At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected: Robert Kiliman]

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Warhammer”! ] 】

Human Empire, Far East “Extreme Star Domain”, Coth Star.

“Finally it’s my turn!”

Sitting in his office, Robert Kiliman, his calm face, finally showed a hint of excitement.

Last time in the last live broadcast, he answered the question correctly … Got the “Kedarin Crystal”!

For the past 30 days, Kiliman has been trying to crack the secrets contained in the crystal.

It’s a pity that the crystal doesn’t respond to his call every time, only occasionally to Kiliman’s mind… Transfer some amazing knowledge.

Now, he wondered what his universe would become?

Will humanity conquer the entire galaxy and become the hegemon of the universe?

Under Kiliman’s eager gaze, a new image appeared on the screen.

A calm narration voice also sounded.

[At the beginning, in order to fight against the powerful Star God, the ancient saint created a battle race that mastered powerful spiritual energy. 】

[This is the Ida Ling Clan. 】

[From the appearance, except for a pair of pointed ears, the Ida Ling race is not much different from humans. 】

[But in fact, the physical quality of the spirit race, and even the acuity of the senses, are far beyond that of humans. 】

[In order to make the spirit race a superior weapon and help them win the battle of heaven, the ancient saints also gave this race a long life, so that they could fight continuously for many years. ] 】

[The talent of the spirit race for spiritual energy surpasses almost all races in the galaxy! ] 】

[In the battle of heaven, the spirit race used the killer weapon of “spiritual energy” to give a terrible blow to the space necromancers and star gods. ] 】

[Moreover, their senses are also countless times sharper than humans!] 】

[This directly leads to… The emotions that the spirit race could feel were stronger than any other race. 】

[In other words, the Spirit Race is an extremely emotional creature. 】

[For the spirit race, this powerful and almost extreme ability of emotional perception has also brought great trouble. 】

[Because, they must control themselves at all times, otherwise… It is easy to fall into the abyss of “extreme emotions”. 】

[Not only that, the soul power of the spirit race is also far beyond the reach of human beings. 】

[If we talk about the soul of ordinary humans, the projection in subspace… It’s like a candle. 】

[The soul projection of that spirit race is like a beacon, which can illuminate a large sea of souls! ] 】

[These characteristics make the spirit race very vulnerable to subspatial influences. 】

[In the battle of heaven, in order to further enhance his own combat power, the ancient saint even used the spirit race to develop the “God Creation Plan”! ] 】

[These galactic creators, using the extraordinary soul power of the spirit race, and strong emotions, have created more than ten powerful spiritual creatures in the subspace! ] 】

[These god-like existences are the gods of the spirit race in later generations! ] 】

[After the battle of heaven, the ancient saint, and its mortal enemy… Space necromancers and star gods have all withdrawn from the historical stage. 】

[The Spirit Race effortlessly inherited most of the inheritance of the ancient saints, and rightfully became the overlord of the galaxy. 】

[From this moment on, the empire of the Spirit Race lasted for millions of years! ] 】

[Using the network left over from the ancient sanctuary, the spirit race has wantonly conquered and swept everything in the galaxy, and no race can compete with them. ] 】

[Not many teenagers, the most golden core area in the galaxy has been completely occupied by the spirit race. 】

[The other intelligent races were driven to the edge of the galaxy by them. 】

[As the empire’s territory continues to expand, the spirit race is becoming more and more arrogant. 】

[They despise all races except their own, and treat them all as inferior creatures. 】

[But in a sense, they also have the confidence to think so. 】

[Receiving a large number of scientific achievements left by the ancient sanctuary, the spirit race combined science and spiritual energy to develop incredible black technology. 】

[Originally, although the Spirit Race had a long lifespan, there was still a day when it ended. 】

[But in the end, the scientists of the spirit race even invented the technology of “soul recycling” and “cloning the body”. 】

[As long as the life of any spirit race reaches the end, their soul will be transported into a new body… Reborn again! 】

[In other words, the spirit race has been realized, raising the patriarch immortal, or rather… Eternal reincarnation! 】

[Because of this eternity, the scientists of the spirit race began to accumulate new knowledge, making the empire more advanced and powerful. 】

[But in the brilliant highlight moment, there is also a terrible crisis. 】

[With the continuous development of the empire, the strength, arrogance, arrogance, greed, and wanton behavior of the spirit race are also growing. 】

[The Spirit Clan really thinks that they are the Milky Way… Even the god of the universe! 】

[No person, thing, or thing can threaten them!] 】

[Soon, in the Spirit Empire, all jobs were replaced by robots. 】

[In this case, even if it is a lowest-ranking spirit race, all he can do is to pursue the unknown and enjoy it wantonly. 】

[More and more spirit races began to completely indulge their desires, using all kinds of strange stimuli… to anesthetize yourself. 】

[Someone, began to wantonly evil in the galaxy, killing innocents. 】

[There are also people who have begun to use science to transform their bodies to make them more and more weird and weird. ] 】

[With the increasingly crazy indulgent desires of the Spirit Race, do whatever they want, the entire Spirit Race Empire is becoming darker and more degenerate. 】

[The main reason why this has become this is because… The Spirit Race’s perception of the outside world is too strong. 】

[General stimulation. It will soon numb their nerves and have to seek to be stronger… Also more perverted desires! 】

[In this bottomless pathology and madness, there are also some calm spirit races who sense that something is wrong. 】

“You’re all crazy, we’re striding into the abyss!”] “】

“This is self-defeating! “】

[Some people of insight in the spirit race desperately want to warn others and save the increasingly degenerate empire. 】

[Their efforts ultimately failed.] 】

[In desperation, these spirits are determined to clean themselves and be left alone. 】

[They drove the huge spaceship and left the planet of the spirit race and began to wander in the universe. 】

[These spaceships, known as the Ark World, have an independent ecological circulation system inside, and can almost be called a small planet. 】

[The spirit races in the ark world, carrying the history and civilization of their race, left their decaying and depraved hometown and sailed to the cosmic galaxy. 】

[And after the departure of this group of last calm and sane people, the corruption and degradation of the Spirit Empire… It also began to accelerate. 】

[Their indulgent and twisted desires have finally led to bloodthirst and madness. 】

[Soon, in the streets and alleys of the Spirit Empire, there were constantly terrifying screams and terrifying roars. 】

[In order to satisfy their evil desires, those fallen spirits began to torture and kill their own people! ] 】

[In the midst of extreme madness, these fallen spirit races also turned their backs on their gods and began to fall endlessly into the abyss. 】

[Because the spiritual energy of the spirit race is too powerful, after the fall, it also stimulates unimaginable emotions and desires! ] 】

[All this has set off terrifying waves in the sea of souls…”subspace”! ] 】

[After millions of years of madness, the soul projection of the spirit race, the endless spiritual energy accumulated in the subspace… Finally reached the tipping point! 】

[“Boom! “】

[One day, all this accumulated spiritual energy burst out! ] In the subspace, a terrifying negative psionic entity was born. 】

[This entity represents pure pain, lust, hatred and depravity…]

[“He” is the spirit race that has swept the galaxy, the sum of all the madness, sickness and evil for millions of years! 】

[This existence is the fourth evil god of subspace, the sin! ] 】


[After the birth of the sins, the first scream emitted by “he” triggered an unprecedented super giant subspace storm! ] 】

[Moreover, this psionic storm will also tear apart the subspace and the real world! ] Directly from the center of the Spirit Empire… Rushed into the real world! 】

[Since the birth of the sin is related to every individual of the spirit race, “he” also has a soul connection with all the spirit race. 】

[Because of this, the color evil was just a scream, and within a thousand light years of the center of the Spirit Empire… The souls of all the spirit races were all withdrawn, ingested into the subspace, and then swallowed into the body. 】

[In this second, the number of dead spirit races must be counted in at least “trillions”. 】

[Even some spirit races who have already boarded the ark world, because they have not had time to escape a thousand light years away, they are instantly out of the body and die clean. ] 】

[It can be said that with just one scream, the color evil almost wiped out the spirit race in the universe! ] 】

[After completely destroying the empire of the Spirit Clan, the sin also tore the entire universe apart! ] The physical universe… A permanent rift was torn out. 】

[From this rift, endless chaotic forces poured into the physical world. 】

[This place is the “Eye of Fear” in the mouth of the later human empire! ] 】

[After this terrifying catastrophe, the spirit gods in the subspace reacted. 】

[They saw their people in horror… Almost slaughtered by this newborn evil god! 】

[Under the extreme anger, the gods of the spirit race united with the intention of defeating the newly born lust! ] Avenge the Spirit Clan. 】

[But the result… The gods of the Spirit Race were almost completely destroyed, and even the Lord God was killed! 】

[Only three gods narrowly escaped the poisonous hands of the evil spirits. ] 】

[After experiencing this terrifying catastrophe, the empire of the Spirit Race has completely fallen. 】

[The remaining spirit races can only be scattered in the galaxy and survive. ] 】

[Even among them, there are many people who believe that the civilization of the Spirit Race has completely collapsed! ] 】

[These remnants of them are just the magnificent empire of the past… Some afterimages left! 】


Seeing the multiverse here, countless viewers in front of the screen… Almost all shocked!

Just born to tear the universe apart, a scream to kill the evil god of the Upper Zhao Spirit Clan!

The God of Chaos in the subspace turned out to be so powerful!

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