Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 440th chapter of Yan Lingqiu intimidation

Lu Yichen slowly walked, ignored Yan Lingqiu, Yan Lingqiuqiu urgently, no longer playing with such a game, driving the car in front of Lu Yichen, open the car door. "Which mental disabling will not drive? How? How? I don't want to play." Lu Yushen said with a laugh.

"Hey, I have to do more fun things? I tell you, don't think there is anything about me, I don't care, when I have a little bit of opportunity, I It will go directly. "

"No, I will create opportunities yourself, I will continue to revenge for the World Enterprise Group, I will give you a wake up here now." Yan Ling said, as if she is now You can see that you have succeeded.

I heard Yan Lingqiu said that there is no fear of her, and she is not afraid.

"Hehe, you still have a good thing to handle your company's things, and you think you are so afraid? Oh, this is funny, we are not bullied, sometimes , Self-confidence is very good, but confident is self-contained, you have to know that a person is conceivable, but I am looking forward to your next yang, after all, this kind of thing is not often seen. It is arrived. "Lu was so laughing in the morning.

Yan Lingqiu urgently, she thought she would be afraid of Lu Yichen, but she actually did not, but she also refuted himself directly.

"You don't want to say too much, I can give Ye Tang, I can still, I still have a big way to end? Yeah, say more, but there is no matter how much, even if it is leaf Tang knows that he will not know what I will do. "Yan Lingqiu laughed.

"You talk about you are really worth it for a valley? I tell you, I'm, I have a self-take, I can't make someone else, she will have to bear the consequences of her own. I also advised you, when you embarked on the Valley, you can't help others. "Directly holding his arm and said with a silky.

"How do you dare to say her! I told you that you will finish all of my anger, don't you say that I will take a small old road? You can rest assured, I will go, I also I will pull you with Ye Tang, I will do it. "I said." Yan Ling said.

Now that the eyes of Yan Lingqiu are like a poison, I want to tear off this morning.

However, Lu Yichen got his face to heard his face, a little fear of a little bit.

"Don't you think that your own so-called revenge behavior is very naive? Then you talk about where I and Ye Tang is wrong. When we are married, Ye Tang, Ye Tang, has long, and the valley is completely The point of contact is gone, and it is also the Tang Tang, which is also in the valley. "

"How? Ye Tang and I am together, not with the valley, it is our fault, how can you really say this person? But too, you are not like this, how can you? Back and I am close? There is a saying that the wolf is not two of you? "Lu Yichen was fearful, and all things said out all things.

For Lu Yichen, Yan Lingqiu is not convinced, destroying three views, "In my world, you can only don't want Ye Tang without Ye Tang. Don't be a valley, the valley is so good, why he will Choice of choice, you are not valley, you talk about where you can match the valley, how can you really have a little inferently in front of the valley? You said that you don't believe you. "

"Also, I don't believe it. If Ye Tang is just a old man in the abdomen, you will agree with him to save your company, huh, oh, clear yourself is a scorpion, you still want to make a pavement, say it You are not afraid of others to joke. "

"Oh, now the fact is that Ye Tang is not a bad old man, and it is like you said. If Ye Tang is really a bad old man, you feel that the valley will like him." Lu Yushen said.

I was inexplicably forced by Ye Tang, who was labeled in the lower abdomen.

"A short sentence, I won't let you go and Ye Tang is right. If there is anyone, I will give him a price. You can rest assured that I have been thinking about me, and I have some people who can't afford the valley. I must Will let her pay the price, I hope that there is no time, you can still stay in this, or you may not have fun. "Yan Lingqiu said unrestricted.

"Oh, I don't want to make myself in prison, I'm going to go, I hope I don't want to think too much. I am afraid that you will not sleep directly, I can't eat," Lu Yichen deliberately disgusting A look of Yan Lingqiu.

Yan Lingqiu heard the matter of Lu Yichen to talk about prison, his face was hazy, the cold in his eyes was also squatting, holding his hand tightly, trying to restrain yourself not to be in prison Screen.

"Well, you are really looking for death now. I thought I would like to give you a good breath. I will make me play now." Yan Lingqiu is cold and cold. After a word, I didn't pay attention to the morning, I went directly to the car and arrived.

Lu Yichen listened to Yan Lingqiu, then the heart is more rich, she doesn't know what Yan Lingqiu said, but she is only lie to her, but I have to deal with this, how is it? On, she didn't have time to send troops at all.

On Lu Yichen frowned, I don't know if I don't call him now I am in the Qiling Autumn.

However, the heart of the morning is also very chaotic, so she did not call Ye Tang, and she was calm down and also known that the words that Joh Lingqiu said only for her threat.

Because Yan Lingqiu, I didn't go to Ye Tang Company in Lu Yiling.

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