[“Replace you? “】

[When Rick Ghost heard this, he was immediately furious:]

“Your words… It’s racial discrimination against artificial intelligence! “】

[“Less nonsense! “】

[Rick the wasp, who returned home from another universe, pointed at Rick’s ghost and drank:]

“If you don’t betray, tell me quickly!”] “】

“Why, Morty didn’t resurrect me? “】

[“Hey, hey, hey…”]

[Looking at Rick the wasp’s angry appearance, Rick’s ghost suddenly showed a weird smile:]

“You’re going to love… I’m telling this story. “】

[After a while.] An exclamation came from Rick’s garage. 】

“What? That little devil is crazy??? “】

[At this moment, “Huang Feng Rick” was really full of anger and doubt. ] 】

[According to his original plan, as long as he dies, “Ghost Rick” should guide Morty, extract the DNA of the corpse, and then revive him.] 】

[But who would have thought… Morty was so seduced by the Death Crystal that she gave up resurrecting him! 】

[“Huangfeng Rick” roared, and then set his eyes on the cloning device in the garage. 】

[First, he must replace himself with a human body. 】

[After a while…]

[In the wilderness, the dark magic book evolved by Morty is growing stronger and stronger. ] 】

[The black tentacles sticking out of the branches began to spread in all directions! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Suddenly only heard a loud noise, Rick from the wasp universe… Knocked the Demon Tree open a big hole and rushed inside! 】

[Rick the Wasp, the real Rick, has regained his human body! ] 】

[Behind the two of them, there was also the projected “Ghost Rick”. ] 】

[In order to defeat Morty, who turned into a demon tree, the three Ricks have joined forces! ] 】

[“Fuck off! “】

[Seeing that three Ricks were coming to hinder his perfect way of dying, Morty, who had become inhuman, let out a maniacal roar! ] 】


[Looking at Morty, who was completely strange in front of him, Rick from the wasp universe sneered:]

“I can’t imagine that our little Morty would actually smile wickedly.”] “】

[“Aaaa “】

[Morty is completely enchanted, frantically operating the black technology weapon in his hand, wanting to kill Rick! ] 】

[“Boom! 】

[The delirious Morty was completely shot indiscriminately, and his laser did not hit Rick, but punched a big hole in the dark demon tree where he lived! ] 】

[“Good opportunity! “】

[Rick the wasp was extremely agile, not only dodging the attack, but also rushing directly to his body, pulling Morty out of the hole and flying all the way to the sky! ] 】

[“Boy, it’s all this crystal that confuses you! “】

[The “real Rick” sitting on Rick the wasp, calmly took out a driver from his arms and put the death crystal embedded in Morty’s forehead… Pry it off! 】

“Wow! “】

[Losing the crystal, Morty seemed to have been drained of strength and completely paralyzed. 】

[“Bang! “】

[With a casual shot, the dark tentacles wrapped around Morty were broken, and Rick pulled his grandson onto the back of the Wasp. 】

[Although he has got rid of the control of the crystal, Morty at this time is still blind and his expression is dull, as if he has lost his soul:]

“Oh my God, I can’t see how I died! What should I do? “】

“Little fool, calm down. “】

[In the face of this “great filial grandson” who could not save himself from death, Rick did not have anger on his face, but reached out and touched Morty’s forehead and comforted him in a low voice. ] 】

“You won’t know how you died, it’s all over. “】

[“Hula la…”]

[After losing Morty as a host, the huge dark demon tree also began to disintegrate and collapse, and finally turned into a small pile of black liquid. 】

[Good death or not death, the projected “Ghost Rick” suddenly became curious and not only walked up… I even stepped on the liquid! 】

“Wow! What’s going on? “】

[I saw that the strange pile of black liquid, as if it had gained life again, actually followed the foot and wrapped around the body of “Ghost Rick”! ] 】

[“Wait a minute, I actually have a physical entity! “】

[After getting the black liquid, the body of the ghost Rick… Unexpectedly, he turned from fiction to reality and became a living person! 】

[Moreover, his body began to expand wildly, turning into a giant with a height of hundreds of meters! ] 】

[“Hahaha! I am a god now, see you dare to look down on me!” “】

[After obtaining the body, the ghost Rick seems to have gone crazy! ] 】

[I saw that he was wrapped with black tentacles all over his body, and he actually launched an attack on Huang Fengrui and the others. ] 】

[Looking at the crazy look of “Giant Rick”, Morty also seems to feel scared:]

“Wait, I thought you were happy to make a projection!”] “】

[“Hmph! That’s just because, I have no other choice! “】

[Giant Rick laughed maniacally and waved his big hand violently! ] 】

[It turns out that he has indeed awakened his self-awareness! ] It’s just that there is no entity, so there is no way to resist the real Rick. 】

[And now…”Giant Rick” is about to complete his revenge! ] Beyond its creator! 】

[“Snap! “】

[“Giant Rick” slapped Rick and Morty… Fanned off the back of “Rick the Wasp”. 】

[But he didn’t expect that this move was self-defeating! ] 】

[“Maniac! Go ahead! “】

[Without the two big living people on his back, “Rick the Wasp” is more agile! ] 】

[I saw him fly in front of the huge Rick and use the poison needle on his tail to pierce deep into his eyes. ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Giant Rick fell to the sky! ] But this is just the beginning. 】

[Rick the wasp just now actually laid an egg in his eyeballs! ] 】

[Moreover, this egg… Soon hatched into bugs! He also transformed into a real wasp in his head! 】

[“Bang! “】

[With a loud bang, the huge Rick’s head was burst by countless wasps! ] 】

[In the face of the real Rick, this projection that has just obtained the flesh body will hit the street in an instant! ] 】

After all this dust settled, Morty honestly went back to school again. 】

[But at recess, he overheard something startling. 】

[It turns out that Jessica, the goddess in Morty’s mind, has always wanted to be a “hospice”! ] That is, responsible for comforting those dying old people and letting them go to another world with peace of mind! 】

“Those who have no family, no friends, without my help, they will end up dying alone.” “】

[Jessica said to her friend with a look of excitement:]

[“Think about it, say ‘I love you’ to these poor people who are dying alone, to comfort their hearts! “】

“What a noble profession. “】

[Hearing Jessica’s inner monologue, Morty, who was hiding on the side, was completely stupid. ] 】

【”I’ll go! You he… (⊙_⊙)”】

See here. The chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Haha, that’s so interesting! (*^▽^*)

Wanda Maximov: This Morty imp, it took so much effort… I just want to toss myself into a lonely old man!

Loki Odinson: If he just wanted to hear that girl and say I love you, that wouldn’t be a failure.

Loki Oddinson: At the very least, his wish will come true.

Morty: Ahh ∑( ̄△ ̄*|||

Looking at the bizarre images on the screen, Morty’s whole person was stupid, and he couldn’t even say anything for a while.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: This child… There is indeed a lack of heart. However, Rick is also really good to him.

Starlight: Yes, first he was killed by Morty, and then he couldn’t save it!

Starlight: But after the resurrection, Rick wasn’t angry at all! Can’t believe it!

Lori Jinx: If it were me, I would definitely slaughter that stinky imp! Convex (艹皿艹)

Tian Xiaoban: I always feel that Rick and Morty’s family don’t seem to be normal.

Tian Xiaoban: I’m not trying to attack anyone, it’s just…

Stephen Strange: Sanchez ancestry.

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? (O_O)

Stephen Strange: In previous images, Rick once said… As long as it is his descendants, there are crazy and brutal factors in the bloodline!

Stephen Strange: Perhaps, his words are true.

Bruce Wayne: Madness and brutality, plus black technology! This is really bad.

Clark Kent: Bruce, calm down!

Clark Kent: At the very least, Rick and Morty, a relative, can tie him up so he doesn’t do anything too outrageous.

Bruce Wayne: Well, Morty’s existence may be equivalent to a chain that can lock the beast of Rick.

King Ida: Chains? Beast, is that how you see other people?

Torrecchia: Haha, I have to say, this statement is quite graphic! ^_^

Bruce Wayne: Being too powerful sometimes requires some kind of “limit.”

Bruce Wayne: Otherwise, he’s going to do something he regrets.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, so what’s your limit?

Bruce Wayne: Someone other than me, like Clark…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[This day. When Rick was eating with the Smith family, he suddenly touched his stomach, stood up and walked out. 】

[Seeing this, Sangmei suddenly laughed:]

[“Haha, he patted his stomach like this, he must be going to the tuba! “】

“And Grandpa is very shy and doesn’t want anyone to know!”] “】

In a sense, she wasn’t wrong. 】

[However, even if I want to break his head, Sammei can’t guess it… Where will Rick go to the bathroom! 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Rick piloted the spaceship to a beautiful planet. 】

[Under the golden sunset, he landed on a field and found a beautiful toilet on the shore of the sparkling lake. 】

[As long as Rick sits on this toilet, the most beautiful scenery in the entire planet, and even the entire universe… See it all. 】

[Here, this is the ultimate toilet that Rick prepared for himself! ] 】

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