Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 433, Shenman's Joint

"Do you want me to do?" Ye Ming En is a bit curious, he knows that Ye Tang is not to find himself, this time I find yourself, I know that Even if I started Ye Tang's company. So big things did not say that Ye Ming En, so Ye Ming En is curious and it is true. "I want you to send me a few people to come over and protect it. Now things are not under my control. I don't want to have any danger in the morning." The Ye Tang Ye is in the eyes.

If Yan Lingqiu is not torture in the morning, if she really moved in the morning, Ye Tang will definitely let her know the consequences of this world.

"Winning this, I can help you, but why don't you ask someone to protect her, clear that you have the strength." Ye Ming En curiously said.

"I know, but now I have doubt there in the inner ghost, and some people who have been opened before, there will be anything to retaliate, and some things have been mastered, the most important thing is, now Yan Ling Autumn has already released the words. She said she wants to be with us. I must now be a safe consideration for the morning. I don't want her to have anything. "Ye Tang did not conceal, directly Things told Ye Ming En.

"You will be relieved, I will help you protect you in the morning, but if you have anything, you have to talk to me, I can help you, whether it is in the company or in life." Ye Ming En Snooked.

"I know what I have, I will definitely look for you, you are my brother, I have something to find, who I am still looking?" Ye Tang said with a joke.

"Your kid is now knowing that I am your brother, I have to get, what do you want to ask me, I don't want to help." Ye Ming Ented.

Ye Tang, "..." said that it is my pro, why is it looking for yourself, this is definitely not pro.

"The line of travel, I know, I will ask you to eat a big meal, call all the people." Ye Tang helpless.

After two people continued to say some things, they hung up each other.

The next afternoon, Ye Tang received a telephone number of Shenman.

"Hey, do you have anything to find?" Ye Tang did not emotions.

"I want to find you to talk about our previous contract, you also know now, the company has gradually entered the right track, then the treaty we have changed before can be changed."

"I don't mind let you give you more, but I am also a big lady of Shen Group, I still have to consider my company, so we have changed now, we will change it now. "The ganta dialect took a little bit of hesitating, and she felt that she was no longer, she would play a phone call for Ye Tang.

I heard Shen Man's maturity of some companies in Europe, Ye Tang also knows that it should now handle the contracts of their two companies.

Because of the crisis of the current enterprise group, Shen's will give Most interests to Ye Tang, helping him spend the difficulties, since the current enterprise group has no thing, so people think of Ye Tang Specific contract modifications.

"I know, I will talk to you tomorrow, I will talk to you, I am going home on the way home, what is going on will talk tomorrow." Ye Tang wants to think, speak.

"It may be anxious now. I now know what I gave you small stove now. If I don't change it, I will have any consequences, if you don't want to go home now? Can we have a good time to handle the contract. "Shen Man said.

Ye Tang didn't know, but Shen Man said, she would find Ye Tang to say that some interests to Ye Tang Dynasty, but the Grandpa is authorized. When Shen Mun was so late, and he had no way to let Shen Man apologized Lu Yichen, so he has been It is very embarrassing to Lu Yichen, so he wants to compensate for them.

This gradual grandfather will help Ye Tang, except that there are some jealousies in Lu Yichen, but more actually, he likes Lu Yichen and Ye Tang, do not want to see two people because of the company's things work.

"I know, since you are in a hurry, we will meet in the Adler Cafe. I have been looking for you." Ye Tang did not know the reason, thinking that things were that Shenman said, so he I had to promise Shenman's request.

"The way, then you have passed, I have a little bit of things now, not something, I can handle it." Shen Man said happily.

"it is good."

Ye Tang promised. After the Shen Ye Tang said, he took the phone directly.

In fact, Ye Tang didn't want to see Shenman. He wanted Chen Feng to find Shen Mum, but he suddenly remembered that Chen Feng has already went to other places, and he has no suitable candidate, helpless Below him can only talk to yourself and Shenman.

After the end of the telephone, she touched the chin and walked down in her room, she went, I didn't know what happened in the dark.

Shen Man is not a single one is the contract with Ye Tang, she is really anxious, then she will definitely press it directly in the company today, she can't find her own, now I am going to discuss it, now I am not easy to have A chance to be a good one with Ye Tang, how can Shen Mang will let go, she is definitely thinking about how to hook the leaf Tang.

For Shen Man's mind, Ye Tang did not know that he is now calling on Lu Yichen.

"In the morning, I may go home late this evening, you can go home, you will eat it directly, don't wait for me, I will go back." Ye Tang didn't want to tell Lu Yushen now. Things, he is afraid that there will be more attention when you arrive.

However, Ye Tang didn't know, sometimes I told the truth that I would have a lot more than concealed, because I went out to all, the original kind of good intention is the sword that will become hurt.

"I know, you have a good job, don't worry about me, the child is now at home, you can work with your own peace of mind." Lu Yichen arrived.

"You don't have to worry." Ye Tang smiled back.

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