Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 421, the morning, I know the company's things.

"OK, I know, I will pass now." I heard the teacher informing yourself to go to class, there is no punishment in the morning. "Well, then you will hurry, I will hang it." The teacher said.

There is no saying in the morning, the teacher hangs.

After the teacher hangs, he looked at the temple of the other side.

"Okay, now there is no matter what you have, what should you do, I will wait for her here." Shenman said impatiently.

Wen Yan said that the teacher did not say anything directly, and continued her own work.

Here, after Lu Yichen hanging up the phone, she sorted out his own dress and hit the car and went to the prenatal hall.

When I haven't arrived in Lu Yichen, I went to a coffee shop next to the prenatal church, so she didn't see Shenman when she came to the prenatal hall next to the preaching.

The teacher saw Lu Yichen came over, and there was a little deficiency in my heart, but I didn't see Shenman. She had a little relaxed, and she seriously came to the morning.

After the end of Lu Yichen, she wanted to leave the prenatal school, went back to Ye Tang, but she came to the door in Lu Yichen, and saw Shenman waiting at the door.

On Lu Yichen frowned, I didn't want to pay attention to Shen Mun, and I didn't see Shenman's appearance, I want to leave directly next to Shenman.

Seeing Lu Yichen, I don't want to pay attention to myself. How can Shenman may leave in the morning, so she reached out to stop the morning.

"I have something to say to you." Shen Man picks his eyebrows and said proud.

"But I don't have something to say to you, I am going home now, please let you open." Lu Yichen is unfortunately.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Shen Man is urgently, want to tear down the mask on the laminated face.

"I want to tell you, but what happened in Ye Tang Company, you know you don't need to know?" Shen Man said with funny.

"The company's things don't worry, tell me, I can find Ye Tang to ask yourself." Lu Yichen didn't care.

Just when two people speaking, the teachers who have been bought by Shenman have come out, seeing Shen Man's momentum, there is a little worried about land in the heart.

The teacher likes the money is right, but she doesn't want to have anything in the morning, she has to come to the front of Lu Yichen and Shenman.

"What do you have both of your two don't say, don't quarrel for a little thing." Teacher said hells.

"You gave me open, you are not qualified, you have to say anything, I will directly say that the things of our two people will be said." Shen Man said that he said that the teacher held his hand. , I am afraid that I will have something shy, I have to leave.

There are some people who have come out, they also saw Shen Man Baba, which is very worried about landing, just before helping land, but they were driven away by Shenman, for Shen Man's spicy Due, everyone is more concerned about land.

Lu Yichen is also a more familiar woman who is more familiar with, so they are also a little reason to worry about Lu Yichen.

Seeing that the teacher is difficult, Lu Yichen also knows that today, if you don't talk to Shen Man, Shen Mang will not give up, and now I will understand Shen Mun, I have to deliberately see her.

"Okay, don't say anything with them, they just care about me, I will go with you now." Lu Yichen helplessly said.

The surrounding teachers heard that Lu Yichen was going to walk with Shenman, and I worried that my heart was more worried.

"You have something you can say here, we won't delay what you are." A teacher said he said.

"That is, we don't feel relieved, you are walking with her."

"What do you want to force, I don't seem to be the same as she, I just want to know some things with her. Are you as for you?" Shenman said.

"Okay, don't say anything, don't you say that you want to tell me Ye Tang Company? Then let's go directly to the cafe now."

"Yes, don't worry, you will not worry about me now." Lu Yichen comforted.

After the morning, I didn't say anything, I went to the coffee shop next to the prenatal school.

I saw that Lu Yichen was gone, Shen Man glanced at the teacher around him and hurriedly chased it.

In the cafe.

"You said, do you have such a thoughts for me?" Lu Yuchen frowned.

"Hey, it seems that Ye Tang puts your own is really very deep. The company is so big, you don't know," Chen Man said.

"You have something to say, don't talk to yin and yang strange." Lu Yichen said unhappy.

"OK, then you will have a good time, now the current enterprise group has fallen into an unprecedented crisis, the company's confidential documents are stolen, and the accounts in the company are directly two billions. Empty account, all everything, don't you know a little bit? "Shen Man said.

Lu Yichen listened to Shenman, then said that her heart, Shen Man said, she is really unique.

However, Lu Yichen thought about it, did not believe in Shen Man said, Lu Yichen remembered that Ye Tang and she said there were no things in the company, and the company's things he could cope with it. So, now, Shenman, I am misleading yourself. .

"I don't believe it, I don't believe in this words, I don't believe it at all." Lu Yichen said firmly.

"Hahaha, you said that I am at your own risk for you? Do you still say that Ye Tang is so good? Obviously, now the company caught so big crisis, you actually said not to believe."

"But you don't say you don't believe it? So you just look at this one, when you know what I said is true or false." Shen Man smiled.

She did not continue to have evidence and have not been going to have an evidence.

Lu Yichen is not saying not to believe me? Then I will take out the evidence and don't you. What is the waste of so many water?

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