Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 617th chapter Lu Yichen's innocent

After Chen Yue left, I don't know where I went. On Lu Yichen, because of the exhaustion of allergies, it took a long time. I don't know how long it took, Lu Yichen was slightly woken up. "How long have I slept? I am now!" She speaks for himself, pick up the phone to see time. But I found that it is already the afternoon of the next day, but because of the allergies of food, I don't feel more hungry now. It didn't take long before the bed in the morning, and the door tones sounded. Through the cat, I saw the door outside the door, and I didn't know what expression. How will she come? Lu Yi Chen wanted to think about it, but for courtship or gave her a door.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yichen asked, she knows that the valley is human. "I listened to Chen Yue said that your food is allergic. I will see you." Said, Valley was slightly, and the expression was exposed.

"Oh ··· Thank you." Lu Yichen smiled slightly, thinking that this Chen Yue is really a big mouth, what is going on. "Come in." Lu Yichen slightly, let the valley come in. The two faces face to face, nor talking, and there is a bit embarrassing. Valley is the first to talk to this quiet.

"Is your body better? Is there any uncomfortable place? Have something, must call a doctor, don't break the body." Valley's attitude is very sincere, a sentence is concerned about it is from the heart. .

"Amount - I have a lot after waking up, it should be fine." Lu Yichen listened to the valley, the heart was shocked. According to reason, people who love their love have children, and she shouldn't care about myself now.

"I think I have been too silly, I shouldn't be because I love Ye Tang, I will be a bad woman everywhere, I am a bad woman!" Valley suddenly pulled Lu Yichen's hand and said that this is more Surprised. "I know that I have done a lot of wrong things, but I still pray that more people are not small, forgive me. I don't ask for a good friend, ordinary friends can, or - grate each other when you meet Yes. "

The Valley said that the voice is sick, and it is necessary to cry, very pitiful. Although it is said that Lu Yichen is still a little bit, but looks at the valley to put himself in such a humble gesture, he is not in the steps.

"You don't have this, we can be friends." After a martial arts thought, decided to abandon your doubts and smiled and responded to the valley's request. Valley can tell this time must really want to change since the new, can you turn the enemy is not a good thing for friends? Lu Yichen is beautiful in my heart.

"Thank you! Lu Yichen, you are a good girl, Ye Tang can be together with you." Valley listened to the answer to Lu Yichen, an excitement took her tightly, and said this. Lu Yichen listened to it and laughed.

Later, the two were sitting together chatting, and they didn't talk about it. It's really like a good sister. After a few hours, the valley was really tired, bid farewell to the end of the room back to your own room. On Lu Yichen also thought about everything happened after this afternoon. It's really a good thing, I can't stop it ~

When I was laughing in the morning, the phone rang. "Hey, which position?" When answering the phone, Lu Yichen or smile. On the other hand of the phone, Ye Tang listened to her, think about it, you can have such a good mood. Thinking that there is a bit of vinegar, but it is also very pleased. It seems that she is still not bad there.

"What do you say? What makes you so happy?" Listening to the lax of the morning, Ye Tang Xin seems to be dissatisfied, and it is naturally straight.

"Nothing," Lu Yichen still told him about it with the valley. He told him that he would wait until she went back to give him a big surprise, so that Ye Tang was surprised to say can't say. "Ye Tang, I miss you, I miss you very much." Lu Yichen hugged the phone.

"I also want you very much, is it habits? Chen Yue, did he have a good taking care of you?" Ye Tang listened to his wife's spoiled, his heart was crisp.

"He, take care of us, feeling that he is very hard." Lu Yichen heard Ye Tang said when he said Chen Yue, think of it before he saw those, but think of these is not a foregoing, still do not Tell Ye Tang, after all, Ye Tang is really busy now.

"That's good," I heard that Lu Yichen said that Ye Tang was relieved. Then I opened the topic in the morning, and Ye Tang chatted with Ye Tang chat, and the two people smiled at one end of the phone, just like two people sitting on face, looking at the children.

"The Ye, there is a file from this side, you need to sign." Suddenly, Ye Tang said with a voice, Lu Yichen guessed that Ye Tang is going to start busy, I am very intimate: "Go busy, I have time to talk again." "Okay." Said, Ye Tang hangs a phone and started a few hours of busy.

Unconsciously, the night is coming, Chen Yue does not know where to return to the hotel, then go to the Lu Yichen. "Is your body better?" Chen Yueping asked. "It's okay, thank you." Lu Yichen said grateful. For her, in addition to food allergies in the past two days - all the things happiest - and the valleys, and Ye Tang, Chen Yue cares about himself.

"You haven't eaten anything for a long time, I went out to call the waiter to send something." Said that Chen Yue closed the door out, after all, the president secretary and the president of the president were not very suitable.

"Okay." Now Lu Yichen doesn't know how to thank Chen Yue, thinking that he has been suspecting him, I feel very embarrassed.

When I went out, Chen Yue saw a familiar waiter not far away, I walked into him and said, "Go to the guests to give dinner, and this money you are holding, it is you should." Chen Yue side pointed to the waiter in the room in the land, and took out the money into the pocket of the waiter.

"Okay, Mr.." This waiter answered hard, and later I thought that I didn't have a lot of money. I didn't have a good guilty. I've been straight to my dinner. Chen Yue looked at the waiter's figure, nod with appreciation, there is a shadow that you can in order to benefit!

From this point of view, the drug that will be allergic to the Lu Yichen is this Chen Yue. As for why it gives the staff money, it is definitely Chen Yue to hide the eyes, specially found the hand under this waiter.

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