Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 515 Action Delay

Seeing that the nurse is too late, Yan Lingqiu can't wait, come to the door, began to obey. "I know what you are coming over, I can tell you." Looking at Lu has been talking in the morning, the man can't help but open.

"The reason why this hospital will have a doctor, because there is a special contact with these people in this city. As long as there is a relatives, they will contact them, and they will also contact them. I don't know why, this will rely on you to investigate. "

I was shocked in my heart. She thought she had no extreme, she would tell her so much thing. Unbelievable look at him.

"You don't have to look at me, my thing is to give me the mistake of the doctor's doctor, not the thing of the hospital, I still have a distinguished ability." Seeing the surprised expression of Lu Yichen, the man can't help but The opening is explained.

After explaining, I am annoyed in my heart, I don't know why I have to say so much, I will go out directly.

I know the movement of the door, I also know the purpose of Lu Yichen, Yan Lingqiu did not continue to stay here, leaving.

Soon after Yan Lingqiu, Lu Yichen also came out of the ward, she didn't know that Yan Lingqiu has known what she wants.

Because I know that I want to do it in Lu Yichen, Yan Lingqiu smiled and laughed. Contact the medical organization, with her not a lot of money bought a small head in the medical organization.

Here, Lu Yichen wanted to go to the hospital to go to the side of the medical organization.

I know that Lu Yichen's movements, my heart is happy, when she wants to call the little head, her mobile phone rang.

I saw that Yan Yam called himself, frowning, I feel that he may bring inconvenience to himself, but she does not dare to answer the phone now.

"Where are you now? I have something to find you." Seeing Yan Lingqiu picking up the phone, York can't say any emotion.

"Dad, I may not have time now, I have something to go to deal with now, I will go to you tomorrow." I thought about it, Yan Lingqiu felt still put Lu Yichen to control.

Otherwise, this time the opportunity is missing, she will have a little troubles if she wants to do it.

"What can you have, I am going to see you now, let me go home, if you don't come back, then you will not come back later." I heard Yan Lingqiu refused her request, it was She has a opinion of dilestry to threaten.

"I know, I will not go home, I will not go home. In the end, what is going to see me now." Knowing that the doller is to be angry, hurry.

"If you go home, you will come back now." No explanation, I didn't say anything else, I didn't say anything directly.

Yan Lingqiu is depressed, but she can't marry her father, take a shot of the steering wheel, watching an eye hospital, or turn around.

On this side, when I opened the bodyguard to leave the hospital, Ye Tang came over. When I saw Lu Yichen, I was going to leave. I deliberately came to her back, and I said that "you are going now." What to do?"

The cold is not secret, there is a sound behind his own, and the morning is scared, and it will be exclaimed.

"Okay, don't be shocked, you think I don't know what you want to do now." Wrinkled frown, unfortunately.

"What can I do, one person stays in the hospital boring, I just want to go out, wait, will come back, you can rest assured, I can still make yourself in danger." Lu Yichen dead duck I said hard.

"In the morning, I am not a fool, I know what you want to do, but you can not take care of your child, now you have to go out?" I heard that Lu Yichen did not admit things she wanted to do. There is no expression.

"I know what is going to do, it's okay, I am still sleepy now, I will go back to sleep." See Ye Tang, it is also unhappy, the temper is out.

Think of your own things before, I know that I have no way to blame in the morning.

"Okay, I am also for you, you will go back to the ward now, what is going to go back to the ward." Seeing the people around you, Ye Tang doesn't want to say what big here and Lu Yichen reason.

Lu Yichen also saw the people around, stunned, nodded, and immediately went back to the ward.

When Lu Yichen wants to turn around, Ye Tang took her directly.

"Okay, you hurry to put me down, we do this under the day of the day, and you will have a lot of things directly, and you will pick up yourself, Lu Yichen blush.

I heard the surrounding excitement, it is even more shame.

Ye Tang would not ignore her, go straight to the ward, seeing he does not speak, Lu Yichen also knows what he meant, directly put his face in Ye Tang's neck, do not want people to be hugged .

Back to the ward, Ye Tang carefully put the wings on the bed.

"Now we should also talk about what you want to do, you don't think I don't know how I don't know, you will be doubtful. You are very good at Korean Hospital, how can you go to the hospital? I have been investigating the medical problems of the hospital for a long time. "

"If you are not because you have three times to get rid of bodyguards, I may really find it, but I have already known, you talk about what you want to do? Do you still continue to investigate?" The fullness is not agree, but he also knows that he is not good and Lu Yichen, Lu Yichen will definitely be investigated.

Oh, Ye Tang didn't know, even if he said, it will continue to investigate.

"I am not seeing a news, I want to investigate, and then, I have known many things. I have not much distance from the truth, so I want to continue the investigation." Lu Yichen has a little He said that it is clear that the tone is obvious.

"No, I don't agree, you don't want to be angry, I am doing this for you, I don't because I am so appeared, you talk about it, you are going to leave the hospital, things is dangerous. Do you know. "Wrinkled frown, did not agree.

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