Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 442 tells Ye Tang

"You know, you can rest assured." Tang Chenchen said unswervingly. "I know, I believe you, I also believe in Ye Tang." Lu Yichen relaxed.

"Okay, let's say that Yan Lingqiu is the matter. We will go shopping, clear that you call me to go shopping, how can I change it now, I have a bitter water." Tang Chenchen The latter, I said it was said.

I didn't come out for a few days, Tang Chen Chen didn't want to use all the time in and Lu Yiling, the future, no one knows, why is it going to discuss it now.

"My fault, then let's go shopping." Lu Yichen said.

Lu Yichen also knows that he has a little feeling, and anyway, Yan Lingqiu doesn't matter what to do, when they will be shirts, the water will cover, why is it to work for Yan Lingqiu.

Two people who want to know what the things have not hesitated and start buying the life of buying.

In the evening, Lu Yichen has just arrived at home. She saw Ye Tang and Chen Feng talking about the company in the living room. Lu Yichen's eye bead turned, knowing how to see Ye Tang said that she saw Yan Lingqiu at noon today.

"I am back, why Chen Feng is here, but now it is time to get off work." Lu Yichen deliberately asked.

"He is coming over to report work. He will go to the foreign business trip tomorrow, there are some things to handle." Seeing Lu Yichen, Ye Tang accused took the bag in the hands of Lu Yichen, so that Lu Yichen sat in himself. Best side.

"Then you are busy, I will watch it next to it." Lu Yichen didn't care.

Wen said, Chen Feng nodded and continued to report his own work.

"I just gave you some questions from the Yans Group. Now Yoling Qiu has been dealing with the things on the newspaper. Do we also stop our share of the Shandian Group?" Chen Feng will in his hands The document handed it to Ye Tang and said with worry.

"This thing is really stopped." Ye Tang touched the Pakistan, knowing that Yan Lingqiu returned to God, he would definitely pay a job when he should pay, it is better to take it directly. .

"I heard you said that Yan Lingqiu, I saw her on the road today." At this time, Lu Yichen is a mouth.

"What is she doing to you? Are you okay? Have you bullied by her?" Ye Tang heard the Lu Lingqiu in Lu Yichen, afraid that Yan Lingqiu's madman will be on Lu Yichen.

"Don't worry first, I don't have anything, just ..." Lu Yichen took the Qian Shuqiu and she told Ye Tang.

"You must be very good at the autumn, I feel that the Yan Lingqiu will definitely do not die like this." Lu Yichen is worried.

After listening to the opening, Ye Tang has a little helpless, and the heart is confused. Why is the valley will be so important to Yan Lingqiu, and two people are not a loved ones.

Chen Feng listened to the morning, there was a little gloating in my heart.

"President, I see that you have been in the valley, you are constantly, you talk about whether it is really your own water." Chen Feng joked Ye Tang to get a slightly trouble.

Ye Tang is embarrassed, because Chen Feng said is correct.

"You don't want to say, you will have a lot, rolling, you have already reported your work now, you can roll." Ye Tang said.

Chen Feng, "..." I told you that you will lose me, is anyone as a boss? Heart cold ~ I am clear that the truth is true.

"I am wrong, how can you be angry? Take a look, since the valley returns to China until now, when you stood, hey, sometimes there is an infatuational person is also a distressed thing." Chen Feng once again smiled again.

Ye Tang, "..." I definitely don't have such a employee. Now I am still here in the morning, is it really awkward? When I arrived in the morning, I didn't eat it. I can't eat it.

"There are many things you are, you can really go, you will go to work tomorrow, if you want to have more than a few days, you will tell me directly." Ye Tang gave Chen Feng to Chen Feng, As mentioned.

"The line is row, I know, I will go back to work now." Chen Feng also saw that the face of the morning is not very good, knowing that he should not talk about the valley in front of the morning.

"You don't want to make it any more. We still want to think about how to do the other party, or when she is shot, then we will fall into passive." Lu Yichen helpless.

"I know, Chen Feng, you can really go now, stay here to have an eye of our two people." Ye Tang said.

Chen Fengxin is depressed, he doesn't want to stay here to eat Lu Dong and Ye Tang's dog food. He has been enough for him. And he is not good to refute Ye Tang, so he is directly driven out of the house by Ye Tang.

"Ye Tang, Yan Lingqiu must not give up this, how do we deal with? I am worried that Yan Ling is crazy when it is super horror."

"She dared to kidnap the child and me, I am afraid that she will be more crazy later, I am afraid that the child will have something." Lu Yichen worried.

"Yan Lingqiu is directly gave it to me, you have recently pay attention to safety, there is nothing wrong with you, prevent Yan Lingqiu's little action." Ye Tang also knew that Lu Yichen is worried and Not there is nothing, so he has had a good comfort in the morning.

"I know, I will try not to go out, yes, you should be very careful, she said she is going to pay the world now, pay attention to the company, don't let Yan Lingqiu Drill an empty space. "Lu Yichen is not very assured Ye Tang, ..

"I know, I will be careful."

Ye Tang relocated a late lady, Lu Yichen gradually relaxed and took care of the child.

After leaving Lu Yichen, Ye Tang did not hesitate to call Ye Ming En.

Seeing Ye Tang called himself, Ye Ming En has a little confusion, I don't know what Ye Tang is looking for himself.

"Brother, I have a thing now want your help." Ye Tang saw Ye Ming En received the phone, he didn't wait for Ye Ming En, he didn't speak directly.

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