Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter VIII Chapter Chen Yue Ming's own heart

After Chen Yue left home, wash the plate in the morning, there was a little boring, thinking that he lived in Chen Yue's home, then he couldn't live in a white, in order to express his gratitude, so I wanted to give Chen Yue in Lu Yichen. How to think, Lu Yichen said to do it, but once opened the refrigerator, Lu Yichen was shocked, because there was nothing, no, no, there were only some beer and some mineral water.

Lu Yichen helpless, I don't know what life, I think about it, I am a bit of orphans, there is a little bit, I decided to live in Chen Yue's home.

So thinking, Lu Yichen took the wallet to leave Chen Yuejia.

When Chen Yue came back, as a result, he saw that there was a cooking in Lu, there were some incitement. He never thought that there were people who were busy at home when he came home. In a moment, Lu Yichen made him find home feeling. .

When I looked up, I saw Chen Yue looked at myself, my eyes were full, Lu Yichen, didn't break, smile, "You come back, you will wait, rice is good."

"No need, wait, I will help you get some hands." Shake and shook his head.

"No, I can, you will take it first."

Without listening to the morning, I walked directly into the kitchen.

Seeing Chen Yue came in, helpless, "Hey, how did you come in, don't say it, let you take a break."

"I want to help." Looking at the eyes of Lu Yichen, I said it was.

I heard it, I also knew that Chen Yue couldn't go out, I had to say, "I will go out, you will go out, and there is, put the rice, I can find this dish."

He said that this is full of satisfying two discs.

On the dinner table, Chen Yue eaten the rice dinner, there were some hearts, he felt that he should be to fall on her body. It was also gave him the most eager feeling in Lu Yichen. How can he not move? Now you don't have your heart, long time, will also fall.

After dinner, Lu Yichen was returned to the room, Chen Yue wants to work, so I am busy in the living room, thirst, so I went to the refrigerator, and I saw it inside the refrigerator. At a time, he didn't know what to do, this day, Lu Yichen gave him a lot of trouble, so that he had to think about it, Lu Yichen, is really a retaliation. Object?

For Chen Yue's ideas, Lu Yichen didn't know, if she knew, will certainly regret that he stayed at his home.

Chen Yue who can't think of the answer, there is no mood to work, go back to your room to look at the ceiling.

One day, there is still no news in Lu Yichen, Ye Tang is very worried, but he checked all the hotels, there was no news in the morning, he really panicked.

Lu Yichen did not have a good break because she had been busy, so she stayed in the next day of Chen Yue family, she watched the TV series because she didn't have anything, she was in the living room.

When Chen Yue went home, he saw that Lu Yichen took a break in the living room, thinking she is waiting for her get off work, and there is soft in the dinner table, he can now really know that he likes the morning, helpless I know this is not a good thing, but for Chen Yue, he will not give up easily.

Looking at the morning, I didn't wake her, and I looked at her. I knew that I like Lu Yichen, he all felt cute, I want to be in the morning of Lu Yichen. At the time, Lu Yichen mutched two sentences, helpless, gave up his own behavior, and the old man left the room.

The next day, Ye Tang called Chen Yue.

"Do you know where the move in the morning? It's been two days, but there is no news, I heard that you are chasing it first, so I want to find you asking." Looking at Chen Yue, .

Because I was worried about Lu Yichen, Ye Tang now has a little embarrassment, but does not affect his handsome, but seeing such Ye Tang, Chen Yue's heart is still satisfied.

Otherwise I will tell him now that Lu Yichen is in my home. If Ye Tang will be angry, two people will quarrel, then their feelings will have cracks.

However, this idea will soon give up, because he thought about it, his heart was actually uncomfortable.

Forget it, if Ye Tang knows Lu Yichen in my home, then he will take her away, but I am not willing, if she leaves, then I can see her, there will be less, I don't go home. People wait for themselves, no one will fill the refrigerator in the house, and no one will give yourself, so I still leave her.

So thinking, the uncomfortable moment in the heart will disappear, so this time he intends to follow the idea from his own heart.

"Sorry, I don't know where Mrs. I chased her, and I thought that she didn't have anything else, and she didn't see people."

Ye Tang didn't know that the curved bend in Chen Yue was thinking that he really didn't know the land of Lu Yichen.

"I know, if there is any news, you tell me." Heart is a little tired and said in pain.

"I know, yes, have you tried to find her friend, I think she should go find a friend." I thought about it, in order to believe in my own words, I said.

However, I really didn't think I would like to find Tang Chenchen and Dora.

"I know, you go out first."

In the evening, Chen Yue took off, see Lu Yichen dumplings in the kitchen, looking at the busy figure in the kitchen, he thought about time from this moment, such, as if he can have Lu Yichen.

"You are back." Seeing Chen Yue looked at himself and said hello.

"Well, I am back." Chen Yue hooks the mouth and said happily.

At this moment, he felt that he was a old couple in the morning, such a life has always been what he wants.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to help?"

"Oh, come over, just help me with the face and good, I am a little tired." I heard Chen Yue wants to help, and Lu Yichen did not escort.

Wen said, Chen Yue took the sleeve and started to help.

"Why do you have a dumplings?" Asked Chen Yue asked.

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