Feng is entangled in his heart, it feels that he is not enough to use IQ.

Shen Man said to Chen Feng's worrying.

"OK, I know that I will not say it in the future, but I also express my agreement on Ye Tang's practice. After all, the situation in the morning is really not knowing too much." Shenman has understood.

"Okay, I will not bother you, you will have a job now, I have to work I have to work." I know what I want to know, Shen Man does not need to deal with Chen Feng. .

Chen Feng frowned, did not say anything, left.

Now Shen Man knows that there is still a matter of Lu Yichen, then how can she let Lu Yichen are alone? It must tell the company's things in the morning.

But now Shenman has not rashly acts, but is looking for an opportunity.

On this day, Shen Man came over Ye Tang's office to find Leaf Tang. As a result, Ye Tang was not waiting in the office, Shenman stationed in the opposite of Ye Tang office, he was bored to watch her a desk just in Ye Tang. On the book, she turned over, she saw a business card in the book, Shen Man curiously got up and found this is a famous church.

Shen Man is happy, this business card is definitely the place where Lu Yichen is preaching, and Shenman took the business card and put the business card back, and then did not continue to read the book, put the book back to Ye Tang. desk.

Do this, Shen Man is waiting for Ye Tang again.

After the line, Shen Man came directly to the fetal education hall, asked the teacher here, and found that I found that Lu Yichen was here.

"I now need you to help me this, you will call Lu Yichen to tell Lu Wi-morning, she has to come over, you only need to promise, then 20,000 yuan is yours." Shen Mun took the check, Handed to the teacher.

Looking at the checks in front of him, the teacher is moving, this is to be a three-month salary.

"I do, I will call her now." The teacher said while she took the check.

I saw that Teacher in front of him, Shen Man did not say anything, just can't stand her.

After the teacher took the check, she did not hesitate and called it directly to the morning.

"Are you Lu Yichen?" Said the teacher asked.

"Well, what happened?" Lu Yichen can know that people who call the phone are a teacher on their own prenatal class, so she asked in confused.

"There is nothing, I just want to tell you, if you have time now, you will come back to class." The teacher thought about it.

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