Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 522 and then meet Yan Lingqiu

The little head is not long after leaving, and the morning is slowly awake. As a result, she woken up and found that she was imprisoned in the basement. She saw it, she knew that she was definitely counted before. I can't regret it in my heart, but she knows that when she is not her regret now, she must take advantage of the time to kidnapped himself and flee the danger.

So thinking, Lu Yichen work hard to take out a knife on his body to cut tied the rope on him.

Since the last time she was kidnapped by Yan Lingqiu, she didn't want to fall into the passive situation when she kidnapped, so she left a knife on her body, and she was needed.

I can't think of the small knife now.

Lu Yichen also knows the crisis of the current situation, so she cut his rope on his body, and the time has passed for five or six minutes, and Lu Yichen finally cut the rope with the knife carrying it.

Peng's own wrist, quickly went to unwind the rope tied to his feet, after the rope was completely unlocked, Lu Yichen hurriedly, the result was a long time, the footsuma, I walked down. Fortunately, her eyes have grabbed the next chair.

After slow, I took my own feet, and the restoration was almost, and Lu Yichen was released to help the hand of the chair. I wanted to leave. As a result, she pushed back.

Lu Yichen returned, the person who appeared at the door was Yan Lingqiu.

"Yan Lingqiu, what will you do? What do you want to do?" After seeing the people who came in were Yan Lingqiu, the restlessness in the heart of Lu Yichen, she knows that Yan Lingqiu will not easily let go. , Grasp the knife, the restlessness in my heart reduces.

"Who will I have? I have to know that I have been targeting you." He said with a mouthful.

"Oh, this time is smart, I will cut the rope before I have appeared, but I have n'thing. I have shown it, but the opportunity to react around Lu Yichen, I will go to catch the morning.

Lu Yichen has always been carefully watching the movement of Yan Lingqiu, seeing her hands, she also quickly shot.

But because of the reasons for pregnancy in the morning, her own actions are inconvenient, it is impossible to be the opponent of Yan Lingqiu.

Obviously, Yan Lingqiu also knew that Lu Yichen's concerns, so she specially attacked the belly of Lu Yichen. When I had a baby, I went to the baby, Lu Yichen's eyes faster, and the face of Yan Lingqiu Cut it.

The face is painful, stopping the movements in your hand, touch your face, wet, look at your own hand, have blood, I also saw a morning, and I saw a trick of blood.

. What is concerned, and it is more frank.

Originally, Lu Yiling is not the opponent of Yan Lingqiu. Now Yan Lingqiu is crazy. She is even more impossible to be her opponent. When I see Yan Lingqiu, I have to play my stomach, one morning, for the child, for the child Have to abandon struggle.

"Okay, don't fight, I gave up struggle." Wrinkled frowned and said.

Yan Lingqiu was laughed, and his face was still hurt, holding a knife who just grabbed her in the hands of the morning to come to the end of the morning.

I saw the cold autumn, and Lu Yichen really regretted that she ran out. If she didn't run, things won't turn into this look.

I am anxious in my heart, she doesn't know what to do with the heart of the heart, will do what they do.

Seeing Lu Yichen's fear expression, Yan Lingqiu is a little bit, but there is still no tempering of her eyes, but she is not intended to start what to do against Lu Yichen, but she always wants to collect a little interest.

In this way, Yan Lingqiu took the lance on Lu Yichen, and the end of the morning was restored. , You will accept my next anger, yes, I heard that you have met Shen Yuan before, you talk about it, if you use her method to deal with you, you will not bear it. Now I think about it, I can't exclaiming my heart. "

Turning the pain, don't let yourself call the words of Yan Lingqiu, think of seeing Shenman's scene in the outskirt, shaking the body, biting his teeth, "mad!"

"Ha ha ha ..." Loosing the end of the morning, looked at her in cold ice, and the smile in his eyes made Lu Yichen feel creepy.

When I thought that Yan Lingqiu did what I had to do, Yan Lingqiu turned and left the basement and deeds the wound.

When Yan Lingqiu handed a good wound to teach, he received a phone call from the small head.

"Do you see people?" Picking up the eyebrows, my heart is very unhappy, so long, she actually didn't make money.

"See it, I will wait to turn money to give you." Yan Lingqiu also knew that the little head was called to himself, so she did not say nonsense.

"That's good, but this time it is not a district 100,000 to send me, I want to be a million." I knocked my desktop lion and said.

"What, I have said that we have already said that it is 100,000. How can you open a lion, but how can you go to grab." Yan Lingqiu can't go, if, before, this 100 Wan for her is nothing, but she has recently been stopped, she has no money, and she can take up 100,000.

"Oh, this time, I personally do my own hand, you have nothing, but of course, if you don't agree, I will not say anything, the top more is to send people back." Not awkward.

Yan Lingqiu knows that he is threatened, but she can't do anything.

"The line of travel, I will give you a million, but now it is not enough, I am not enough for money, I need a little time." Yan Lingqiu said.

"OK, I will give you two days, time, I must see the money, don't let, I will turn my face and don't recognize people." Xiaojia thought.

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