Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The resolution of the 573th chapter

Ye Tang has just falls asleep. As a result, he heard Lu Yichen in the language, "medicine is hard, I really don't want to drink? Don't drink, don't want to drink, you can fill it, it's hard to die, you can't drink, drink again It is necessary to vomit. "Ye Tang was still saying anything in the morning, but listening to him, he knew that Lu Yichen was in the middle of the things I didn't want to drink medicine.

Once again, I thought about her, forget it, even if I want to cure her infertility, I don't have to drink Chinese medicine, watching her, it is also uncomfortable to die, this thing I am thinking about it. Think of other ways.

So thinking, Ye Tang's heart is relieved, holding her sleeping.

The next morning, Ye Tang got up, she has not woke up, I have to take her, come to the living room, and I saw that Li Sister is going to be fried with the drug.

"Li Sister, from today, the drug in the morning should not be fried, and they will be lost all."

"What should I do if my wife's physical condition?" Li Jie did not feel relieved.

"Nothing, I am thinking about other ways."

"Well, I know, I will be lost now."

I went to see the child, they have woke up, see Ye Tang coming in, and hugging.

Did not reject them, two hands came to the living room while holding alone.

"Dad, is my mother come back last night?" Yanbao slammed the big eyes asked.

"For the right, mother, mother", Xiao Ping, also asked.

"Mom is coming last night, Dad found her, now sleep in the room, you are awkward." Too to try their ass to prevent them.

"That's good, then you can take care of your mother, I can take care of my sister." I thought about it, said.

"No, I don't have to take care." Xiao Ping shook his head, and he said.

"To the right, you don't have to take care of it, then take care of me." The treasure smiled.

"Shame." I made a ghost face.

Looking at two people, I am so laugh, put them on the couch.

"Then you are here, there is something to go to the kitchen to find aunt, Dad will go to see your mother now."

"I know I know." Saving a waving and said.

Back to the room, Lu Yichen just woke up.

"Hey, really, why is the brain is so dizzy, what happened? Not right, I drunk last night, but I am clearly with Chen Yue, when is it come back?" Take the brain I murmured.

"You still said that you didn't see you last night. Do you know that we are super worried, you actually give me a drink, drink alcohol, but you still drunk, so big people, nor I know that people are worried. "I heard that Lu Yichen said," I didn't hit one place, I directly broke it. "

"I know it is wrong." Seeing Ye Tang is angry, I don't say it first.

"Hey, don't forgive." Don't go, say it.

"I don't mean it, not because I am not in the mood." I saw Ye Tang angry, she also wronned, and he said.

"I said that you still wrote it? I didn't answer your call last night. If I call Tang Chen Chen, I still don't know you in the bar."

"I don't want to answer the phone. I walked at the result bag last night, I was stolen by a thief. If I didn't know how I came back because I didn't know how I came back." Lu Yichen whispered Say.

Lu Yichen will forget to find her last night, thinking that he is Chen Yue sent back.

I have listened to her words all over the ear.

"What do you say? Your bag is stolen! What about you? Are you okay? Do you hurt you?" Worriedly quickly viewed this.

"No, you don't worry, he didn't pay attention to the bag last night, didn't you do?"

"It's okay, it seems that I have to thank Chen Yue, if you don't meet him." Ye Tang because I knew that Lu Yichen was lost, gratitude for Chen Yue. Thank you.

"Hey, you go out first, my brain is full of dizzy, I want to sleep again." I have a yawn, and my tears will be out.

"Way, you have a good rest, I will cook some honey water now." Seeing her status is not very good, Ye Tang is also reluctant to teach her.

I nodded and retracted myself back.

After leaving the room, I went to the end of the morning. After boiling, I didn't wake up in the morning, I thought about it, now I want to solve her physical condition.

So thinking, he came to the balcony and called Li Ming.

"How can you call me?" Seeing Ye Tang actually called himself, Li Ming stopped the movements in his hand, and smashed.

"I have something to ask for you." There is no concealment, directly opening it.

"Okay, it seems that you can think of me, you said, what do you want me?" Li Ming took a touch of such Ye Tang's tone.

"OK, I will do it in the east, and I have to let you see my two cute baby daughters." I know that he is a heart, so he laughs.

"Well, you said, you said, what do you want me?" I heard Ye Tang's words, Li Mingxin pleaded.

"Yes, do you recognize a serious doctor who has a relatively high authority of infertility?" Biting his teeth and asked.

"What? Infertility! Are you not in this body?" Li Ming shocked, wrong, see Ye Tang's body, unlike people who are not.

Ye Tang regretted, he should not find him.

"Not me, what happened in the morning, you should also hear it online, she hurts her body because of premature birth, if she is only infertility, I will not be so concerned. Anyway, I already have two children. , But the doctor said, infertility will lead to her good health, I don't want this, so I have to find you. "

"Oh, in fact, as long as you check the medicine in the morning, there is nothing, but she is hard to drink, I can only think about other ways. Florence is not the doctor's comparative authority, you help me find Look, which doctor is better. "

"This, okay, I know, this thing is handed over, I promise to give you a good time, please take a meal." Li Ming's guarantee is guaranteed.

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