Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 678th chapter Ye Tang knows the source of funds

Because Chen Yue's labeling, Ye Tang discovered the source of Lu Yichen, and doubtful, and did not know why the company will have more than two billion funds without reason. "Xiao Li, you can check the source of this fund." Put your computer to the face of Xiao Li, pointing at the standard place.

Looking at the computer, I also know that the company has two hundred million funds, and the funds have been put into the project in the morning.

"I know, I will do it now." I nodded.

I heard the words and waved him to go out.

So Xiao Li left.

It is indeed more than two hundred million, the look is unknown, I don't know what he is thinking.

"President, capital find it, this is the valley hit us in Florence, and it is still a secret, but the source of fund is too big to investigate." At night, Xiao Li hurriedly came in, Ye Tang, who is dealing with affairs, said.

I heard it, I was stunned. The original fund is the valley to play myself, but why do she help me? And still in secret help, what is her attempt? Also, clearly know this in the morning, why do you want me? Whose money can be, but the valley can't, don't she know?

I have to die in my heart.

"I know, you don't want to say this."

"I know."

"You get off work, now there is nothing to handle." Looking at the time, it was not far from the time.

"Okay, you have also hurry back." I nodded and said.

Ye Tang returned home and saw that Lu Yichen was busy in the kitchen. He looked at her. He had already wanted to be clear on the road to come back. The reason why the morning will move the valley is also good, but even if you know, he knows It is still a bit dissatisfied with the lack of the molten money on the Lu Yichen.

"You come back, you should go handle, rice, etc.," a turn, the result is that Ye Tang is watching himself, smiling and said.

"I know, I will go now." Wen Yan received his eyes and smiled.

I didn't continue to talk to him again, and continue to move the action.

Helpless sigh, did not continue to be angry, I have been working for a day, I will give my own food for myself. How can he have any dissatisfaction with her.

Because of the development of movie and television, we are busy continuous film and television companies a day, but the other people have no enthusiasm for cooperation with the world, if they don't have to open the group, they will choose With them, there are many people in the crisis circle that the World Group is now suffering, so many companies have to protect themselves, refuse to cooperate with the World Enterprise Group.

In this way, Lu Yichen often eats closed door, but she didn't give up, less than the last moment, she was not so easy to give up.

One day, Lu Yichen went to the film and television company and the other party to talk about the contract, an interview with the contract, but she still had a closed door.

At the front desk of the company, even the company's president has not seen it, not only this, she can't go up, there is a little embarrassment.

Just when she would want to see the person in charge of the other party, she saw her.

Wipe your eyes and think that you have a mistake, but no, is it in front of you who have never been forgotten? Why will she be here?

With doubts, I greeted it.

"What are you doing here in the morning? I remember that your work is not included in the field?"

"Ah, Yunxi, I am coming over to cooperate, recently the company intends to develop into film and television, so it will come."

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. What are you busy with this time?" The people who saw it were Gu Yunxi, and he smoked, but because her current situation is a little embarrassing, she may not Do not transfer the topic.

Obviously look at the unnatural but didn't ask, since she didn't want to tell himself, then he didn't know anything.

"You are not known to know, I am a big star to fly away, I can do what I can do. I have seen the TV drama you played before, I can't think of it, you still have the talent. , How? Do you want to come over with my brother? "I lured the head in the morning and attracted it.

"Forget it, I originally misunderstood missed, the entertainment circle was not suitable for me." Wen Yanlian was refused.

"Okay, I also give you an opinion, we haven't seen it for so long, I don't know if you are willing to enjoy the face and I have to eat?"

"Well, but my assistant now goes to the bathroom, I have to wait for her." For the invitation of Gu Yunxi, there is no refusal.

Lu Yichen just finished, Joran came over, see Gu Yunxi, there is a little excitement and a little confusion, but she is smart and did not ask.

Seeing Joran, I nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's wait together to eat together, you will go with us." After the end of Joran, I turned over and saw Gu Yunxi. "I believe you will not refuse more about one big woman."

"The line is row, things you have said." Gu Yunxi said yet.

So, three people went to eat together.

"How is your recent work? Xin is not hard?" Give the dishes of a chopsticks in Lu Yichen and care.

"Still not that, you don't worry." Will Gu Yunxi give yourself a brain to his mouth, and said.

"Which, I have known the last morning, I know that I am busy working all day, I have no time to rest, she is so busy, but I have never seen the president to care about her, I have heard that they have seen it in the aisle. I will not fight even my greetings. "When I heard Lu Yichen, Joran fails to refute.

When I heard Joran, I wanted to stop her in the morning, but she is now full of Dangdang in his mouth, there is no way to open.

It is not easy to swallow the things in the mouth, explain it, "You don't listen to her, I and Ye Tang is good."

After finishing, I got an eye and blamed her more mouth.

"I didn't say it again?" I saw myself, my grievous.

After listening to her, I heard her on the table, gave her a look.

Speaking of the eyes of Lu Yichen, know what she means, so I said that I have something to have, first leaving.

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