Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 439th chapter of the doubt

After Li Jie really settled down, Lu Yichen did worry and worry, and Lu Jie was indeed professional. So she will be next to the child, but this time she doesn't believe in Li Jie, she wants to learn how to learn to learn from Li Sister.

Li Sister saw that Lu Yichen wanted to learn to take care of the child. She didn't reserve it, and I didn't have a good reason for my understanding. I have given it to Lu Yichen.

So I took care of the child and cooking, I also learned a lot in Lu Yichen.

"Li Jie, you tell me directly, you are not afraid that I will use you after you know, you may lose your job directly." This day, Li Jie told Lu Yichen. How to give your child a bath, I asked in the morning.

"That's what, I will directly find the next employer, I can't, anyway, I have to take care of the baby in this year. I am not afraid of nothing." Talking about Li Jie not carefully said.

"You are also this reason, but you can rest assured, how can I make you unemployed, you look at this in my belly, you have to take care of him." Lu Yichen touched his belly.

"Well, I will give you a child again." Li Jie smiled.

Just in the Ye Tang telling the steps of steps that are stabilizing, Yan Lingqiu is on the side.

At noon this day, Yan Lingqiu had just handled a good company to go home, she was called the study.

Yan Lingqiu dragged the tired body and came to the study, and saw that the fairy was not very happy to stand on the sofa.

"Do you talk about what is our company and Ye Tang's company?" Yanyi saw Yan Lingqiu, and did not wait for Yan Lingqiu to sit down and asked.

"Now Ye Tang, the money in the company can be taken, and he also bought some stocks of our company, but you can rest assured that some things I can handle it." Yan Lingqiu doesn't have a little concealed.

Yan Lingqiu knew that since his father called himself, he had already known the situation of the company now, so she did not fight.

"I have doubtful to your ability. You look at the things you have sent, just let the company's shares fall sharply, how can I be assured to give you this company." Yellow created frowned.

At the beginning, he would not give him a bitter of Yan Lingqiu. He will not give the company to Yan Lingqiu to take care, the result is good, Yan Lingqiu is doing this, let the company lose so much money directly, Some shares have been lost, which makes the doller to believe her.

"Dad, you believe me, I can do it, the previous thing is just an accident, I don't know if they will explode my things, but you can rest assured, I have already handled it now, you Give me a little time, I will give Ye Tang to pay the price. "

"I will continue my previous things, give them some troubles, let Ye Tang continue to fire, I hope you can give me a chance again." Yan Lingqiu heard his father's right. When she took it back, she was anxious. If she didn't have a company, what she would fight against Ye Tang, what to make Ye Tang make trouble.

Yan Yam has now really don't believe in Yan Lingqiu, although the previous things are really effective, but the effectiveness is not what they want, after all, there is such a thing behind.

"Dad, you will believe in me again, I will give you a satisfactory result, please believe me, this time I am not because of the online thing, I have been successful, I hope you don't let me go halfway." Yan Lingqiu continues to ask.

They is a little movement that is said by Yan Lingqiu.

"Well, then I will give you a chance. This time you can't give me a satisfactory consequence, then I really give up, then you don't want to blame Dad to let you go to business. "Yan father took a look of Yan Lingqiu, or gave her a chance. .

"Dad, I know that I will not let you down, I will be very careful at this time, I will hit it, you believe me." Yan Lingqiu guaranteed.

"Now I am not believed, I don't believe, anything is a word, if you are unsuccessful, you will listen to me to give you the arrangement, don't blame Dad to give up you, okay, you go out." Say, slowly said.

Yan Lingqiu still wants to say anything, but seeing that Mi is not very believed, it will go out.

Yan Lingqiu is unhappy, and it is very dissatisfied with the father who does not believe in his own.

"Miss, where are you going? I have a meal." But the housekeeper saw that Yan Lingqiu, who had just returned, was going out, and directly stopped the Yan Lingqiu, with worrying.

"Ming Uncle, don't worry about me, I have something now, I am not eating at home today." Yan Lingqiu did not miss Ming Shu to care about her, and the angry rush on her face received some.

Ming Shu is taking care of Yan Lingqiu, so Yan Lingqiu is also very good for this manager who looks at himself.

"The line is row, but you don't have to be too tired, how can a girl family, how can you always make yourself so tight." Ming Uncle helpless.

"I know that I will not say more now, I have to go." Yan Lingqiu worked hard from a smile.

"Get it, then you are busy. So Yan Lingqiu left Yanjia, driving alone to the bar.

On the half-way, Yan Lingqiu saw that the road that was walking through the road, the heart was super angry, and the face was stunned. If the eyes can kill people, if the eyes can kill people, now Lu Yichen must have been killed, and death can no longer die. .

Yan Lingqiu didn't want to put this over Lu Yichen, so she played a bend, driving the car behind Lu Yichen, now here is still the intersection, so Yan Lingqiu has no way to park.

Lu Yichen today wants to see Ye Tang, she didn't think that he went to Ye Tang Company, Yan Lingqiu would actually encounter himself.

Yan Lingqiu directly saw the car behind Lu Yichen, scared the departure in the morning, accelerated, and suddenly slowed down.

Lu Yichen started anxious, but later she seriously saw that the person who came to tease her is Yan Lingqiu, she is not afraid.

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