Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 474th chapter is played

Ye Tang's imitation is extremely disgusting to Shenman, but I think of her, he can only deprecate the dislike. When Chen Feng came back, he followed several people and also pushed into the dining car.

After the dishes were finished, those people were gone.

"You are not a friend of Miss Shen? I don't know if she is in hospital diet is light? I still have so many sea fresh meat what to give her to eat." When they are ready to eat, the nurse came to check the room, see that More seafood, what is meat, say it is bad.

When the nurse helped her check, Shen Man was very painful, and her hand did not release the sheets.

Until the nurse went out of the ward, she released the movement of her reflex, Ye Tang and Chen Feng were in the eyes.

"Is it hurt? I have never released my bed." Chen Feng asked Chen Feng.

When I saw Shen Mang, I have been holding the bed tightly, Chen Feng thought she was painful.

"Ah?" Shen Man's face was confused, I don't know what Chen Feng said, because she looked at the back of the nurse, I can't wait for for for so long, put a fixed time bomb is too happy to hang. .

Chen Feng saw her face, and asked again.

"Well, yeah, it hurts too hurt, and if you think it is, you can grab your bed." Shen Man wrinkled the eyebrows to answer.

"This, it will be almost a few days." Helpless, Chen Feng comforted.

Shenman nodded and didn't care, because she is not really injured.

"That, I call someone to send some light things to eat." Chen Feng looked at those seafood to say.

I didn't have long, and the cabbage cook porridge was really light.

Shen Man looked at them, looking at himself, I feel very no appetite, I haven't eaten.

", ." The voice sounded.

Chen Feng looked at Ye Tang, Ye Tang gave him a white eye.

"Is your stomach ringing?" Chen Feng asked Shenman.

"Well." Shenman nodded.

After eating lunch, Ye Tang, I left her a good rest.

Ye Tang and Chen Feng return to the company, and Ye Tangjin found that Lu Yichen sat on the sofa on the sofa.

Ye Tang saw that her fans did not alarm her, and she took her directly.

"I miss me, so so I am so eating. You are pregnant, don't always run out, I don't try myself." Ye Tang touched the stomach of Lu Yichen.

"I heard that I want to catch a man's heart, I have to grab his stomach, so I will call Li Jie to prepare meals for me to give you lunch."

"Who knows that you are not there, I will ask the secretary. He said that you didn't have a trip at noon." Lu Yichen complained.

Lu Yichen also known under the opening of Li Jie, it is not a mistake of Ye Tang, so she came over to find him, the result is good, he is not enough, and the heart is unhappy.

"The dishes are cold." After the end, he turned to one side and ignored Ye Tang.

"Well, it is my fault, temporary, I don't know if you are coming, don't you call you." Seeing Lu Yichen is not easy to eat, Ye Tang quickly apologizes that she is now renewed.

"You say this is to blame, I have not to inform you? Is it? I just want to give you a surprise." I took a look of Ye Tang and said Lu Yichen.

"No, I don't have me angry. It is not good to be angry with the baby in the belly." If you finish it, you want to have passed.

When I was almost proud, the door was pushed out of the outside.

"I don't know you, you ... you continue." Said Chen Feng touched his nose and prepared.

Extremely embarrassed, why no one told me that came over in the morning.

"What?" Ye Tang called him.

"Nothing." Chen Feng smiled.

"Go out on the door belt." He didn't care about him.

Chen Feng has retired out, put on the door, just say hello to the door, "Don't let people go."

In the door, he was speechless when he heard this.

The two talked for a while, Ye Tang was very tired, and he called her back.

I took away Lu Yichen, and Ye Tang was starting to deal with things.

When I got off work, I have already returned to my family. I have only Li Sister, I have never seen it asked Lu Yichen.

"Why didn't you see the morning?"

"Oh, the lady is still sleeping, I have been sleeping back in the afternoon, I haven't seen you, I think the pregnant woman is more sleepy, and I haven't called her." Li Jie replied.

"This, it's too late, I went to ask her to get up to eat."

"Li Jie, I went to ask her to eat in the next time, I went to sleep." Ye Tang walked into the bedroom.

"Okay, sir, I know."

Ye Tang opened the light, he saw the people on the bed frowned, Ye Tang smiled, she walked to the bedside.

"Small lazy cat, get up, eat, finish sleeping." Ye Tang Dynasty pinched the face of the first morning.

"Well." Lu Yichen should have a sound, and did not open his eyes, and did not want to get up.

Listening to the soft voice of Lu Yichen, Ye Tang Xin is itchy, and it is very helpless to her bed Ye Tang.

"You eat you when you eat, I will eat you."

The people in the bed still don't respond, nor will they go back.

Ye Tang saw she still can't stand up, and they attached it directly. When I was about to breathe, I opened my eyes on Lu Yichen, and I pushed Ye Tang and took it up.

Jiajia Dao "Every time this trick, will you change some fresh?"

"The trick is not fresh, and it will be used." Ye Tang smiled.

After the end of the princess, I took it directly to the restaurant to sit on the stool.

Ye Tang took a piece of chopsticks and fed her.

"You don't eat?" Asked Lu Yichen.

"I am full of eating, saying that I have to kiss her."

Lu Yichen's face was red, Ye Tang saw her blush, but also said "I saw you with rice, you don't know, so I will help you eat."

In a blink of an eye, it has been in the past two days.

Shen Man was discharged from the hospital for two days. When discharged, Shenman found her attending doctor gave him a money, let him confidential, and he wants to manage the nurse of the internship, don't let her go Tangled.

It turned out that Shen Mang did not hurt, and the wound covered was also fake. When she was looking for the doctor to talk about this accident, I happened to be hit by the internship nurse who came to find a doctor. I heard it.

When I was ready to leave, I hit the flower pot of the door and was found.

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