Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 441th chapter Tang Chenchen's suspicion

Lu Yichen took out the phone to Tang Chenchen called. "Hey, morning morning, do you have time now, let's go shopping together." The phone took a call, Lu Yichen directly said that she called Tang Chenchen. "

"Okay, just I am bored at home these days, then I will go to you now." Tang Chen Chen didn't think about it directly.

These days, Tang Chenchen was very worried about her, almost didn't let her go out, and Tang Chen Chen was still waiting at home, but she couldn't stand it in five or six days. Now I am calling her out on Lu Yichen, and Tang Chenchen is definitely can't wait.

"That line, when we arrived directly in the emperor building." Lu Yichen thought about it.

"OK, I will go out now." Tang Chen Chen Xing said.

After that, Tang Chen Chen didn't hung up the phone, and the dress was shouted.

Tang Chen morning thought, or sent a message to Yang, saying that she is now going to go shopping in the morning.

The news has just been sent out. Yang passed directly, Tang Chenchen thought that Yang passed this is to come out, and the results of Tang Chen Chen, Yang Ji just let her take care of himself, have something to call him.

Not long after, Tang Chenchen came to the place in the same morning, and saw that Lu Yichen was writing, and his heart was confused, and came to the side of Lu Yichen.

"What happened? Feeling what you have." Tang Chenchen took the shoulder of the launch of the morning, just sat on the opposite side of Lu, worried.

"Hey, I am not very good now, there is a little entangled." Lu Yichen said.

I think about what I just said when I just said, there is a little irritated in Lu Yichen.

"Then you talk to me, I see if there is any way to solve it." Tang Chenchen asked.

"That's okay, I told you that I just want to go to the company to find Ye Tang, but I have encountered Yan Lingqiu in the half road. Yan Lingqiu threatened me. She said she said that she would not let go of the world enterprise group. And I also have Ye Tang, and she now seems to be brewing, I have a little uneasy, I always feel that Yan Lingqiu is going to be a big move. "Lu Yichen bitter a face, hard work Musse.

"Hey, you don't worry, Ye Tang is not vegetarian, Yan Lingqiu and Ye Tang fight for so long, she still doesn't fight Ye Tang, you will be relieved, Ye Tang can put the worldquit group Developed into today's scale, his own strength and ability are not underestimated, you have to learn to believe in Ye Tang. "Tang Chen Chen calmly said.

Sometimes there are some things that are fans, and bystanders.

"But, I am very suspicious of Yan Lingqiu. I am awkward. Why is the behavior of Yan Lingqiu so crazy, you didn't dig her ancestors, and didn't grab her husband, why she wants to have been Give you and Ye Tang? "Tang Chen Chen has always been calm, and this mad dog behavior of Yan Lingqiu is very unexpected.

"Oh, it is not because of the valley, Ye Tang once investigated, Yan Lingqiu is a very good friend when he is in foreign abroad, she is now being retired for the valley, I am very speechless, I am very speechless. I and Ye Tang in the Valley's slight thing, there is nothing wrong with it, but Yan Lingqiu is right to return all the things to me. I am also very hard. "Lu Yichen wrote Bahiba said .

"And, you know what Yan Lingqiu said, she actually said that Ye Tang should not give up the valley, and she still said, now the valley's consequence is because of my and Ye Tang, because I and Ye Tang I am married, I am super depressed, I am obvious that I am still abroad when I was married. At that time, she didn't contact Ye Tang. "

"Hey, listen to you, how can I feel that Yan Lingqiu is a little more than the world's feelings, I have a little doubt now, I am suspected that Yan Lingqiu definitely likes the valley. Otherwise, she can't be so much to you and Ye Tang. "Tang Chenchen touched his chin, if he thought.

Lu Yichen said that he said in Tang Chenchen, it took a little to vomit the coffee in his mouth. The amount of information in Tang Chenchen is a little big.

"You have to scare me, Yan Lingqiu and Valley are women, and then say that Yan Lingqiu really likes the valley, she does not directly with the valley, and we are forced What to do. "Lu Yichen helplessly, she was really helpless by Tang Chenchen's speech.

"I look, Yan Lingqiu is not pure, or she wants to deal with you and Ye Tang so much, you will believe me." Tang Chen Chen said.

"Get, this year is only the sameness is true love, the opposite sex is just a tool for the sect." Lu Yichen coughed, said.

Tang Chenchen, "..." Are you really good? To know that we are now getting married people, why now has a kind of me to find that my girlfriend is a nostalgic.

"Okay, we don't discuss Yan Lingqiu and Valley, I want to know what this is what you have to do." Tang Chen morning shook the body, I felt that the topic couldn't run like this again. Directly transferred the topic.

"I don't know what to do now?" I said that I was right, Lu Yichen was very helpless.

"Hey, I still think that you tell Ye Tang, you have a look, if you don't say, Ye Tang does not know what is the bad thing I want to do, ok, even you Saying Ye Tang seems to know what Yan Lingqiu wants to do, but you have to say what happened today, then Ye Tang can prevent Yan Lingqiu's small action. "

"There is a matter of you and Ye Tang. If you have two people who have a misunderstanding because of Yan Lingqiu, then you have to pay, so you don't hesitate, wait until you are. Today, today, I tell Ye Tang, so I think it is the best way to do. "Tang Chenchen is comfortable.

"OK, I know, I will wait until I talk to Ye Tang, let him pay attention to the recent movement of Yan Lingqiu, you don't worry about me." Lu Yichen knows that Tang Chenchen is also good for himself.

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