In the morning, Ye Tang was handled in the office. There were many things happened in the office. The whole person happened, and his whole person was tired. Ye Tang put down the sign pen in his hand, his headrest on the swivel chair, doubled slightly closed, pressed Press the temple. ? " .........." One burst of knocks sounded, Ye Tang looked up, said indifferent: "Come in." Chen Feng went into the office, locked the door, the face is also a bit serious, Ye Tang looked at Chen Feng, this series of movements, picking the eyebrows and not talking. I guess it is estimated that it is found to make him cheer. ?

Sure enough, Chen Feng did finish these, the first sentence to Ye Tang said is: "President, I went to check the life experience of Chen Yue, but I found that he is very obvious. After making a modification, there are many connections before and after, it is too suspicious. "After finishing the information, I handed a post to Ye Tang. ?

Ye Tang's lowbling looked through the quarter of the information, the more I thought I felt ubble, this Chen Yue, before he had a deep impact, because he is very good to Lu Yichen, and Lu Yichen has also played him in Ye Tang. . ?

Ye Tang put down the information in his hand, slightly closed eyes, this time Chen Yue did not have a heart, before the banquet, the Olive branch thrown by the old group company, there is some strange, and then I have been looking for a chance to get close to Lu Yichen, Ye Tang thought here, the corner of his mouth slowly told an icy smile. ?

Ye Tang looked up at Chen Feng, and the tone was a bit thin: "Don't hit the snake, I will deal with this matter." Chen Feng nodded to understand, he is preparing to leave, Ye Tang hit him again, hit him Say: "Don't tell you in the morning." Chen Feng stunned, then nodded, ?

After Chen Feng left the office, Ye Tang was sighing, although his company is experiencing the crisis, it is when using people, but a company's survival is strong in addition to the leadership of the leader, Chen Yue's ability is excellent, he will not raise the tiger. ?

Ye Tang stood in front of the floor, overlooking the traffic on the ground and pedestrians. After a while, he walked back to the desk, pick up the phone, giving Chen Feng a phone call: "Arrange Chen Yue to the Town Branch business trip, let him not come back in the short term."? "Yes, president I will do it. "Chen Feng hangs, this is also his expectation, if the roughly retreats Chen Yue, I am afraid that many people will be unclear, so they have worked. ?

When Chen Yue learned that when he was arranged to go to the Town, the whole person was all, the heart did not dare to confuse, the company's employees may feel that the business is a US, but the T-branch is fundamentally all of the stakeholders No, don't say the environment is hard, the branch there is also very few high-level management! What is Ye Tang thinking? He ... isn't it what is found? ?

Chen Yue is now just wants to go to the top floor, what is the meaning of Ye Tang, now the company is using people, if nothing happens, Ye Tang will not take him away! What exactly is going on? ?

More than Chen Yuexue is anxious, there is also a valley, and she heard that Chen Yue is to be transferred to T city, the first reaction of the whole person is that Ye Tang is absolutely discovered, and the identity of Chen Yue is absolutely found. What about her? Is Chen Yue talking about her identity? Valley is slightly, but it is difficult to sit. ?

Valley is so thoughtful, the more I want to be more fear, she is afraid that she is doing things to be found by Ye Tang, afraid of Ye Tang because these things hate her! But what is her wrong? No! She just let him get Ye Tang! Ye Tang was originally not landed! ?

Valley is so thinking, the more I want to be, the more I don't want to be, so I immediately sat up from the bed. I quickly dress up. I got on the building and went to Ye Tang. It is also necessary to immediately follow the relationship, but you can't let Chen Yue suffer from her! ?

Valley is so worried about Ye Tang's company. Since the front desk knows the valley, there is not much blocking, let the valley leave, the valley is unimpeded to the top floor. Just "Chen Feng has just reported the Ye Tang, just got out of the office, saw the dead frown of the eyebrows. ?

Chen Feng saw the valley, it was not surprised. Seeing the president's guess is correct, Chen Feng lightly ridicule, then go forward, welcome the grain, moderately ask: "Miss Valley, please ask you When you come here, is there any president? "?" Yes, I am looking for Ye Tang. Do you want to help me talk to Ye Tang? Please "said that" the Valley Tie said well. She is really anxious, it is really afraid that Chen Yue took her back. ?

"Of course, you can." Chen Feng smiled, even like a gentleman, and then walked into the Ye Tang office. ?

"President, don't have you expected, Miss Valley came to you." Chen Feng said to the man sitting on the turning chair. "Well, let her come in, I am still looking forward to how the valley is going to work with Chen Yue." Ye Tang said coldly. He had already guess Chen Yue has a relationship, so there is no news that Chen Yue sent to T city, that is to see who is Chen Yue's association, I didn't expect fish so soon. ?

"Ye Tang ..." After the Valley came in, he saw the face of the man sitting at the end of the desk. He only thought that he didn't know how to open it. "Is there any urgent matter? What?" Ye Tang didn't look at her, just said that it was cold and faint. ?

"I ... I heard Chen Yue to the Town business trip, did she make a mistake? Why do you suddenly arrange her to travel? The company is going to use people." Valley said slightly. "What happened with people?" Ye Tang looked at the valley, only the coolness of the eyes. ?

"Ye Tang, no matter what, you have to believe me ..." "Hey ~" You must say anything, but by the mobile phone SMS tips, she glanced at the mobile phone, which is Chen Yue. Valley, I saw this text message, I only felt that the whole person was about to be out. It turned out that Chen Yue did not tell Ye Tang her identity, so Ye Tang didn't know her identity! Good hanging ... Good insurance, the valley will put your heart back in your belly. ?

In this way, I put down the heart of the heart and looked up, I used to look at her Ye Tang, Valley, and quickly want to excuse, she was so anxious to loyal to Ye Tang watch. It is already enough to suspect it. In this way, the valley is quiet down, she reveals a soft smile and say: "Ye Tang, you have to believe me, after all, I still have to marry you."?

Ye Tang frowned, I only felt that the valley just sure to see Chen Yue's news, so suddenly calming, he is cold, and said to the valley: "Please leave, you don't welcome you here."? I heard him saying this, I was so angry at my heart. She was too popular today. I shouldn't rush it in a hurry. I have said more mistakes. She still hurry, so, the whole portrait is the same, and hurriedly left Ye Tang's company.

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