In France, everyone is busy every day, and often chatting together, there is a walk for a walk when there is nothing wrong with the Valley, and the relationship is good. And the country, Ye Tang is busy with the company, and the total of the head is burned every day. Original Ye Tang's company has already returned to normal, negotiating a lot of good project preparation signs. But now all the projects are rejected in various forms in various forms, and Ye Tang is now very irritated. Not only Ye Tang is annoyed, the company is very annoyed, after all, the interests of the company are the interests of everyone.

But good at present, there is no core employee, because the company has troubles and resigns, this is where Ye Tang in the mud is very comforted, and is one of his motivation.

Of course, promoting Ye Tang efforts do not give up the biggest motivation to spend this difficulties or is landing in the morning and children. At the beginning, it was no longer insomnia that the original insomnia was not sleeping in Lu Yichen; now, it is now that the child and Lu Yichen have made him feel no regret. Ye Tang's most don't want to see it is that Lu Yichen and the child follow themselves, so they must work hard to give them a good life.

Under such an idea, Ye Tang worked in late night, sleep time continued to three hours from six hours, and even sometimes sleepy, he closed his eyes on the sofa, and continued to handle it. jobs. Now the company's funds have been broken, and the funds are not applied, and they can only give employees to their employees.

However, Ye Tang's fatigue, the employees are also seen in the eyes, no one is afraid that the company has closed down, and many people will voluntarily postpone the salary. Days have passed every day, Ye Tang is slim, and every day is working in a dark circle. Ye Tang's mother looked in his eyes in his eyes, and he can't help him with all the work left last night. But what can I do if my old man is doing?

Ye mother thought that she was called to give her back to Ye Tang. However, Ye Tang has reminded her to say that the recent thing in the Lu Yichen will not be relieved in France. How can Ye mother understand Ye Tang's suffering, but Ye Tang has been so tired, it is not a way, the body is so late to get rid of it.

On this day, Yefeng came to find Ye Tang with nutritious rice. When I was in the door, the Ye mother did not knock on the door, so seeing Ye Tang is looking at him with the photo of the morning, his fingers are gently touched. Ye mother knows that his son must have a wife. Separate for so long, it is so tired every day, and the thoughts are inevitable, so the Ye mother has an idea.

"Mom, how come you?" Ye Tang noticed the mother standing at the door, and quickly put down the photo to take the meal before. "Is this not given to you?" Ye mother holding Ye Tang sitting on the sofa, said distressed.

"The company canteen has a meal, how can you get trouble your big old and far away." Ye Tang put his mother's increasingly white, and said softly. "The total home is more nutritious, hurry." Ye mother smiled, handed the chopsticks to Ye Tong, and urge him to eat hot.

After the Ye Tang took the chopsticks, it was really hungry. "Slowly eat, don't worry." Ye mother looked at Ye Tang, my heart was very distressed. The elderly people have a feelings, and they will have tears, and the idea in my heart is even more determined.

After a while, Ye Tang has finished eating the food, and the praise is good. Ye Tang took the mother and sat on the chair to start a afternoon.

After the Ye mother returned home, pick up the phone and called a person. "Hey, Mom." The phone is kindly asked.

"Work in the morning, can you return to the country as soon as possible?" Ye mother smartly asked, not to say what is afraid of Lu Yichen, just a respect between mother-in-law.

"What happened, is Ye Tang Company encountered difficult?" Lu Yichen was nervously grabbed mobile phone and asked anxiously. She knows that this is coming to France, it is not just a vacation, so it seems that Ye Tang is afraid that he is too concerned to let himself come France. Thinking, Lu Yichen wets in a time, this Ye Tang is so stupid ... ·····

"You don't worry, I just see Ye Tang every day. Ye Tang does not let me tell you, but I think I still decide to tell you, you can come back to help him." Ye mother said his own true I hope that I will understand that I can understand it on Lu.

"I know the mother, I will sit back!" Lu Yichen comforted the Ye mother, Ye mother is also very pleased to understand her own pain.

France, Lu Yichen hanging on the phone, did not collapse straight tears, but started to pack your clothes with the best and fast speed, and did not forget to call Chen Yue to book the fastest return ticket.

"What's wrong? What? What is it?" Chen Yue asked in the phone. "Nothing, you and Valley continue to do your work here, I will go back first." Lu Yichen did not answer positive, just said that he had to go back.

"Is it a company?" Chen Yue listened to the voice of the call, and he knew that things were not simple and started to set back in the morning. "Yes." Lu Yichen didn't think too much, simply replied, then the flip box was ready to go to the airport, but he saw the same packing baggage in the hotel on the first floor.

"You ·····?" Lu Yichen looked at them and said that he couldn't speak. This Chen Yue is really a big mouth, but now the valley has been friends with himself, and there is nothing, she thinks like this.

"Let's go back together." Chen Yue always is a bitter look.

"Yeah, we are all worried." Valley held the hand of Lu Yichen, smiled and said, it seems that she didn't bring her back to make a new sentence, "more people more."

Lu Yichen listened to the valley, I felt some truth. After all, they were the staff of Ye Tang Company. She can help, the Valley as a director, Chen Yue as a secretary will be more helpful. "Well, we hurry." Lu Yaotou agreed to them, and his heart was very warm. She felt that no matter how before, but in this emergency moment, they are all sincere, this is not easy.

So, three people went to the airport together. However, arrived at the airport, Chen Yue found the fastest flight ticket for sale, this can go to the Lu Yichen, there is no way. At the crucial moment, Chen Yue successfully bought three tickets from the passengers in the hands of the passengers, which made Lu Yichen more convinced that Chen Yue is a good person.

In this way, the three hurriedly got a plane, and the fire rushed back to the country.

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