Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 483th chapter Ye Tang's

Lu Yichen has been very bad in the past few days, and the appetite is poor. Because his husband is derailed, and the two people are in the majestic quarrel, and Shenman has become a well-known small three, It is really embarrassing. But I think of my baby, I will be hungry for my baby, and I still have Dora, and they care about me, so good to me, I can't let them worry about me.

In the evening, Ye Tang returned home, he put down the package directly to the land of the morning, see Lu Yichen seems to have fallen asleep, so I also lying on the bed. Holding the body, gentle kissing her hair.

Gently said: "In the morning, things are not what you think, I didn't derailed, I was just ordinary colleagues with Shen Muan, I love you, I must love yourself, love our baby, okay? ? "

I haven't seen you for a long time, Ye Tang is that she has already fell asleep, and she will go to the study because he still has a lot of documents to handle it. He wants to make money to raise a child.

In fact, Ye Tang said that there was heard in the morning, because she is sleeping, but two people quarrel have not yet, so she does not respond to him.

Lu Yichen is a meditation: "Ye Tang, I will love our baby, if you are a normal colleague with Shenman, what is the photo? What is going on in your apartment? I shouldn't there? Believe with you?

Lu Yichen thought that there was no answer for a long time, so I simply slept, perhaps no answer is the answer.

The next morning, Ye Tang commanded to do breakfast, wanted to call Lu Yichen to have breakfast, but opened the door to see Lu Yichen is still sleeping, can't bear to bother her, go to work.

On the morning, I saw the table in the table. I also saw the note on the desk. "My wife, I originally want to ask you to have breakfast together, see you sleep, I really can't bear to sweep you, so You can only have breakfast yourself. "He warm in your heart.

Ye Tang just arrived in the company, he found that the door is full of reporters, and immediately call the security.

Ye Tang: "Give you two minutes, immediately drive away the reporters of the door, no matter what the way you use, but you can't hurt people."

Security: "Ye, this is very difficult! You also know, because you are well known to the people of the lady, now the reporters are to block you, they all stand here."

Ye Tang: "The company raises you not to let you say it, you can't do it, you don't have to come to work tomorrow." After that, he hangs.

The security guard is holding a mobile phone and looking at the screen. "Hey, the career of the security guard is really hard! It is not said that the boss is still hanging by the boss. If you can, I will never be a security guard."

The security guard looked at these reporters, and he was : "How is it more and more, these reporters are really idle, all day long."

The security guard suddenly shouted in one direction: "The Ye is always, you don't want to enter the company, many reporters here."

The reporters heard this sentence, ran in the direction of the security guard, and saw that the reporters were far away, and the security of the security was relieved, and Ye Tang also took this time to enter the company.

Ye Tang, who came to the office, took it down and took off the tie, and didn't forget it on his mouth: "Unknown truth, the dog is really a mad."

When the meeting, many companies have said that they must deal with this thing. Otherwise, they will damage the interests of the company, Ye Tang Yisheng, patted the table: "Let's say the last time, I don't have the track, my things I will Have a good hand, don't worry. "

If the senior, there is no dare to speak again, I look at Ye Tang out of the meeting room.

After get off work, I went home, Ye Tang, I saw that Lu Yichen was sitting and waiting for him to come back together, I thought "Is it necessary to forgive me? But I saw that she didn't have too many expressions on her face, it seems that hope is not big."

Ye Tang has been in the morning bowl, and smiled and said: "Wife, eat more, everyone is pregnant, how is it still so thin? Is there nothing to eat on time? Want to eat is not hungry Our baby, know? "

It is no longer in the morning, "I have my own hand, I want to eat what I can hold itself." Maybe Lu Yichen has been forgiven of Ye Tang, but she is not willing to put down dignity.

Ye Tang saw Lu Yichen to himself, knowing that she has not yet, let her calm and calm, so I will go to the study.

Shi Tang just sat down soon, I received a call from Shenman.

Shen Man: "The Ye, I just saw the information on the Internet, I Shen Mun now became a small three of the marriage of others. I have a full armed armed for all, otherwise others will blame me, insult me, what should I do now? do?"

Ye Tang: "Sorry, Shen Man, I am tired of you, I will give you a business, you can rest assured."

Shen Man: "Then, the leaves, the leaves you don't need to blame, after all, I also have a responsibility, in addition, Ye always take a rest, take care of yourself, so that you can overcome those reporters."

Ye Tang: "Thank you for thinking Shenman."

Shen Man is secretly happy, and said: "Ye, in fact, I feel that my wife should not listen to you and quarrel with you, a qualified wife should choose to believe in his husband, isn't it? Mrs. What makes your face? what?"

Ye Tang: "Don't say, Shenman, I will solve it in the morning, you can rest assured." Said that both people hang up.

At this time, Lu Yichen standing is even more dare to determine Ye Tang and Shen Man's relationship. Because Ye Tang said that it will give Shenman an explanation. Is that it means that two really have anything! Originally I want to give Ye Tang's cup of coffee, I also want to talk to him, but I heard this.

Lu Yichen was taken away, but Ye Tang didn't know that there was an early morning. The other side of Yan Lingqiu also saw the information on the Internet. "I didn't expect Shenman, the woman had a means, it seems that I have a small look at her."

Yan Lingqiu: "Shen Man, we see it, I have something to talk to you."

Shen Man took the call of Yan Lingqiu, he had been uneasy after the phone, because she didn't understand what Yan Lingqiu was looking for it, and she still had to talk about it, this will not be a conspiracy.

Shen Mang immediately took a mobile phone to dialed Ye Tang's number: "Ye, just Yan Lingqiu called me, say something to talk to me, but she did not say something."

Ye Tang: "Don't worry, Shen Mun, Yan Lingqiu does not dare to do what you do, I will send your bodyguard to protect you, rest assured to go to her."

In this way, Shenman saw Yan Lingqiu in the dark protection of the bodyguard sent by Ye Tang.

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