Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 475th chapter of the three championships were disturbed by Chen Feng

Because I am afraid that the nurse talks to the mouth, I am always happy, so I have been discharged in two days. After discharged home, I called the Ye Tang. "Hey, Ye Tang?"

"What happened, is there anything?" Asked with a wonderful confusion.

"Nothing, that is, calling you. I am discharged to the hospital." Donned, Shenman still told Ye Tang for discharged.

"If you hurt, how can you be discharged in two days, then say, how do you not tell us if you are discharged?" I and Chen Feng will pick you up. "Ye Tang was not full.

Ye Tang dissatisfied is that Shenman did not tell them that she has been discharged, but I feel that she is not obedient now, I don't want to be controlled by him.

"I have been discharged from the hospital, I don't want to trouble, recently you take care of me, let me have a little stunned."

"Also, the doctor said that I have a lot, don't need to stay in the hospital, you can go home to cultivate, I will come back, I am almost at home, you don't have to worry about me, you will work with you." Shenman Yan Shu's like a wife, Ye Tang, don't worry about yourself.

"Yes, anyway, you have been discharged now, saying that there is no way, if you have anything to call me or Chen Feng."

Forget it, don't call me, I don't want to see you. Ye Tang was in silently plus a sentence.

"The line of travel, I know, if I have something, I will call you." Wen Yan, Shen Ming Hao said, and didn't know that Ye Tang's dislike.

Ye Tang, "..." You are so happy.

Shen Huan home is only two days, it will start trouble.

I called Chen Feng for one to night.

This evening, Shen Man called Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng." When this is said, the voice is a little trembling, as if she really encounters a bad thing.

"What happened?" Because the two days of Shenman always called him in the evening, he was a little helpless in his tone.

"I always heard someone knocking in this few nights, but when I got up to open the door, I found out that there were people outside the door." Shen Man hid said in the quilt.

"Nothing, don't be afraid, maybe you have heard wrong, maybe it is no one to knock on the door." Chen Feng comforted her.

"But I really heard someone knocking, now someone knocked on the door." Shen Man said with a voice whispering.

"Nothing, don't be afraid." Chen Feng continued to comfort her.

He is really going crazy. In the past few days, Shen Man is always called him. Every time she said that she feels afraid, I hope that Ye Tang and him can go to her, but he got one or two, found it. Nothing.

"But I am really afraid, since I was discharged from home, I was old, I didn't see someone. I didn't see someone. Do you say that there is that thing?" The tone is frightened, the sound is a little trembling .

"What?" Chen Feng is a little unclear what is the thing that is saying, asked.

"Just, that is, it is a ghost." Shen Man said, and contracted the body into the quilt, so he felt scared.

Have to say, Shen Muan is very pretty for them to believe in themselves.

"How is it possible, don't think about it, there is no ghost in the world." Wrinkled frown, you can be an atheist, how can Chen Feng may believe that there will be a ghost in the world.

"Then why heard the knock on the door in the middle of the night, but I didn't see the figure." Shen Muan said in his heart.

"I don't understand this, you haven't heard it wrong?" Chen Feng shook his head, there was a little unhappy, he would like to be Mangman.

"No, I am sure, I have heard the knock on the door since I was discharged from the hospital, I heard the sound of the door, I couldn't hear it, but I heard many times, I didn't see people, once. I didn't tell you twice, but now it is more and more frequent, or I will not always call you in the past few days. "Shen Man gave Chen Feng to Chen Feng.

"I know, I must be Yan Lingqiu to retaliate, I will have a message, so I will find someone to scare me. What should I do, I am afraid, I can't sleep." Shenman's premium is very frightened, it must be Yan Yan. Lingqiu should revenue her.

"This is possible." Chen Feng thought about it.

After that, Chen Feng said with her a night until there was no sound at Diain.

Ok, it is actually that Shenman's efforts hinted that he is best to bring the leaves to Tang and see yourself, you are really fear, what you need Ye Tang's comfort is good.

What can I don't know how to be careful about Chen Feng, he has to deliberately, and I will tell Ye Tang.

The last storytelling is sleepy.

After hung up the phone, Chen Feng's face was a little irony. In the past few days, they were actually the surface taking care of Shenman, and the impression of her is not much better. Ok, before they also think that Shen Man is still not bad, but it is died in Shenman's self.

In the morning, Chen Feng thought about it. Finally, I finally picked up the company to find Ye Tang.

The night, he won't let Ye Tang to find Shenman, but it is ok during the day.

Because I went too early, Ye Tang has not come to the company. He had to drink secretary from the secretary on the Ye Tang office, while waiting for Ye Tang.

After about more than a month, Ye Tang pushed the door from the door.

"Hey, in the morning, just here, what is it?" Ye Tang saw that Chen Feng was waiting in his office in the morning, he couldn't help him.

"You don't want to hit me, I didn't sleep once a night, sleepy, in order to come to you, I haven't slept, you don't know how much coffee I just drank." See the leaves Tang Jin came in, Chen Fengsong had a breath, and finally didn't need to drink coffee again.

"Is there anything happening in the company? Let you run here, wait for me?" Ye Tang took the expression on his face, and he was a face, and he asked Chen Feng.

"What can I have, not the company's things, is a matter of Shen Mun." Chen Fengt said speechless, his face has not been keen on his face.

"What can she have? Is it going to call you again?" Ye Tang face questions.

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