Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 516, Ye Mengmeng fainting

"But now things have been eyebrows, I can't waste it in this way halfway." Shake the head and said. "I don't care, anyway, you can't intervene, you can handle things directly to me. When I will investigate the things of the doctor clearly." He knew Lu Yichen will refuse, but he also has a reincarnation.

Isn't Lu Yichen not investigating your doctor? Yes, Ye Tang directly helped her.

"Well, things will be given to you." I also know that I can't turn over Ye Tang at all, I have to agree with him.

"Okay, you can take some things in the future, if you have anything, do you let me go, now I am a special period, I really don't try myself, if you have finished, I must have it. Will n't stop you, let you go back to work. "I know that Lu Yichen is definitely bad, Ye Tang has to speaking.

I heard Ye Tang that, my grievance disappeared, "You said, don't regret when you arrive."

"Yes, I said, I will definitely say it." I said to the brain of the morning, said.

Because things have been given to Ye Tang, there is hard to have a shortness in the morning, and after a few days in the hospital, she started boring.

I thought about it, I came to the nurse station and chat with others.

"How do you know what is going on now?" Benedrely with them, Lu Yichen asked his doubts.

As soon as I heard the situation of the doctor, there was a female nurse's mood.

"Hey ~ You don't know, then some people are really doing too much. It is not a matter of Dr. Li, but they will force Dr. Li, who is so hard, and Dr. Li is so good. A doctor, actually is so embarrassed. I really don't know what they think. "

I heard the female nurses, everyone comforted, "Nothing, it's okay, you don't worry, what is the good person of Dr. Li, how can he leave the hospital, he will return it, he will return it. "

The nurse standing people know that the female nurse and Dr. Li are the relationship of the couple. Now Dr. Li is so embarrassing, her heart is unhappy, and anger is also affordable.

"Doctor, Dr. Li, should not be the child, Li Gui doctor who took many awards, how can he resign? Is this misunderstanding?"

In the impression of Lu Yichen, she knows that this hospital has a very famous Li doctor, nor does it know that people in their mouth are him.

"Yes, it is him, you have a look, Dr. Li is still being embarrassed, how can we not be angry, but even if we are angry, we have no way. Some people are really too unreasonable. Every day, the hospital is aunt, in order to reduce the loss of the hospital, Dr. Li will resign this. "A little nurse said.

I heard Dr. Li was resigned, and there was an indignant in Lu Yichen, and the investigation of things was more clear.

"You don't worry, I believe that the Jishish people have their own days. Now this is a moment, and the society will give him a fair."

Everyone nodded, I feel that I can believe it in the morning.

Seeing everyone's emotions is not very good, Lu Yichen has ended this topic and starts with them.

Here, because of the way of Tang Lingqiu, Ye Tang Company is booming, so Ye Tang work is busy, there is no good look at her for a few days, even if you look at her every time, don't stay for a long time. Called by the phone.

Lu Yichen also knows that Ye Tang is busy because of what is busy, so she is not angry, the old man is in the hospital, is it going to find a nurse chat, inquire about some things about doctors

Because I know that I have ignored it a few days in the morning, but I still have time to accompany her, and it is also afraid that she will want to continue to investigate the doctor. I think, Ye Tang will let Ye Meng I have time to go to the hospital to see Lu Yichen.

On this day, Li Jie took Ye Mengmeng to the hospital to visit Lu Yichen, chatting with Lu Yichen, Li Jie left, leaving Ye Meng Meng to accompany her.

"Meng Meng, now the treasure is okay in the grandmother?"

"Fortunately, don't worry, don't rest, I will listen to Xiaoxu, you have to cultivate now, so you don't worry about the treasure, you have a grandma. It's not good. "Ye Mengmeng is like a little adult, and the plate is said.

"Well, I don't worry, don't you still do? Do you look at your present, a little old man, you are not afraid that you have no boyfriend in the future." Poke the Ye Mengmeng soft cute Face, there is no way to say there.

"Ok, I don't worry, I am still small, I don't want to be anxious." I didn't think about it.

Unconsciously, if the Ye Mengmeng is doubtful, do you have a mature girl? Obviously, Tang Yu said, the mature girl's charm is the biggest.

If Lu Yichen knows the idea of ​​Ye Mengmeng, she must knock the Ye Meng's small head to see what is installed.

When I arrived in the nap, Ye Meng Meng and Lu Yichen were in the room. Time passed for half an hour, Ye Mengng opened his eyes, and saw that Lu Yichen was still sleeping, and the eyes were turned, I want to go out to play.

So, Ye Mengmeng opened the quilt, and the hand was gone, and a person played in the corridor of the hospital.

Just when Ye Meng Meng played, his stomach was a pain, tightly licked his stomach, directly on the ground, the forehead emerged.

The stomachache will die, want to save, but she didn't wait for her to open, she didn't dilute the past.

Ye Mengmeng just fainted not long, a nurse who came over and saw the Ye Mengmeng who fainted in the aisle, and he worked urgently. She didn't know that Ye Meng Meng will here, and I don't know why she will halt. inverted.

I came directly to Ye Meng Meng, I came to the emergency room, hurriedly said, "You hurry to see if she is this, I just saw that she fainted, her The situation doesn't look very well. "

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