Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 444th chapter of Shenman's intention

In the morning, Ye Tang did not say anything, hanging on the phone, the good-looking jade hand turned on the steering wheel, the car has changed the direction, and the two people have been to the café. Here, Shen Man hung up the phone, his eyes were full of joy, and the eyes were turned, and picked up the phone to make a call to the maintenance person.

Ye Tang has a little impatient on the road to drive, he doesn't want to see Shen Men, every time I see Shenman will make him disgusting.

Oh, forget it, who makes the Shenman home to help him.

In fact, Ye Tang has always introduced the place where Shenman will introduce the underground boxing in the morning, but Grandpa is very good to Lu Yichen and he doesn't want to make Shen Yapong to give birth to anything. It has never been dead, and Ye Tang is very irritated.

Just when the Ye Tang was annoyed, the familiar calling ringtone rang, and looked at it. It was a telephone number of Shenman, frowning, or received a call.

"I am here, you first wait." Thought Shen Mun is in a reminder, Ye Tang's irritability is deeper. "

I don't know why, he has a feeling, that is, he should not see Shenman today, but he can't say this.

"I haven't going out, this is the case, the door lock just now is broken, I am working now, there is no way to get a good time." Shen Man is said to say, but her eyes have a smile but sell it. she was.

"Since this kind of thing, let's go to the company tomorrow." Ye Tanglian did not want to say it directly.

If the contract can deal with the company tomorrow, then Ye Tang will not be so depressed, because Chen Feng will return tomorrow, you can directly hand it over from Chen Feng, Ye Tang does not need Facing Shenman.

At this time, Chen Feng, who is inspecting the branch is playing a cough in everyone, and his heart is embarrassing but nothing is expressed.

Clear a clear scorpion, and there is no change in the face of the face. "You continue."

The people around them are not good to say, and continue to have the topic.

Chen Fengxia is full of doubts and diarrhea: Grandma is a bear, which small three is married to me, and I have a big one.

Chen Fengkou's Xiaolong Tang now has a little pleasure, I don't know if I am already embarrassed, but the mood of Ye Tang is not beautiful.

"Hey ... You also know the importance of the document, I don't want to waste time, but I can't get the door now, or you come to my house, when we come to us." Shenman can be so hard to find it. One reason is alone in Ye Tang, how can she leave Ye Tang. It is not good to master this opportunity. She is not Shenman.

She said, she hinds her eyes and glamorous.

"Miss, you need not need to replace a lock, you may have to fix this door lock will have a little bit of trouble." The worker who received a hint came to the same sentence.

"Hey ... then you will change the door lock directly, the price is free, as long as it is safe." Shen Man smiled back and went back.

"That, you know now, I can't open, but the contract is anxious, so you can come to my family now, if you can't, then you will go to the coffee shop, I can, I am here. When did the things have been handled, I will find you again. "Shen Man said with apologetic.

Shen Muan knows that with the style of Ye Tang, he can't say that he first goes to the coffee shop and waiting for himself. He will come to the family to talk about things, and when she can implement it.

"Forget it, I still go to you, otherwise I don't know when you are too busy." Ye Tang heard the person who was repaired, and the suspicion of Shenman had disappeared, so he did not be difficult Shen Manard, agreed to meet the suggestions in Shenman.

"That's trouble, right, I am not living in the villa before I am, I have changed a place, just at the 8th, the villa on the Songhua Road, you wait directly." I heard the leaves. " Tang is promised to come over, Shen Man's heart is happy to be blown, and he said.

"I know, I have passed now." Ye Tang said faintly.

"OK, then I will not talk to you, I will go see the maintenance workstore lock, yes, you drive on your way, don't worry too much, after all, the repairman repair the lock is also taken." "

"Well." Ye Tang has no expression.

After that, Ye Tang did not give Shenman's opportunity, hung up.

Shen Man saw Ye Tang hangs her call. She didn't have angry. Because Ye Tang will come over, what she wants to do is to let Ye Tang know her good, and finally leave Lu Yichen and Irself together.

If Ye Tang knows that Shen Man is thinking, he is sure that a little chance will not give Shenman, and even see her, directly, do not leave a cloud.

Unfortunately, Ye Tang did not know that Shen Man's heart wrapped around the bend. He now converted again, driving to the place where you just said it.

Here, Shenman is satisfied with the phone, watching the maintenance worker standing around him, because the mood is happy, so now Shenman has no high strength.

"Today's things are troublesome, but this thing is that you are best to make me badly in your stomach, or you don't want to blame me." Although Shenman is not so arrogant, but her bones I don't want to live in the bottom of the idea.

"I know, I won't say." For the sudden change of Shenman, the maintenance worker said that he looked too much. After all, he is working in this rich area, and people who meet the length of the eye beads tomorrow. Do not say that there are fifty and twenty.

Seeing the maintenance worker so much, Shen Man did not say anything with him, pick up the wallet to put the two or three thousand dollars inside the wallet to the maintenance worker.

"This is given to you, today's things I miss you don't have to say what you will know." The arrogant looks at the maintenance workers, Shenman's respect is no.

"You can rest assured, I will not go with money." Repairing the tools, talking with a different approach to a general worker.

"I know it, it's okay now, you can go." The discard in the discourse.

I heard the words, the maintenance workers did not say anything, and I took Shen Man to leave my money.

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