Holding a beer to your own room, she is now going to suffocate, just like she said, for the previous things, she really did not speak very much for forgiveness, a little bit of a dead, plus Yan Lingqiu What did you do, add Ye Tang's attitude, which makes she are really unhappy, for the valley, she has nothing to say, after all, her nature, she doesn't have a way, Yan Lingqiu, she doesn't know what to say. Because she already has their own price, but Ye Tang, she really don't know how to treat him. For him, Lu Yichen can't say nothing, it is impossible to give up, but how can she be good for him, how can she be so good? Is there a person who does not support each other? Sometimes, the so-called for the other party is good, it is really speechless. If you really like, really love, why is it afraid, true, say, conceal, you can't believe, not love, Not trust enough, it is just a reason to make your own heart.

However, they didn't know when they were.

The mood is depressed, so a can of a can in the morning, Chen Yue woke up, heard the sound of Lu Yichen because of drunken wine tanks, I don't know what Lu Yichen is doing, I am in a hurry, knocking the door, and It is now drunk in the morning, kneeling in the bed.

What will be afraid that there will be on Lu Yichen, and quickly take the spare key to open the door. Open the door. As a result, I saw the bedside seventeen beer cans, and the eyes flashed a smell. He could know why, why is Lu Yichen, not because of the leaves Tang.

Chen Yue did not hesitate, hurry to put it on the bed in bed, one night, Lu Yichen sleeping is not very stable, so Chen Yue has been taken care of by her.

Looking at the eyebrows in the morning, Chen Yue is not a taste. He knows that he is now a poison of the morning.

I saw that Lu Yichen once again stretched his own thigh, helpless sighing, silently covering her legs, Chen Yue likes Lu Yichen, but he is still not in her body now, and she is also Without any wretched ideas, An An scores take care of her one night.

The next day, Lu Yichen woke up, knowing that Chen Yue took care of himself, there were some embarrassed things, but she trust Chen Yue.

It may be because he heard Ye Tang said that his child missed his own words, plus she could have wanted to see the child, so she didn't know if she missed her children. She didn't know that her child would not be angry because of his own. I won't resent myself, I don't know if they don't understand themselves, the more I want her, and I want to see the child.

In the evening, the child's small face has been in her dreams, and Lu Yichen really can't help but she wants to see the child.

In the early morning, I came to my home near the whole morning. After I saw Ye Tang out, she was relieved, she wanted to see the child, but she didn't want to see Ye Tang is also true.

After you know that Ye Tang is really left, Lu Yichen hurry to go home, take the key to open the door, come in, and see that there is a stranger in his home, frowned, there are some unhappy.

Xin Yan looked at the lady of the door to enter the house, she didn't know that Lu Yichen is a hostess at home.

Xinyi looked at Lu Yichen, curiously asked, "Who are you? Why is it here?"

I heard Xinyi asked, didn't return directly, but asked, "Who are you? Li Jie? Where is Li Jie now?"

I heard that Lu Yichen didn't return to myself, but I asked, there was a little unhappy, frowning frowned, "I am a babysitter that has just been working, you can call me Xinyi, I also report my name now. Go, you can tell me what is your name? "

People know that people in front of them are new, my heart is uncomfortable. The new nanny? It is very good to do at the home. Why is it resigned? Is it because I said before the two days? Don't he think that I will come over to grab the children?

So thinking, Lu Yichen saw that the face of Xinyi is even more bad.

"Hey, I ask you? Why don't you answer? Do you have anything?" Seeing that there was a chance to see his face, so that I had more opinions to her.

"Who is it to know, I am here today, I'm looking at the child. I am not coming to ask for a question. What are the children?" Where is it now? "Lu Yak said coldly.

I didn't have a report in Lu Yichen, I said that I had to see the child, Xin Yi's vigilance sounded, and the Xinyi, who was a big job, was more impatient, holding the mop directly between himself and Lu Yichen, impatient The saying, "Who, a child is going to see the child, I don't know if you are? Is it a human ladler, how can I let you see, I tell you, what you know, don't you Don't give me a welcome. "

Lu Yushen is anxious, smashed, knowing that he is impossible today. In fact, it is not that she can't see the child. She just said that she said that she is a hostess, but she is now with Ye Tang, how can she report a name, so her eyes go straight? Xinyi half a minute, smashed, and he hurriedly left.

Xinyi, a mist, but, she is now more confirmed to come over.

On Lu Yichen left, Ye Hel came down with Ye Na.

"Xin Yan, I just seem to have heard my mother's voice, isn't my mother coming back?" Ye Hao looks forward to seeing Xinyi asked.

"No, it is a strange blame woman, asking her who she is, how do we want my mother?" When I heard the child, Xinyi helpless, she took care of her child in these days, I know that my child's mother hasn't come back for several days.

I heard the words, Ye Yu was saddened, and Ye Na was also tightly grabbed his own sister's hand, and his face was also miserable. She has not seen her mother for several days. Every time I heard Ye Tang said that my mother will come back, she is looking forward to it, but it is also afraid, afraid that her mother does not want himself and their own sister and Dad.

I saw the two children pulling the head knew that they didn't see the ladies who had seen themselves. He was helpless, and he was afraid that the two ancestors will cry, so they quickly comfort them.

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