Spoil Me On The Sheet, Mr. CEO!

Chapter VIII Chapter is another sad

I stayed in Chen Yue for a few days. Chen Yue and Lu Yichen were like a friend, through a few days, Lu Yichen disappeared with Chen Yue, and because Chen Yue knew that she was the heart of the lady, it is also very Ok, but he knows how to ensure that Lu Yichen can guarantee that there is no ink of yourself in the morning, so two people often play jokes, not only Chen Yue is deeper than Lu Yichen, Lu Yue also regards Chen Yue as a good friend Ye Tang Zu Lu Yue Yue Going home, don't go to the company, I can't find someone, I have to die, I feel that there is something that I don't know, even if she is really angry, but I have to give yourself an opportunity to explain myself. It is said that he is sentenced to death, and he is not allowed to be angry with Lu Yichen.

Looking at the sleeping child, Ye Tang knows, I really can't let go of Lu Yichen, so I have called Lu Yichen. In fact, Ye Tang is just holding the attitude of trying to call. After all, Lu Yichen has already taken a long time. He said.

The familiar voice sounded in the ear, and Lu Yichen was so fascinated, and I didn't know who called himself, and she took the phone.

"Hey, is there anything?"

The confused sound rang in his ear, and there was no reaction between Ye Tang, he did not expect that Lu Yichen actually received a call.

"Where are you now?" Going back the Ye Tang of God, looking at the night of dark paint, and the eyes asked far away.

I heard the voice of Ye Tang, and I woke up in Lu Yichen. I looked at the mobile phone. I found that it is really Ye Tang, and I have some complicated my heart.

"I am outside." Lu Yichen is calm, but her heart does not want her to be so calm, I saw her tightly, and the fingertip had a little white.

"When did you come back?" See Lu Yichen, Ye Tang had to ask.

"I don't know, I need to be quiet, and I don't think I still have a reason now." I heard Ye Tang's question, Lu Yichen said in astain.

I heard the sound of Lu Yichen is wrong, "I quickly explained." What is your words, how can you have a reason to go home, I know that you are now with the valley, but I believe in me, I have not done you. Things. "

I heard the explanation of Ye Tang, I didn't know that I was crying or saying that Ye Tang was so confident. "Oh, do you think I will believe in you now? I have heard it, you and Valley Micro deal, as long as she spends this crisis, you will divorce me, with her, no wonder, I will say, why she will play two billions to the company for no reason, originally In this way, I am so stupid, I always choose to believe you, if I haven't hit, do you intend to hit me, do you think I am very fun? Do you take what, play things? "

"No, I have never had to cooperate with the valley. I don't know that the two billions are what she hit by her. When I learned, you have used it, and I haven't thought about deceive you. Really, I ... "

Didn't listen to Leng Tang, I have interrupted him directly, "Ye Tang, you are enough, do you deceive me? I tell you that if you have anything, I will not be able to do it now. Believe in you, but you think about it, from us to now, you hide, deceive me less? Valley is your ex-girlfriend, you don't tell me, you deceive me when you have a micro-hairstyle. Abroad talking about cooperation, the result is to see her, and, she is back, I don't even say, even put her into the company, and now, now, huh, you said, I can believe you! I just Say three most typical examples, other? Do you need me to say one by one. "

After Lu Yatai said, Ye Tang didn't know what he should say, he knows that all this is your own problem, or because he, there will be this now.

See Ye Tang didn't talk, Lu Yichen didn't know why my heart was blocked, and her arrogant wanted to break out, but I didn't know how to explode, I died in my heart, let her have a little out of control.

"Why, you have nothing to say? Oh, you don't know what people are, nor don't know what she has done to me. Do you really believe that I don't care, I used to be. I was harmed by her, I really felt that I won't hate her, I am not a Virgin, since you have nothing to say, then you don't contact me, when you talk to her Directly send me a divorce agreement. "

I heard what Lu Yichen said that my heart was immersed, he thought that there was nothing to say that there was an end in the morning, it was not, she didn't care, but she didn't want to be difficult.

"You don't want to be angry, I know that I am sorry for you, I ignore your feelings, but I really didn't think about divorce you, you believe me, there is still children between our two people, even if you really I have to give birth to me, you have to worry about children, of course, I don't look at the child's share, I really like you, I can't drive you, so, can you not say divorce? "

I heard the child, and Lu Yichen felt that he had some biased.

I didn't talk about the child in Lu Yichen. Ye Tang quickly continued to use the iron. "The child always wrapped in you, I know that you will definitely want the child, you will go home, I am sorry for you. I will compensate. "

"I miss them, but I don't want to go home, I want to calm down, so don't contact me in the near future." Closed closed eyes, swayed, said.

After that, no matter what Ye Tang will say, hung up.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Ye Tang helplessly, he knew, this time, he really hurt the heart of Lu Yichen, sighing a sigh, and I don't know how he will save it in the morning.

The lady in the morning of the phone is not good, how can she don't want to go home to see a child, but she is really scarred, she doesn't know how to face Ye Tang, she is actually thinking We must believe in Ye Tang, but she has to be afraid, she is afraid that Ye Tang is really a small transaction.

Lu Yichen is depressed, she is now can't sleep, get up and leave the room, come to the kitchen, take a few cans of beer in the refrigerator.

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