Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 574th chapter of the valley

"Right, I don't know her body in the morning. If you are looking for people, you will be able to take her, or I am afraid that she will not stand." Ye Tang Yu. "okay, I get it."

"That's thank you."

After hung, Ye Tang took the honey water back to the room, and she had woke up at this time.

"Then, you will drink this first." Ye Tang said.

"Don't, I don't want to drink medicine." I didn't look at my honey water and said.

Ye Tang is so laugh, I can't think of her to pick up her medicine.

"You don't want to think more, this is not a medicine, this is honey water, give you a wake up, you just didn't say brain dizziness, I will give you cook."

He embarrass, this has been turned to have taken a bowl.

"Yes, what you drink is, I am wrong, I should not always force you to drink medicine, you can rest assured, you don't have to drink medicine in the future, I have let Li Sister lost all the medicine." Ye Tang saw that she was drinking all the honey water, she seriously looked at her eyes and said.

Wen said that there is a little inseparable in the morning.

"I am telling the truth, you don't have to drink medicine in the future." I am afraid that she doesn't believe it, and I said more.

Laugh, "I know, you don't know, I have to drink it, but why you suddenly decided not to let me drink medicine." There is a little curious in my heart.

"You don't have to manage this."

"Well, yes, last night Chen Yue helped me, let's ask him to eat, express my gratitude." She is now completely awake, and will last all last night, complete memories, I know that Chen Yue helped himself, and I also know that Ye Tang took myself, and also known that he had to fell when he had to fall.

I nodded, so they called Chen Yue, indicating that they grateful for the table, and both husband and wife have to ask him to eat.

For their invitation, no refused, because he just knew an important thing.

So three people went to eat.

On the seat, Ye Tang suddenly had something to leave.

"You don't know that the school is holding a alumni gathering. Do you want to go with me, then I haven't seen others in the school, I miss them." Two people finished, Chen Yue Invited to go to the alumni gathering in the morning.

"When? If there is time, I will go, if there is no time, I will not go." I thought about it, Lu Yichen did not refuse directly.

"Just now, don't you know? This thing has been released for a few days." Little doubtful looks at her.

"Oh, I really don't pay attention, you don't know, I take care of the children this day, even if I am not at home, I don't have time to go to see the school's forum." Well, also It's not that she has no time, but she has had a drink that she has been drinking medicine is too much, so she doesn't pay attention when she tells her something to tell her.

"Then you have already known now, how? Do you want to go with me."

"The line is in the line, I will see what you helped me last night, I can't refuse, we will go well." Smile, did not refuse.

So two people got a party.

On the road.

"Right, I heard that the valley is gone, I don't know if she will happen?" Chen Yue said something.

I heard the words, Lu Yichen, this news is a little calendar.

"I, I am not clear, but how do you know?" Lu Yichen asked.

"I also thought about it. I thought you know? I can't think of it. If the president should tell you." Chen Yue deliberately explained, and he also told her that the Ye Tang knows the Valley. Tell her.

I heard the words, there was a little pale in Lu Yichen. She didn't have any doubts about Chen Yue. For Ye Tang, I didn't tell you that the valley has now returned to the country.

"Maybe he has something, so I will forget to tell me." Lu Yichen recovered his face and didn't say it.

If you see her hands holding her hands, Chen Yue really thought she didn't care.

"Forget it, we don't say this, say some fun things, such as the things in the school." Seeing your own purpose, he didn't deliberately grabbing this topic, sometimes there are some Things can just want to disclose it to a little bit.

Lu Yichen knows that after the matter of the valley, she is not very high, and the words of Chen Yue are not absent-minded.

Not long after two people saw a classmate party.

"You are coming, but why do you have two people come over?" Seeing them two people, the people around them quickly made up.

"We are coming over."

"This, okay."

"Yes, two of you are not the same, why do you come over? Also, how do you know?" A girl who dressed a flower branch asked.

"Hey, I am the staff of the World Enterprise Group, so this knows her, because we are the reasons for alumni, so talk about it, this is a friend." For their question, Chen Yue did not express What is not happy, but the real truth tells them to tell.

"It's okay." After he finished, Lu Yichen nodded.

"Well, it is right, you have been super famous, online often reports you and Ye Tang's things, how, you are now with him, is it true?" Some gossip students asked.

I heard it, I frowned Lu Yichen, but I didn't say anything.

"You should also know online, that is just some people's eyes, I am super good, you don't have to worry, this is true, and the other things are rumors." Laughing, I said happily.

"Wow, it seems that you are super happiness, I envy you this, there is such a husband, not only this, my husband has so much love, the two people have a daughter of powder carving jade." A girl envy The saying.

"Hey ..." There is nothing malicious in her mouth, I don't know what to say in Lu Yichen.

She continued to say some words that didn't hurt, they did not continue to be entangled.

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