Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 6th Fifty-two chapters have been reprimanded

On Lu Yichen is like a gyro every day, it is rotated at all, and there is no idle time. When I was busy with this morning, I was waiting for her. After waiting for the end, after the end of the work, the two little babies in the home were still waiting for them to take care of them. "What happened in the morning?" Colleague Xiaomi said, "Ah! I haven't." Lu Yichen said, "You still say that you are not very, you see you a day to night." Xiaomi looked at the pale face of Lu Yichen, "And before your face still has flesh, now there are only bones." I haven't waited for the first morning to answer, I was called to meet.

"Our finance department said that it is not small, and it is not small. After all, the whole company's money is to take us." Lu Yichen is listening carefully, this is the first meeting of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, so Lu Yichen still pays more attention. Lu Yichen played the spirit of the gods to listen to the supervisor of the supervisor, and there is a little mentality in Lu Yichen.

Although I didn't know what I could help Ye Tang, I would like to work hard. At this time, Lu Yichen's phone suddenly thought. Everyone in the entire meeting is watching her, and there is no secret in the morning, I drop! Forgot to mute. Looking at the supervisor in the morning, I looked at Lu Yichen at the defendant. Lu Yichen quickly hanged the phone, I didn't expect.

The phone was played again, "Lu Yichen? Mobile phone mute, this is a rule!" Lu Yichen said with a strong and talking on Lu Yichen, and looked at the lips in Lu, watching the mobile phone, a few calls, Lu Yichen Will there be anything in a hurry! Is it what the baby appeared again?

There is no way to say hard, I have to say hard my scalp and supervisor: "I can go to the supervisor, can I go out? I may have a little thing in my home." Lu Yichen said the traces, but everyone thinks, "There is something in the family?" Inside? Isn't that the president? The supervisor was originally a bit unhappy because the phone in Lu Yichen was interrupted, and now it is very touched.

"Okay, you go out, we continue." After the supervisor, he started to continue the meeting. When he went out, he said "Thank you." Just hurried out, Lu Yather's call, the phone Head, the mother of the leaves is almost scared to Lu Yichen, "I am in the morning! How do you only answer the phone now?"

The Ye mother on the mobile phone said "In the morning, the child booked it. I didn't want to call you. I didn't think that this high fever has not been refunded. The two children still cry and call your name." Hearing here, Lu Yichen I feel that my heartbeat is stopped. How can this, how does the baby suddenly catch a cold? Lu Yichen is not credible.

"Hey, I haven't heard it in the morning." Because Lu Yichen did not answer, Ye mother thought that Lu Yichen did not hear it again, "Mom, I know, I will go back soon." Lu Yichen now leaves the leader For your own attitude, the child is sick, the child is your own life, because you have a child, you will be a lifetime.

Lu Yichen flew down the floor, and Lu Yichen saw the next layer of elevator for three minutes, Lu Yichen didn't want to wait for three minutes. She is anxious to look at the elevator next to it is also full, and there is no way to see the stairs, the stairs, the ladie in Lu, I didn't want to run directly, even if it is 64th floor, Lu Yichen also returned.

In the conference room, he looked at the watch. "Why didn't you come back in the morning? This phone is half an hour?" The supervisor said a bit unhappy. He didn't send it. "Talk! People are dead! "The supervisor saw that there is no one person to speaking," the main supervisor, just some people saw the lady, not going away in the morning ... "finally had a voice.

The supervisor heard the hot three feet, "Good! It is also improper, it is the company's staff! There is no work attitude!" Receive! "The supervisor is straight. On the end of Lu Yichen, I just stopped the car. I saw a colleague to call myself, I also played more than a dozen, and I called a "doodle" after Lu Yichen.

"Where have you been! Hurry back and come back." Lu Yichen has not speech, there is a big stall, "I have heard it! I have never seen the supervisor." I don't know what to do in Lu Yichen. I have to go back, I have to say: "Sorry, I have something to go back." The people there will be busy: "What do you have to go back in the morning! The supervisor has a great gas. Even will not open. "

"Thank you for calling me this, but I really have a very important thing." Lu Yichen hangs up, and began to urge the driver master, "Master, can you quickly, my child is sick. Lu Yichen is anxious, "Okay, Miss." The driver master is also a good person, and the end of the seat is lying on the seat on the land, pale. The whole person is not strong, and the morning feels that she is so tired.

"Miss is here." The driver master reminded Lu Yichen, "Oh, ok, thank you!" Lu Yichen quickly got off his baby, Lu Yichen, take care of his child is an afternoon, wait until Lu Yichen is idle. It is already evening. Ok, Lu Yichen is thinking only to explain tomorrow and supervisor.

The next day, Lu Yichen, I was just arrived in the office. The supervisor stared at Lu Yichen. Lu Yichen opened, "Director me ..." Lu Yichen has not yet been finished, I have been interrupted by the supervisor. "Lu Yichen, I know that you are a president, the company is your home." The director is serious.

"No, I ..." Lu Yichen wants to explain, the supervisor continues: "But what I want to say is that this is the finance department, if you do any secretary, I will just get rid of it. But the Ministry of Finance It is very important! "The director said that he did not know what he should say. "Miss Lu, Miss Lu, do you know that your work attitude is very problematic, you need to know yourself to meet your work attitude so good to stay in the Finance Department."

Lu Yichen felt that his entire person was very bad after coming out of the office, it was very uncomfortable. Mrs. Ye was taken by the financial department of the Ministry of Finance, and the people who have been opened to the company have been opened. The big and small, and even Ye Tang also knows. Everyone thought that when the financial department was in charge, Ye Tang did not do it.

In fact, that is Ye Tang, I don't want to do it. It is clear that the little woman seducts themselves with the beauty meter, so that she should not blame the supervisor. Just guess the guess, Ye Tangzheng satisfied with Lu Yichen in his arms.

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