Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 521 Chapter Lu Yichen is tied

The people present in the scene heard him, and he also knew that he was definitely his own idea, and he didn't say anything. "Okay, you can do it, you can do it, you can't have you, I have your own plan. You have been working for so long, and you should be hungry, now everyone should Eat the drink. "

I heard it, I saw the food on the dinner table nodded, but I went to pull the meals in front of myself.

Lu Yichen looked at the things in front of him, only felt that the stomach rolled, disgusting, did not want to do it, but in order to do not let the people around him, she had to pick up the tableware in front of him, endure a few mouthfuls. .

A woman sitting around the Lu Yichen saw her meal slowly, frowned, wrinkled, I doubtful, I really got her, I found that I didn't see her, I didn't see her, I asked directly, "Who are you? Why do you appear here?"

Lu Yichen was shocked, I know that I am going to be discovered, I am in a hurry.

I heard a woman's exclaiming, everyone saw it, some people sitting in the head also saw the face of Lu Yichen, raising his mouth, huh, it seems that God is not thin, actually Here I saw my goals.

Sitting on the roadside side frown, I saw her in the morning, he saw her, he knew that the identity of Lu Yichen, if she is here, the consequences are unimaginable.

"I ..." When I was explained in Lu Yichen, he came out.

"She is my wife, she has always doubts someone outside, I don't believe me, this is not, in order to let her believe me, I will bring her, you don't misunderstand, we are a noisy. "

I heard the words, I also knew that the people next to him were sneaken for myself. In order to avoid the truth of what they found, they were angry and shy. "You are a dead ghost, such a thing, what are you thinking about it here, you let me Where is the face? "

I took the foot and got up, and I ran out directly.

People sitting on the head, the eyes are dark, and after the people around the people, the person left.

I saw that Lu Yichen went out, the man relieves a breath, "Sorry, let you see the joke, she is the skin, don't take her, she may run back, let's continue to eat."

Seeing the man said, they also have something impression on him. I know that he can believe that there will be no one in the morning, continue to eat the meals in front of him.

After the unachable departure, he was afraid of the victory, and he left a small restaurant and came to a café around.

Pengled, the heartbeat gradually calmed down, and then started to organize what he had just recorded.

Here, after I saw the next morning, I got a call to the person who just told myself and told her place where Lu Yichen was located.

The person came to the café where Lu Yichen, and the person who traced the one morning.

A darkness in the eyes, thinking about how to think about anyone, you can tie it on Lu Yichen.

Those who are observing that there is a little head that is bought by Yan Lingqiu. He saw the photo of the overland, so he saw that she was kidnapped when I saw Lu Yichen at a small restaurant. So he wanted to take her away from her.

I thought about it, there is an idea in my heart, smiles, I wrote a note, let the waiter handed it to Lu Yichen.

After the recording content was processed, there was a summary of the summary.

After all of this, I wanted to leave, the result was at the moment she got up, and a waiter came to her, and a note was handed over to the morning.

"This is a gentleman to give you, he said that you will know what it means."

"I know." I nodded and took the note in the hands of the waiter.

After the waiter left, opened the note in the morning, she saw the content inside.

I just helped you, I know that you are sure to investigate your doctor, I have something here, I think you are sure it is useful, if you want, you wait, come back in the lane behind the small restaurant, to I will give you something.

Seeing the note, there is no doubt in the morning. She really thought that the person who had just saved her own, so she didn't hesitate, and went to the place he said.

The little head has been with the side of the lady, and she walked over the place that she said he said, and smiled at her, slowly followed.

After being cheated in a alley, Lu Yichen was launched, she didn't see the people who saved themselves, and they were puzzled, and they also had a little uneasy. I feel that I am will definitely, I want to leave.

Just when she turned and went, I saw a little head following myself, and I didn't react it.

After the little head was in the morning, he quickly helped her. He didn't want his own hand to stick to blood, so he helped her, did not want her to fall on the ground, or the child will definitely whats the matter. However, what happened to Lu Yichen in Yan Lingqiu This is not what he worried.

After getting the land, I took out my mobile phone in the morning, and I called Yan Lingqiu.

"What you want, I have already got it now. I have to send it now." The phone turned on, the little head directly explained the reason why I called myself.

As soon as I heard the morning, Yan Lingqiu was surprised, and she had always been in the dark these days, and she won't go out of the hospital at all, why now make her hands.

About the little head, what will be in the morning, Yan Lingqiu is shocked, she is not concerned, anyway, now the morning is going to hand.

"I know, I will give you an address now. You can get there directly to you, as for your reward, you can rest assured, wait for me to see Lu Yichen, I will give you."

"I know that I will send her now." I nodded, didn't continue to say, hang up the phone, I took the morning to the villa who brought Yan Lingqiu, which was previously tied by Shenman.

I looked at the morning, gave her a good look, there is no action, turn around.

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