Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 484th chapter of Yan Lingqiu's conspiracy

Yan Lingqiu dressed up in the family for a long time, the clothes changed a few sets, high heels also changed a few pairs still dissatisfied, unknown people who did not know that she is a delicate, pursuing perfect woman. In fact, she can dress up for an hour, so I can see Shenman soon, but she is like deliberately delayed time, I will not go out for a long time.

Because Yan Lingqiu felt: "Shen Mun, this woman must have been waiting for himself in the coffee shop, after all, every time she is in the first arrival, nothing, let her wait for a while, frusting her sharp."

And the other side of Shenman has been sitting for a long time in the coffee shop, but still don't see Yan Lingqiu. "This Yan Ling Qiuzhen took himself as the Queen, and every time it came so slow, it must be deliberate."

At this time, a pair of women in the coffee shop that looks like a student's service.

Women's service is asking: "This guest, hello, what do you need to drink?"

Shen Men: "Cabuccino is sugar."

Women's waiters: "Okay, this guest please wait."

In a short while, the waiter will come to Cabuchenino and say: "This is you want cappuccino, please slowly." After the saying, the waiter gone.

When she had not yet went to ten steps, she was called, and the female service came back and asked: "This guest, what happened? Is it a taste?"

I saw Shen Man said: "Just saying that Cabuccino sugar is? Then explain what is going on? Do you make sure this is sugar?"

Women's waiters: "This lady, I really have added sugar, but I think Cabuccino has a good feeling, but if you like sweet, then I will change a cup."

Shen Man said loudly: "Customers are God, do you have a boss not teach you? For a cup? Do you think that I am coming to your store to swindle?"

The woman's tears have to come out, said: "Miss, sorry, I am not that, I mean is not sweet enough to change a cup of sweet."

Shen Mang saw the female waiter said that he felt that he was a difficult her, so he said: "Your store service is not thoughtful, call me, I need an explanation."

Female service life heard that he would call the manager, scared to swear in front of Shenman, and pulled her hand.

Percressed: "Miss, beg you not to call us manager, I have a good family, I have a good family, I'm reading a living fee, this is the first job I found, if the manager opened me, I will No living expenses, please ask you, don't call managers. "

Women's service is crying to Shenman hoe, which may be Shenman is still because of the Yan Lingqiu, I have never seen this.

So I said to the female waiter: "I have collapsed your tears, I am not a man, I will not pity you because you have tears, sympathize, I just ask your manager to give me an explanation, it is so simple, understand? ? "

Women's waiters have been crying, causing a lot of attention, in fact, everyone sees that Shen Man is a woman's waiter, but no one is hugging for her, after all, there is more than a matter.

The manager heard the movement, even quickly got it, and asked what had happened, and the female service student saw the manager, I was scared, I kept crying, I kept crying.

Manager reprimanded female service students, "I am apologizing to the guests. I am not telling you? Customers first, how do you don't understand?"

Shen Man pointed to the manager: "You are the manager of this store? Now the service of the service student is very no thoughtful, are you so explained? Or expel her?"

Hearing here, the manager already understood that Shen Man is interested in being difficult to wait for life, and the store is so long, so there is too much.

Manager: "This lady, sorry, this service life is new, but she is still a student, please see her older, forgive her, to ensure that there will be such a situation next time. "

After saying that the woman's waiter next to him, the female service student is also very smart, immediately said: "Sorry, there will be no next time."

But this will be on the air, then said: "Manager, forget to introduce you, my name is Shenman, which is Ye Tang's lover, I believe that I said in front of Ye Tang, you can't open this store. How long have it? Well? "

The manager scared a cold sweat. After all, this is Ye Tang's lover, can't afford it.

At this time, Yan Lingqiu came in, and I saw such a scene. I realized that Shen Man was unreasonable. I have ridicule it over and over again, and then said: "Hey, this is this? Who is provoked our Miss Xiaoxiao?"

The manager is a clear person, obviously seeing Shenman's face is not so ugly, so say: "Miss Shen Mun, I am sorry, I have a look, I don't know Taishan, I don't like this, today you are free of us."

Shen Mang saw the manager like this to shoot yourself, and I don't want to be difficult for them, so I am very generous: "Forget it, since the manager said this, I am not a small gas, but not for example."

The manager pulled a female service to thank you Shen Man and said that he didn't intend to reprimand her, and the female service student was very touched.

Yan Lingqiu knows that it is very small, but she didn't show it, but she sat down to pretend to say: "Sorry, I am late, you will wait for a long time? I'm too embarrassing, you also Know that the traffic is often available! "

Shenman pretended not to care: "I just arrived, yes, the road is too blocked, I understand, don't blame you."

Yan Lingqiu: "Don't blame me, I thought you would be because I have been waiting for too long, you are so good, very big, just one thing, if I definitely not give it."

Shen Men: "You don't want to praise me, the female service is still a student, life is not easy."

Yan Lingqiu is dark, "Sure enough, it is a splendid woman who gives a sunshine, and it is still as waiting for me like it."

In fact, Shenman gave you a long time, but she didn't want to dismantle her, let her first.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Yan Lingqiu suddenly remembered that Today, Tanoman met is an important thing, almost forgot.

Yan Lingqiu said to Shen Man: "In fact, I will talk about it today, it is not convenient to say, and this is very important."

Shen Men: "Let's talk!"

Yan Lingqiu: "I want you to find a chance to help me go to Ye Tang company to take a financial statement. Of course, I will not let you take it, I will give you a lot of money."

In the face of the temptation of the money, Shen Man agreed to this matter.

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