Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The 679th chapter two people confront

After Joran left, he scared his brain. "You don't misunderstand, I have no problem with Ye Tang, it is only because of the company's things, we still have a meal last night, he ..." "Do you explain so much? There are a few words called explanation is to cover up, and it is true, so ..." There is no wait for the first morning, wipes the corner of the mouth, looks at Lu Yichen, interrupted her.

"Really, you don't think much, I recently in Ye Tang Company, helping him to handle some things, just, you should also see it in the company, I am talking about cooperation."

"Because I took the reason, the company plans to develop into film and television. Now things are responsible, so they will be so busy, if they don't work, I will not be tired, but you also know, I am not the one. Leisure the sex. "Seeing that Hu Yunxi did not believe in himself, I couldn't help but explain a few words.

"Okay, I didn't believe what you mean, I am joking, it's okay, this topic is skipped first, and after anything, I will eat it first." Seeing Lu Yichen is fast Sweating, pretending that it is not awkward.

I heard that Lu Yichen was relieved to eat.

Gu Yunxi saw she blindly, he was more suspicious to be unfortunately blessed in the morning, and he did not believe in Lu Yichen, now, he didn't believe it, but he did not expressed.

Because the two people have not seen the reason, it is unhappy, so two people still went to the bar after having finished eating.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Ye Tang sat on the dinner table, watching time, "It's so late, why didn't you come back in the morning? Is there anything happened?"

I don't worry in my heart, so I called Lu Yichen, but there is a little noisy in the bar, I have not heard the phone.

Seeing Lu Yichen, I don't answer the phone. I know that she is with Qiaoran, so I will call her.

"President? What happened?" I saw the president called myself, and I asked in confused.

"Yes, do you know where is it now? So later she hasn't come back, I have a little unassay." Cough, worried, worried.

"One morning sister, I am let go of her day, I will let her go with her. She should now be with Gu Yun Xi Xing." Know the reason why Ye Tang called himself, quickly explained.

Wen, a frown, how can two people meet?

"What is going on?"

"Oh, I saw the customer when I saw the customer today, so I went to eat together, I have time to leave."

"I know, thank you." After finishing, I watched the phone, I looked at the meals in front of me, and there was no appetite.

Just sitting like this, the time ticking came to 11 points, but there was still no return on Lu Yichen.

I saw time, impatient, just picked up the car key to go out, and the doorbell rang.

I hurried to open the door, and I saw Gu Yunxi to stand at the door at the door.

Landing Lu Yichang, looking at Gu Yunxi.

"I only sent her back so late, what did you want to do?"

"What can I do? Oh, I won't hurt her, I know that her heart is only you, but, what about you? You can't be good to her, then you will be the best. Let me let go. "I don't pay attention to Ye Tang's anger, and smex.

"What do you mean? Is it what do you say in the morning?" Wen Yan, look at Gu Yunxi, trying to see something from his eyes, but did not see anything.

I pulled the Ye Tang's collar, "said angrily," What can she say to me? Oh, you don't know her, Ye Tang, I advise you, you will be better to her later, otherwise I don't know if I can let go, you should know that I don't mind that she is married, and I don't mind having two people, as long as she agrees, I can take her anytime, anywhere. So you are the most Good to wait for her. "

After finishing, let's let go, I also took the shoulder of the leaf Tang. After all, I didn't continue to say anything, and I looked at Lu Yichen, which left.

Wrinkled frowned and looked at Gu Yunxi.

Just when Ye Tang came out, Lu Yichen broke out from her arms and swayed to the living room.

On the morning, I drank a lot of wine in the bar. I had a little heavy because of the things of cooperation, so I was too much.

Seeing Lu Yichen, I have to put Gu Yunxi on one side, first take care of Lu Yichen.

"Come come, drink water first, I will give you a soup to give you a soup." Help it on the morning to the sofa, poured a glass of water to her.

God is a little unclear, there is no receipt, and the head is on the sofa.

Seeing Lu Yichen, helpless, holding a blanket to cover her.

Looking at the Lu Yichen, I thought of Gu Yunxi said that he said with him, because it was in Lu Yichen to spite water, otherwise Gu Yunxi will not talk to himself.

"In the morning, I am sorry, you have worked hard, or because of the company's things, you will not be so tired, you can also do your favorite reporters, you are clear, now the reporter, but for me, You gave up, you can rest assured, wait until this time you have passed, you can do anything. "

After that, I got the end of the morning, I got up to give her a wake up.

After drinking a wake up in Lu Yichen, this took her back to the room.

After helping her take off the shoes and jackets, I am going to take her clothes. I found that I haven't taken her pajamas, which got up to look for clothes.

Take the pajamas on the Lu Yichen, take off her clothes, and gently wipe her body, the body has reacted.

He never wroned himself, so he wanted to be intimate with Lu Yichen, but he just turned over to the morning, he heard she was very tired, she only wanted to sleep, let him not make trouble .

I heard the words, sighed, didn't continue my move, get up, and the old man gangs the clothes to change the clothes, go to the bathroom to rush a cold shower.

After coming out, I went to bed in the morning to sleep.

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