Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 613 Arrangement Soup

When Chen Yue took the mobile phone on Lu Yichen, I didn't expect to have been seen by Lu Yichen, but also Chen Yue's spirit, ready to prepare. So, I will answer directly in the morning, "I just check that your phone is broken, now there is nothing else, you can use it."

However, in Lu Yichen seems to be so simple, and even asked Chen Yue: "You just look at what content inside my mobile phone is so obsessed."

Chen Yue scratched his head and said: "There is nothing to return to the phone again, say your phone is good."

In the morning, Chen Yichen did not continue to ask, continue to look at the mobile phone after putting it in his trouser pocket.

In the face of this embarrassing scene.

Chen Yue has changed this cold spot in the wit, "I am so good! Your mobile phone I have helped you chase it. There is still what is worried."

Lu Yichen said: "Well".

Chen Yue returned: "Why didn't I find this attitude before? Thank you not to say". "

Chen Yue fake borrowed an official actually looking for an excuse to get rid of landing in the morning and go to the company.

Hearts in my heart: "It's hard to pay attention to you." To the Lu Yichen: "I still have some official to talk about yourself! No time to accompany you."

Then I threw a member card of French flower season, I gave Chen Yichen, "I see you I am very bored to give you a card you go to the spring."

After saying two people, I have separated each of the dorsual things. I have said that Chen Yue, I have called my own special train to the leading office of French IDE International Trading Company, the reception person sees heavyweight When the characters come, they will continue to meet.

The manager said: "Chen Yue is coming to prepare for you."

The receptionist is quickly answered; "Yes, we will go down soon."

Just at this time, Chen Yue said: "Don't have a long time, it's too wasteful."

So again: "This time is very important to us, you can't know that if you let the above executives know that you are so negative to treat this thing, we can't eat it."

The manager of the drifting is busy, saying: "Yes, what you said, the next payment is it."

When Chen Yue came to the negotiation of the IDE, I saw this scene when I saw this scene when I was coming to the conference room. I saw such a chaotic.

Said: "What are you doing? If the other people see how you see us, you will not give it to me."

The staff said: "Good and good".

After a while, I came to the table for the table to carry out this negotiation in the competition between the two sides. The head of Chen Yue said that the opponent was quickly conquered and successfully succeeded.

On the occasion of the success of this side, the sky is not too good, because the weather is not too good, there is no way to make a hot spring in this France, but stroll around this France.

Chen Yue talked about this side of the public to find Lu Yichen, did not have to come to the place where the hot springs, and did not find that there was a year in the morning.

Chen Yue said to the waiter; "I have seen him to get hot spring today."

The waiter said: "I don't have anyone you say to the spring, I have to give you a mistake in the eyes of Chen Yue."

At this time, Chen Yue's heart suddenly didn't know what to say, I thought: "You have a small waiter, you dare to follow me, I have found Lu Yichen."

So I turned and left this hot spring, I went to the street in France, I would like to think about it. This big city, where do I go to this living person, think about it.

Hey, Chen Yue is looking for him, and it is true that the scenery of Youyu is, this scenery on the French street, the scenery along the road to see the brothers in the morning, sometimes beautiful women can see it. I am happy.

Lu Yichen walks in the streets of France, watching countless landscapes, all kinds of rare weird toys, at this place, it is a very vivid French galleries.

When he carefully appreciates every pair of paintings, a heart is full of love, you want to buy every other painting, you will be in your home.

Just on the end of the Lu Yichen, a woman who came to a good time broke his mood. Said: "Who is so boring to give me an appreciation of paintings."

Lu Yichen turned back, watching it was a child who was drizzled with a brush, so his heart was calm.

Said the child; "You also like to draw you and know how to appreciate."

This child holding a brush answers: "Yes, I also like to draw paintings and painted, my sister, or I want to draw a good picture."

Lu Yichen is happy: "Okay, you have to give your sister, you have to look at it." Reply: "Good sister, you have so beautiful, I will do my best to paint the sister like a fairy."

Lu Yichen is pleased: "Look at your old mouth so sweet".

This little family will pick up the paint brush for less than a few minutes, according to the appearance of Lu Yichen, I will see the painting in Lu Yichen.

The child's doodle said: "My sister, you see that I am so bad, do you see it is not as you?"

Reply: "Well, it's good."

At this time, Chen Yue was looking for the opening of the morning, and the valley met with the valley. It was so clever on the eye. The valley can be a look like a good appearance.

Valley will ask: "Chen Yue, you are rushing to do what is going to find Sad, do you want us to find me together?"

Chen Yue copened: "I don't have to be troubled with myself."

At this time, I don't know what the Valley's heart is playing. If everyone knows that her inner evil is not a little, I want to set out some things in Chen Yue.

Valley said: "If you have anything, I am still good, but my heart is kind."

Chen Yuexin silently went: "You are really a heart, don't know what is a conspiracy."

So, I copened: "Well, the good Valley is so enthusiastic, let's find it." Tao: "What are Chen Yue, what are you looking for," replied: "When you, you will know that I will know with me."

Just when they were talking about, I saw Chen Yue and Valley, I ran and greeted. Said: "You are also awkward". " The valley at this time is full of questions.

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