[“Aaaaaa “】

[Rick and the dragon in the state of soul fusion… Floating in mid-air, one person and one dragon, at the same time emitted an excited roar. 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[It didn’t take long for this soul connection to break apart, and Rick and the dragon fell to the ground almost at the same time. 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Looking at this bad scene in front of him, Morty was so angry! ] Roar loudly. 】

[“Mage! Take back your damn soul contract and roll me with that dragon!” “】

[From his arms, he took out the soul contract given to him by the Archmage, reached out and tore it in half. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[At the moment when the soul contract was torn up, a portal appeared in front of Rick, and the archmage who had made the vow walked out of the door. ] 】

[“I’m sorry, my family’s dragon is not returned or exchanged. “】

[The Archmage said with an indifferent look and no emotion. 】

[“What? “】

[Morty’s face is full of anger after humiliation:]

[“That dragon of yours is fused with my grandfather’s soul! “】

[“Huh? “】

[The Archmage’s face suddenly showed horror:]

“I’m so sorry, this is a serious violation! “】

[The mage immediately used magic to condense a whip of energy and beat the dragon fiercely. ] 】

[“You damn pariah dragon, how can you do such an unscrupulous thing? “】

[“Watch me beat you to death!”] “】

[“Snap! Syllable! Syllable! “】

[Strangely, although it was beaten repeatedly by the mage, the dragon seemed to be asleep, lying motionless on the ground. 】

[Not even the slightest reaction.] 】

“Wow! That’s enough! It hurts! It hurts! “】

[Suddenly, Rick screamed and got up from the ground:]

[“Damn, your whip… What seems to be pumped on me? “】

[The mage turned around and snorted coldly:]

“That’s because your soul is bound to this pariah dragon! “】

“And I… It is necessary to completely solve this cheapness! “】

[Saying that, the mage opened the portal again and chased the dragon with a whip… Return to his magical world. 】

“Hey, this is my grandson’s dragon.” “】

[Seeing that the mage was leaving with the dragon, Rick quickly followed with Morty and Sammei. 】

[“Return the dragon quickly!”] “】

[“Huh? Stranger? You ran to the wizarding world to order me? “】

[Turning his head to look at Rick and the others, the mage’s face was full of disdain. 】

“Do you know magic?”] “】

[“Hmph! Compared to magic, I have the power of real physics! “】

[Rick took out a black technology pistol from his arms, seemingly ready to start.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Seeing this, the archmage did not hesitate to summon a rock monster with magic! ] 】

[“Go, smash these guys to pieces! “】

[“Monster! Let you see the power of physics! …… Huh? “】

With a smile on his face, Rick gently pulled the trigger of the pistol. 】


[Nothing happened. 】

[“Bang! “】

[The rock monster punched out, knocked Rick’s body several meters away, and hit the rock wall fiercely! ] 】

“Wow! It hurts! My spine! 】

[Bones all over his body, Rick ordered with a wail:]

【”System! Give me an injection of painkiller! “】


[Still nothing happened.] 】

[“It’s over! “】

[Rick’s face turned white instantly, and a terrible thought rushed to his heart. 】

[In this strange world, shouldn’t it… The laws of science don’t apply, do they? 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[With the sound of violent footsteps, the huge stone monster rushed in front of Rick and raised its huge fist! ] 】

[At this moment of crisis, Morty suddenly stood up! ] 】


[I saw Morty holding a magic book in his hand and reading out a spell on it! ] 】


[Under the action of the magic spell, the rock monster instantly collapsed and turned into a pile of stones. ] 】

[This magic book is exactly the gift that came with it when the mage gave him the dragon. 】

[Previously, Morty controlled the dragon, also using the spell in this book! ] 】

[Now it seems that this kid has actually become some kind of “magic apprentice”! ] 】

“Wow! Boy, it seems… You should be able to mix in this world! “】

[Although saved by Morty, Rick still does not spare people. 】

[“Enough, you better talk less nonsense. “】

[With the magic book in hand, Morty said flatly, we must rescue the dragon.] 】

[Rick shook his head, looking indifferent:]

“Don’t mention it, that dragon let him die, let’s go home quickly.] “】

“Your soul is already bound to that dragon. “】

[Morty squinted his eyes and said:]

“That is, if it dies, you have to die too!”] “】

【“!!! “】

[Rick’s face changed greatly when he heard this, and he quickly said solemnly:]

[“We can’t see death without saving it, we must act quickly! “】

[Before the words were finished, Rick suddenly covered his neck with his hands, and his face was livid:]

“Wow! My throat! I was almost out of breath. “】

[It turned out that the dragon that was taken away by the wizard had already gone to the gallows at this time and was hung alive in mid-air by the rope! ] 】

“Oh my God, those wizards… Definitely trying to hang that dragon! “】

[Morty’s face also changed sharply, and he whispered:]

“I read from that magic book, a dragon… It will take at least seventy or eighty years to die! “】

“I hate magic! “】

[The thought of living so painfully for decades, Rick only felt that the cold hairs all over his body stood up! ] 】

[However, even if the laws of science do not work, he is still the greatest genius in the multiverse! ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[Rick took local materials, found a large number of scrap, and temporarily assembled it into a “magic harvester”. 】

[He ordered Morty to cast a spell and inject the monster’s magic into the “magic harvester”, creating some kind of “magic firearm”! ] 】

[Holding this powerful magic gun, Rick’s face once again appeared arrogant and confident. 】

[“Oh! “】

[First, he fired a shot at Sammei and transformed her into a “magic archer” with his magic powers! ] 】

[Morty the magic apprentice holding the magic book, Rick the magic gunner, and Sammy the magic archer… It becomes a perfect adventure squad! 】

[“Kill! “】

[“Save the dragon!”] “】

[These three temporarily transferred magic warriors attacked the wizards’ lair all the way, as if they were breaking through the bamboo, and no one could stop them at all! ] 】

[“Ugh! Sou! Aaaaa

[But because Sangmei was not too carried away, she actually used her feet to shoot arrows, accidentally… An arrow hit the dragon that was hoisted! 】

“Wow! “】

[At the moment when the dragon’s eye was shot by a magic arrow, Rick also covered his right eye and screamed. ] 】

[The next station situation suddenly became chaotic! ] 】

[Fortunately, Sammy still used a magic arrow to break the rope around the dragon’s neck. 】

“Hurry up and get on my back!”] “】

[The dragon who was freed quickly carried Rick and the others to escape. ] 】

[The dragon took Rick and Morty all the way to a remote corner and discussed together… How to undo soul fusion. 】

[At this moment, from the corner, several dragons suddenly appeared,]

[It turns out that these dragons also did not want to obey the rule of the mage, so they fled here. 】

[In the face of Rick and others, one of the old dragons made a strange suggestion:]

[“We have seven dragons here, and with the three of you, we can form a true fusion of ten dragons! “】

[“Create the most powerful ‘Soul Dragon and Phoenix’! “】

“Ahhh… Ha? What are you talking about? “】

Hearing this horrific name, Rick and Morty were both stunned. 】

“Wait a minute, maybe there are other ways! “】

[Morty desperately flipped through the magic book, trying to find other means of fighting the mage. 】

[But that old dragon has already begun to chant incantations, bringing the souls of the dragon and Rick and the others… It’s all together! 】

[“Hula la! “】

[The strong soul power gathered into a huge phoenix! ] 】

[This strange soul phoenix, with overwhelming momentum, rushed towards the lair of the mages. 】

[“Wow! “】

[“Help! “】

[In front of the Soul Phoenix, the mages and the dragons under them were quickly wiped out! ] 】

[The soul connection between Rick and the dragon has also been disconnected. 】

[“Hell, it’s disgusting! “】

[Escaping from the soul phoenix, Rick and Morty, both showed expressions like eating flies, quickly opened the portal, and returned to the original world. ] 】

[But the saved dragon also followed, saying that he liked that very much… The feeling of merging with Rick Morty’s soul, and I want to come back a few more times. 】

“You’re outrageous, I never want to see dragons again.”] “】

[Only to feel goosebumps all over his body, Morty quickly closed the door, blocking the dragon from the door. ] 】

[After eating the closed-door soup, the dragon muttered with annoyance on his face:]

[“This group of garbage humans who play with their souls…”]

Hermione Granger: Hermione Granger: Oh my God, what do I see? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Loki Odinson: Luckily, these dragons like “soul fusion”! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Tian Xiaoban: This integration… What does that mean? Share your soul with others?

Stephen Strange: Maybe, if someone does fuse other people’s souls, they should be able to share other people’s memories and even emotions.

Torrecchia: Oh… I wondered what it felt like to have Ultraman who fused soul and body together?

Torrecchia: Isn’t it true that they share their emotions with each other?

Beria: You’re so bored, what does that have to do with you?

Torrecchia: If I want to integrate with other people in the future, it will be very relevant.

Big bones boiled into soup: you… Aren’t you already awesome? He also sealed a Chaos Evil God in his body!

Torrecchia: Huh! I merge with others, not to become stronger, just to try this feeling! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Robert Kiliman: Aliens… Sure enough, something was not normal.

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