Ye Tang helplessly, I didn't want to be entangled too long in the problem of babysitting, and did not say anything. He hoped that Lu Jie can see Li Sister, and will only believe in her in the morning. The next day, Ye Meng Meng did not see the leaves in a few days, she wanted to see Ye Wei, so she came to Lu Yichen to find Ye and played.

"Do you have you think about your sister in these few days!" Ye Meng Meng entered the door, and he asked her to ran to Ye Wei.

"I didn't think." Ye Wei took the mouth to the side, said proudly.

"Hey, you will say that your sister said, you miss me, I know you definitely miss me." Ye Meng Meng directly got into the body, and smashed the small face of the leaves. Say.

Seeing Ye Meng Meng, Ye Wei can't put it, some points, "I miss you very much."

"I know that you must miss me, come, I tell you some things I am in the school." Ye Mengmeng pulled the leaves to the other side.

Lu Yichen and Ye Tang were embarrassed, Ye Mengmeng came in and did not grant two people, I didn't know that Ye Meng Meng was angry with two people.

Ye Meng Meng said that there are too many mornings and Ye Tang, she is for the sake of Ye today, so her eyes have nothing to do in Ye Wei.

"I told you, our school has two children today, but no one knows who they have to do it first. Later, do you know how things solved?" Ye Mengmeng pulled the little hand of Ye A book is asked.

Ye Hao is a little bit, and now this problem is not her current IQ can know.

Lu Yichen heard Ye Mengmeng to say two children in the school, no one admits who is the interesting thing. There is also a doubt in my heart. I don't know how to solve it later. If you ask, "How do you talk about how the teacher solved?"

"Hey, you are stupid, there must be monitors in the school, the teacher can directly watch monitoring." Ye Meng Meng said in the morning.

On the morning, I touched my nose and I was embarrassed.

I heard Ye Tang, who heard Ye Meng Meng, said that the monitored things, I was happy, he knows how to do it on Lu Yichen will believe in Li, happy, laugh.

Several people in Lu Yichen saw Ye Tang smiled, doubtful, I don't know what this is a laugh.

Lu Yichen was confused, asked, "What is this laugh?"

"Nothing, I am thinking about it, when you get it directly, I will not play with you now, I will play a call." Ye Tang was full of smile.

Just now Ye Meng Meng said that the teacher can see the things of the two children to fight, he thinks it is possible to install monitoring directly in the house and Ye Hao. See how Li Jie, Li Jie, who is surprised, has not been to the child, then she will not say anything, I will believe that Li Jie will let Li Jie take care of the child, she will not be so tired.

Soon, Ye Tang is called the people in the room and the living room installed monitored.

They didn't know what Ye Tang called Ye Tang.

After a day or two, Ye Tang called Lu Yichen to look at the things surveillanced for one or two days. As a result, Lu Jie was a dedicated to take care of children. There was no place to be sorry for children, and children Also get better with Li Sister.

After reading the monitoring, I also felt that I didn't have a bad horns.

"I know this time is that I am too sensitive. I will not have it later, I should believe that Li Jie is." Lu Yichen directly wanted to tell Ye Tang. "

"I know that you are also good for children, it's okay, you will let Li Jie let Li Jie take care of the child, I really don't want you to be too tired." Ye Tang held Lu Yichen, unfinished.

"I know, I will not do this later, I have now believed that Li Jie, I will apologize to her," Lu Yichen buried his head in Ye Tang's chest, and said.

In fact, Ye Tang and she said that after Li Jie can believe that she also observed the observation of Li Jie, she knew that Li Jie was really good for the child, but she was afraid that this is just a surface, so she is Did not believe in Li, now I saw monitoring, she knew that all this is really thinking, not all the babysita will be the same as Li Jie.

"You know, then you will go now, I am afraid that I will have a lot of time, after all, I have not believed that it is not a good thing." Ye Tang took the head of the morning.

So I went to the first floor on the morning to find Li Jie.

Lu Yichen came to the downstairs, I saw Li Si's happiness and let Ye Tang took the child after she pulled the sake to the sofa.

Li Jie is a little fear, I don't know what to do in the morning.

"Li Sister, you don't want to be nervous, I am apologizing you this time." I have a little nervous, and Lu Yichen quickly appease.

"Apologize? Why do you have to apologize to me?" Li Jie had a point in response.

"Hey, I want you to know yourself, I didn't believe you, so I have been doing yourself in the child's things, I now know that you are not with the previous Lie, I have a little grass. So I apologize to you here, I hope you don't want to be angry. "Lu Yichen said.

"Hey, you are not at ease children, I know, as long as you believe in me, I don't have anything." Li Jie heard the explanation of Lu Yichen put his hand.

Because Lister's sister is born in farmers, she also has the heart of the farmer with the farmer, so she can understand the fear of Lu Yichen.

"But no matter what is wrong, I apologize to you is also what I should, after the child will give it to you." Lu Yichen smiled.

"Yes, don't you take care of your child here? I sometimes see that you listen to a big belly to take care of the child, I am not too much." Li Jie also smiled.

Because Lu Yichen and nanny have admitted, two people and good, Li Sister is also true setting up.

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