[Facing the unparalleled beauty in front of him, Rick comfortably got on a large size. 】


[After washing his hands with the clear spring flowing next to him, Rick smiled and was about to leave. ] 】

[But at this moment, Rick found a dead branch that had been stepped on next to the toilet.] 】

【“!!! “】

[Rick’s face immediately changed, and he quickly took out a scientific device and began to detect this dead branch. 】

【“………… Damn it!!! “】

[A few seconds later, Rick’s face turned bruised, and he raised his head and let out a roar. 】

[With the simplest science in the universe, he has accurately judged that this dead branch was stepped on! ] 】

[That means that there are other people… Used this sacred “ultimate toilet”! 】

[“Who exactly? Hello big bold!!! “】

[Feeling that the most sacred “place” in his heart was defiled, Rick was furious, opened the mechanism that had long been set up here, and entered the secret base underground. ] 】

[When Rick set up the “extreme” toilet on this planet, he also built a “toilet monitoring room” underground. 】

[Entering the monitoring room, Rick called up all the “poop” information and found that one of the “poop” did not belong to him.] 】

“Hmm… This is from a sandwich! “】

[Rick, who turned into a detective, tracked down a fast food restaurant controlled by gangsters. 】

[Rick first kidnapped hundreds of thousands of children of gangster boss “Fly”, and then forced “it” to tell the origin of the sandwich. 】

“I’m not kidding, you really came to ask me… The sandwich thing? “】

[Looking at the sandwich photo that Rick showed up, “Boss Fly” almost couldn’t believe his compound eyes:]

“You go ask our delivery robot, but now he’s called up to fight the robot war.” “】

[After getting the information, Rick’s face was frosty, and he turned around and left:]

[“No matter who dares to in my toilet, I must find him!”] “】


[Watching Rickyang go away, the “Fly Boss” is still in shock. ] 】

[“? Are you talking about some kind of code? “】

[The boss looked at the alien brother beside him seriously:]

[“You guys quickly check for me, what kind of code is ”! ] “】

[Next, in order to find the delivery robot, Rick single-handedly turned the entire robot war! ] Kill countless enemies and corpses all over the field. 】

[It took so much effort for Rick to finally find the enemy who secretly used his toilet.] 】

[This guy is just an ordinary alien employee. 】

When Rick found him, the alien behaved calmly. 】

[He claimed that after his wife’s death… I have never been loved, and I can only feel a touch of happiness when using Rick’s toilet. 】

[Now that Rick has found him, he can take his life. 】

[He just needs to look at the picture of his deceased wife.] You can die with peace of mind…]


[Looking at this in front of you… The poor worm who gave up his life because of the death of his wife, Rick’s face stiffened, and the whole person was stunned. 】

[In the end, he still didn’t kill this alien.] 】

[Back at the underground base under the toilet, Rick kept pouring wine into his mouth, it seemed… This method can relieve the depression in his heart. 】

[At this moment, the siren went off! ] 】

[It turns out that someone is using his baby toilet again!] 】

[“Damn it! Did I make a mistake? “】

[The angry Rick sat in his special Super Rick robot, ready to blast people to slag! ] 】

[Let him go out and find that sitting on that extreme toilet… It turned out to be that alien again! 】

“Are you looking for death?” Bastard. “】

[Rick’s furious voice spread for several miles, shaking the woods to tremble! ] 】

[In the face of the huge giant in front of him, the alien on the toilet behaves calmly:]

“You build a toilet in this place, you just want to run a … Your own little world. “】

“I lost my wife, that’s why I seek solace here, and you… You must have lost something so important to you! “】


[Listening to the alien’s words that hit the depths of his heart, the Rick robot was silent, as if it had poked a sore spot. ] 】

[Next, this robot suddenly took off its clothes and sat up on his butt! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Seeing that he was about to be sat into meat sauce by a robot, the alien let out a desperate scream! ] 】

[And in the next moment, this alien actually entered some kind of “toilet heaven”! ] 】

[Here, he even met his dead wife.] 】

[“Woohoo! “】

[In the next second, the alien fell out of a bag full of liquid. 】

[It turned out that the “toilet heaven” he experienced just now was completely an illusion caused by Rick’s drug. 】

[“Listen, you will me now!”] “】

[Rick took out the teleportation gun and opened a portal in front of the aliens.] 】

“Next time you touch my toilet, I’ll leave you dead without a corpse.”) “】

[“Oh? “】

[Looking at the people around him, sleeping in the liquid bag, the alien’s face suddenly showed a smile: “This… It’s someone you don’t want to kill or let them into your life. “】

【”You!! “】

[Rick’s brow trembled without a trace.] 】


The alien laughed: “You need a friend.”] “】

“I have tens of thousands of friends who are cooler than you!”] Rick responded coldly. 】

“We’ll meet again. “】

[The alien jumped into that portal with a peaceful smile on his face:]

“At that point, we will be friends. “】

[Rick gritted his teeth and said in annoyance. 】

[“Get out!” I will definitely slaughter you then! “】

[After releasing this strange alien, a thought suddenly popped up in Rick’s heart. 】

[“Since this guy is not dead, he will definitely use my toilet again!”] “】

[Filled with unwillingness, Rick simply set up a large number of mechanisms on the toilet, ready to give this alien a color! ] 】

[In order to let this organ play its “role” as soon as possible, Rick even prepared a special … Snacks that can be “sprayed” by aliens are also specially delivered to companies where aliens work! 】

[But as soon as he entered the company, Rick learned from the front desk sister that the strange alien died because of an accident! ] 】

[It turns out that after getting acquainted with Rick, because of the pain of losing his wife, he was a lifeless alien… It seems to have unlocked the inner demons. 】

He quit his job and was ready to enjoy life. 】

[But in the process… but hit Cosmic Mount Everest! Died a tragic death! 】

【”It won’t be! “】

[Hearing this nonsensical “horror news”, Rick’s face changed. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Oh my God, what the hell is this? It’s and toilet again, it’s disgusting! ╥﹏╥

Wolverine: Poor guy…

Ida: yes, I wonder who Rick has lost? It actually dealt such a big blow to him.

Wolverine: It seems… It was his wife and daughter, but the old man refused to admit it.

Ida Wang: The older a man gets, the more he wants face, and it’s no wonder…

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? What are you all talking about? How do I not understand? (⊙o⊙)

Jeromé Valeska: It’s ironic, that alien got the motivation to live because he met Rick, and as a result… Instead, he died!

Jerome Valeska: If he continues to sit in the office, he is still alive!

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: That’s the magic of fate.

Starlight: What the hell is this fate! It’s so cruel… ╥﹏╥

Ghost Rider: What a troublesome guy!

Ghost Rider: If he really minds that much… Why don’t others install a wall next to it or get a monitor when they use their own toilet?

Bruce Banner: Who knows, maybe he just likes that natural feeling.

Bruce Banner: And he seems to really consider the alien a friend, that’s why he did that.

Wanda Maksimov: This old man is so arrogant, even more outrageous than us girls.

Bruce Wayne: This Rick’s psychological problem is really serious. Feel…… He could collapse or self-destruct anytime, anywhere!

Bruce Wayne: With his super technology, if he decides to self-destruct, it can cause unimaginable damage!

Morty: Rick! It turns out that he is really that painful?

Morty: Even the joy of living… All there is only one toilet left?

After saying the speech, Morty involuntarily turned around and looked at Rick beside him…


He didn’t see anything.

It turned out that Rick didn’t know when, he had already got up and left.

Seem…… He didn’t want to face Morty’s questioning in this state!

PS: One more chapter later.

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