Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 473th chapter praises Shenman

I saw that Shenman didn't say what she had encountered. Chen Feng was a little anxious. I thought about it, "President, Otherwise, in order to prevent Yan Lingqiu, what is done to Shenman, we still send people to protect her. ? " Wen Yan, Ye Tang felt that things were feasible, "Yes, this thing is given to you, you arrange people to protect her."

I saw Ye Tang agreed to Chen Feng's suggestion, Shen Man's brow, a little nervous, there is a little bit, she doesn't have anything, and Yan Lingqiu has not been to her, if it is Ye Tang knows Logging, you will definitely be dislike.

"Forget it, you don't let people protect me, too much trouble." Shake the head and refused.

"Don't, you see your current state, how can you not protect it? If there is anything else." Chen Feng did not agree.

"Yes, if you are in what you are experiencing, it is not good." Ye Tang attached to.

"Really, today's things are just an accident. Now I don't know who did it. Maybe all is just our guess, things are not necessarily the Yan Lingqiu, after all, no matter how she should not It will be like this to me. "With a distressed, Shen Man is saddened.

"Well, you don't hurt, you don't have to get rid of her. How did she not know about you? You can come in the hospital directly, you can explain that she is not very good. When you are blinded by her, you don't know when you are bought. "Seeing Shen Man sad, Ye Tang's heart did not act directly in the middle of them.

For Ye Tang, Shenman and Yan Lingqiu's views are more, then she will want to help themselves.

"I know." Shen Yuan said.

In fact, there is still a little less than that, there is still a bit in the autumn of Yiyou, this is the recent thing that Yan Lingqiu is really so angry. In addition to fighting, it is threatening, it is the last straight to let her If you do something, if you are not stopped because of the Ye Tang's eyes, she does not set anything.

The most important thing is that there is nothing to say to her later, so she has nothing to have for her now.

"Hey, but you don't arrange people to come over and protect me, too much trouble, I will call you, you still don't call me." I thought about it, in order to avoid Ye Tang know The truth of things, she can only be too much like this, I don't want him to worry about refusing him.

"Well, I will not send people to protect you." Ye Tang saw Shenman attitude firmly, he would not be reluctant, and he did not agree with Chen Feng's proposal.

Ye Tang said, Shen Man did not pick up, just thinking in my heart, I insisted that I feel too much trouble, it is too much trouble, it is a fool, I don't know if the woman is saying that it means it. Don't understand women's hearts ...

But still count, I want him, but I am afraid that he knows the truth.

Just thinking in Shen Man, when I god, a voice interrupted her fantasy.

"President, you see Shenman's more knowledge, people know, and she is in our company, you don't know much more laughter, and she also helped our company, I Look, she stayed in our company is the lucky one of our company. You have to have a good family in the future. "Chen Feng saw the atmosphere is a bit strange, watching a gimmad, looking at Ye Tang did not want to say What does it mean?

Ye Tang heard that Chen Feng said that there was no refutation, and it was quietly standing there.

Chen Feng him is deliberately, that is, for the sake of Shenman, you can do things for them, and will help them to deal with Yan Lingqiu.

Shen Man saw Ye Tang did not refute Chen Feng's words. He felt that Ye Tang must also feel that he is very lucky in the company. After all, he is in the hospital, and she also told them some things in Yan Lingqiu. .

So she felt that she was as sweet as her own honey, and she felt very happy.

I will continue to talk about a session, Ye Tang looked at the time, and the result will know that it is about noon.

"We are here to accompany to eat lunch back to the company." Chen Feng saw Ye Tang time, he also saw time, as a result, I know that I am going to dinner, so I will propose.

If you don't wait for Ye Tang agreed, you will go out of the ward to call people to buy it here.

Ye Tangxin roared, he didn't want to eat with Shen Man, but he also knew Chen Feng's reasons why it didn't show much dislike.

Shen Man saw Chen Feng went out, did not let alone two time to get along, the mind is flashing, there is, it is done.


Just when Ye Tang also heard a screaming with a screaming with the decision made in Ye Tang.

Ye Tang took the sight from the direction of the door, and he saw Shenman lying down.

"I went to the nurse." Ye Tang walked over and looked at Shenman's parcel and said.

Ye Tang said that this sentence is turned out.

"Don't, you will take me to the toilet, I am fine, I just think of going to the toilet, I didn't expect to stand too much to stand too much," Shen Man hurriedly said, said that it is still dark This idea is really great, although it is a little painful.

"You go to call the nurse, I hurt, the nurse is also holding me, and I, that, one is awkward, I, I, I urge an urgency." Shen Man saw the Leng Tang did not move, there is a bit shy Continue.

Ye Tang didn't have a way, and the heart was depressed, but he had to take her back and walked over and took her to the bathroom.

Shen Man put his face on Ye Tang's embrace, secretly laughed in his heart, and he was always held by his princess, it might be too happy, his face has a smile.

Ye Tang couldn't see Shenman's expression, so I don't know my heart thinking in Shenman, and I don't know if she is now a happy, unlike people.

When the toilet is located in Ye Tang hugged behind, Shen Man reached out and touched his belly muscles. He also thought about it hard.

Ye Tang knows her little action, just too lazy to say, it is very powerful, the face is still ironic, and I think this dress can be thrown.

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