Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

The seventh chapter of the chapter

"Isn't it going to have a New Year now? So I am going to prepare in advance, I see yourself, I will not pack dumplings, I do it yourself." Wipe the sweat on his face and smiled. Wen said that Chen Yue is more happy, see Lu Yichen sweating, and there is flour in his hand, can't help her sweat, there are some depressed in my heart, but I will take a break in Lu Yichen.

Helpless, I have to clean my hand and wipe the sweat in the morning.

Chen Yue's movement made a little uncomfortable in the morning, she feels that Chen Yue has something different from himself.

Seeing the eyes of Lu Yichen, I had to stop the action in my hand.

"I am seeing you tired, so I'm going to do it, now sweating, hurry up the dumplings."

I heard Chen Yue said that there was no more thought that she had heard Chen Yue before he had seen himself as his sister, so he was definitely a brother.

The two people continue to move in their hands, and the surrounding atmosphere is warm, and they see the busy face in the lady in the heart.

Wait, wait until you get Ye Tang's company, you can tied her to your side. When you get, you can live with her life.

I really don't know why he thinks if she will make Ye Tang's impact, will it give up Ye Tang in Lu? Don't she get together with him with the families? The most important thing is that he really fell the world of enterprises group?

Oh, sometimes you are a good thing, but it is still not too responsibious.

Because Lu Yichen is not at home, the child is Ye Tang is taken care of. Didn't see Lu Yichen in one or two, two children miss her very much.

"Dad, mother going? Why don't she go home? I have to sleep with my mother." Ye Wei pulled the clothes and Tang's clothes and said.

Ye Na is also tightly hugging Ye Tang, poorly saying, "Mom, Mom, Mom."

I heard the child's quarrel to mother, Ye Tang Xin is also bitter, but he doesn't know where there is Lu Yichen.

"Heavens and Xiaoping, mother now have something to be busy, so don't be at home, after a while, my mother is coming back." Hug two children in his arms and comfortable.

"I don't want, I am mother, mother, mother, mother is not us." Ye Ye shook his head, said that.

I heard my sister then said that Ye Na was not able to stand, wow, "Mom, Mom, Mom, I want my mother, Dad, I want my mother, mother, ..."

If you see your child cry, if Ye Tang is hurt, if you hurry, quickly rub your child's tears.

"Mom will come back, hey ~" I took my child's head and said bitterly.

Originally, I saw Ye Na's crying, and he was crying.

Ye Tang is in a hurry, quickly comforting, but I haven't seen my mother's child in two or three days. How can they be so embarrassed, they cry, Ye Tang can only whisper.

It's hard to sleep. But three in the middle of the night, they got up, one night, they cried because of their thoughts in the morning, and far in the Lu Yichen in Chen Yue's hidden feelings, sleeping very uncomfortable.

After a day, Li Sister's old man had some things, so I have to resign, between the time, Ye Tang did not find the right babysitter, taking care of the children at home, but the company's things must be solved, helpless No, continue to land in the morning, but on Lu Yichen has turned off her hand.

Ye Tang took care of the child, immediately called Chen Feng to find a suitable babysitter.

I really examined it, I feel that Xinyi is very suitable, so I should hire her, because I have found a new babysitter so the list of Ye Tang should be a lot. But now he has not too much heart to find land, he has to deal with the company's things.

Lu Yichen stayed in the morning for a few days, leaving home for so long, she is very worried about the child's situation, if the child can't see her, she will definitely think about her, and she also misses the baby, so, Lu Yichen decided to see the child.

On this day, Chen Yue left home, so I went to my home in the morning, but I came back in the half road.

If you want to see Ye Tang, I don't know how to face him, I don't know how to deal with the relationship between them, she doesn't want to cause the company to be closed because of her own relationship, but she also I don't want Ye Tang and Valley to be together, she caught entangled.

She can know the importance of the company to Ye Tang, but this does not mean that she will and forgive Ye Tang practice, for the company to sell their own practices.

So Lu Yichen had to give up the idea of ​​seeing the child, and bear to bear Chen Yue's home.

"I heard that you go out today? What do you do? Is it a heart?" On the dinner table, Chen Yue asked curiously.

I heard the words, I didn't want to tell Chen Yue today. She wants to find a child today. "Well, there is some boring at home, so I will go out."

"It is also, every day, I will definitely be bored at home, you can go out, right, I didn't work on the weekend, when I took you to the sea." Wen Yan, I nodded. "

"When I arrived, yes, how is your work today? Not, what is wrong, do you know how the company is responsible for the company?" I thought about it, or asked my own question.

"I thought you were concerned about me, the result is not." Wen Yan, so how can you look at Lu Yichen, there are some am sissy.

"No, I don't mean this, I just ..." Lu Yichen hurriedly explained, but I feel that my explanation has some pale weakness.

"Forget it, I know that you are a little weak, and Joran will work well, you can rest assured, and I have just joked." Seeing Lu Yichen is anxious, not planning It is difficult for her.

"That's good, I thought what I would encounter, since there is nothing, then I don't need to go back to the company." Wen said, loosened, said.

Seeing Lu Yichen, there is not a taste, Chen Yue knows that Lu Yichen is worried about the company's things, but he doesn't like two lands in the morning, because he wants to stay here with yourself and yourself in a lifetime.

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