Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 612, mobile phone is robbed

In the afternoon, after meeting, Chen Yue came to visit the famous school in Lu Yichen. Although the surface was in the face, it was actually with some care machines. Chen Yue is also striving for the memory of this school, and as a "tour guide" to explain some of the stories or history of the school.

Before walking to a concise building, Chen Yue said in Lu Yichen: "Miss Lu, there is the teaching building of the class."

Seeing that Chen Yue seems to know what the situation is very understanding, Lu Yichen is very confused, I thought he was living here, I graduated here.

"Is Chen Secretary graduated in this school?"

I can't help but ask more, I feel that it is a friend, ask this thing Chen Yue should not mind.

Seeing this morning, Chen Yue shook his head in accordance with the actual situation, this is to let Lu Yichen curious about how he is so familiar with this school.

However, Chen Yue seems to have seen her doubts and automatically explained her: "I am not very familiar with it here. It is all in the orphanage of the very good sister, she is there. This school graduated. "

In this way, I also explained this, but I have left the sister and today's good sister and today's day, she always feels the same.

Following the famous schoolfather, Lu Yichen feels that the feet must be broken, but it is not said that she has not said that she has been in the sunset.

It is just that the two have not had dinner, so Chen Yue will give two people to eat a meal: "I know there is a restaurant near this, there is especially delicious, Miss Lu, you can have fun today."

He used a humorous tone that it was really a fun, and Lu Yichen laughed with his words.

Chen Yue is still familiar with France, less than half an hour, he has stopped the car in front of the restaurant he said.

Lu Yichen stood outside to see this restaurant is really a bit. It is the right to her taste. I really feel grateful to Chen Yuedu.

"Thank you."

She looked back to Chen Yue, and Chen Yue got to the gentleman to open the door: "Don't always say thank you, Miss Lu, please come."

Subsequently, they walked into this restaurant with shoulders, and a pleasant dinner, which got up and left the restaurant.

Because the hotels in them are the same family, Chen Yue also has "Because" this reason to walk back to the hotel in the morning.

"Chen Yue, don't say, in France, you have such an acquaintance, my fear is in my heart, but I have been caught in a lot, no matter what, I want to thank you." Lu Yichen is because he takes care of her. Thank you .

Chen Yue smiled faintly, did not put it in your heart at all, even in your heart, and emotioned her innocent.

But in the end, he still shook his head and found a most appropriate reason: "This is not Ye always let me take care of you, you want to thank you, I want to thank Ye."

On Lu Yichen, I also knew that Ye Tang was helping her the biggest person. She sighed, looked up and looked at the moon that tonight, and began to think about someone in my heart.

However, she thought about less than a minute, and she felt a pain in her hand and slowly reacted that it was a thief, stealing her mobile phone.

"Ah! My mobile phone!"

The reflectance arc is still a little longer to see the thief, so quickly with an embarrassment of

Chen Yue as an assistant of Ye Tang, as long as she did her in the morning, she saw that her mobile phone was grabbed, and he hurriedly took a sentence: "Miss Lu, I will guarantee that the phone will give you back."

Finally, he chased the thief sneaked in the direction of the thief, and did not leave the whole body. He did not stay, and there was a little worried on the morning, and hurried up.

"Chen Yue, you are careful." In the end of the label, I didn't forget to remind him to pay attention to safety.

But when Chen Yue, the previous chasing, like she said, there is no reaction, and only take care of the thief.

To blame, we wear the shoes wearing in the morning, don't correspond to this scene, and ran to half, I lost my goals, and I can't find a little in the direction.

"What about Chen Yue?"

In the streets of France, she looked at the road to people, I couldn't find Chen Hyue to the road for a while, and I couldn't help but panic in the heart.

But in the end, she relied on the thief's understanding of the thief, ran the legs before ran forward, and I was afraid that Chen Yue did what she had.

"Chen Yue! Chen Yue!"

However, when chasing the last street, she found that it was a small alley again. The alleys were the most unsafe. She looked over, and she didn't see Chen Yue.

I went in in the morning of the first line of hope, I was afraid that this alley had a bad thing.

"Chen Yue, Chen Yue ~" I can't see Chen Yue in a few minutes. Lu Yichen is in a hurry, shouting his name in the alley.

Her voice is not big and unclear, caught in the alley in the end, it seems empty, let her feel a chill.

Just as she turned into the next street, I just saw Chen Yue's figure in front, but because of the careful look, I ignored it here had her existence.

Lu Yichen slowly went up and shouted him: "Chen Yue, Chen Yue?"

I don't know what to hold something, Chen Yue listened to her is taking it to him, and the thoughts of panic are hidden.

"Ah? Miss Lu, you are calling me?" He didn't understand, his hand was tight because of tension.

Seeing him is this panic performance, Lu Yichen doesn't know what he is watching, and he doesn't pay attention to his palm.

She found that he was watching his own mobile phone, nor did you know what he is watching, a little unexpected.

"Is this?" I have some questions about this. She is confused.

Seeing that I saw her mobile phone in Lu, I quickly explained that this is from the thief. As for what I peeked, there is also a statement to her.

"Miss Lu, don't I help you chase my mobile phone, I will see if this phone is broken, check it, you are coming." He said smiled, let Lu Yichen can't pick up this The problem in the words.

He smiled silly, he was in his heart, it was afraid that there was no acceptance of this statement in the morning, but she didn't care much, smiled and said "Nothing."

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