Seeing that someone in the group mentioned the “happiness” of the people of Terra now, Kiliman could only smile bitterly and was speechless.

At present, Terra is densely packed with “nests” everywhere.

It’s packed with… The population is counted in “trillions”.

Kiliman did not specifically inquire about the living conditions of the Chaodu people, but just guessing, he could guess.

Deep down, he even had to admit …

The life of the Terra people now may not be much better than before the Unification War, under the rule of scientific and technological warlords!


Suddenly feeling that his thoughts were a little blasphemous, Kiliman quickly shook his head, as if he wanted to shake off this “disloyal” thought.

“Now is the critical period of the Great Expedition, wait until the emperor dominates the galaxy… End the war and things should be fine. ”

But just as he was trying to convince himself, a thought suddenly surged in Kiliman’s heart.

The emperor’s genetic technology was all traded from the hands of the subspace evil gods.

He must have known about the horror of subspace, as well as the danger of demons!

In that case, why didn’t the emperor put these things … Tell a dozen of his “sons”?

Could it be that the emperor thought that subspace, evil gods, and demons were all worth mentioning?

Or do you say… What special reason did he have to hide?

Just as Kiliman’s eyes were constantly changing and his thoughts were rising and falling, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Under the terrifying combat power of the Thunder Warriors, all the technological warlords on Terra will either bow down or be completely eliminated. ] 】

[Soon, the entire earth has been conquered by the emperor’s army. 】

[This man, who has been dormant for tens of thousands of years, has finally become the master of the earth! ] 】

[But just before this victory came, an accident happened. 】

[Western Europe on Earth was originally controlled by a country known as the “Franc Country”. 】

[In the face of the onslaught of the Thunder Warriors, it didn’t take long for the country to raise its white flag and surrender. 】

[But after the surrender, the rebellious “Franc State” did not obediently submit. 】

[One day, because a man was wronged by the imperial army and sentenced to death, it aroused a large number of popular indignation in the country of Francs. 】

[Countless people rose up and killed the governor sent by the emperor to rule the area. A rebellion that spread throughout France… And that’s it! 】

[The man who was almost wrongfully killed was named Haflek de Agros. 、】

[This person is not only good at words, but also quite charismatic as a leader! ] 】

[He soon brought all the rebels of the Franc country under his own banner and formed a militia force of 50,000 people! ] 】

[In order to suppress this militia rebellion, the emperor sent 5,000 thunder warriors. 】

[Although they are at a 10:1 disadvantage in terms of numbers, the elite of the Thunder Warriors allows them to fight one hundred enemies! ] 】

[Just a few minutes after the short encounter, that “Havrek” was beaten to pieces by the Thunder Warrior and died without a corpse. ] 】

[Seeing the tragic death of their leader, all the French militia were stunned. 】

What happened next was more of a massacre than a battle. 】

[Thunder Warrior methodically… The 50,000 militiamen were wiped out, leaving only one chaplain accompanying the army. 】

[After this battle, the entire Terra no longer has a force that can resist the emperor. 】

[The Terra Unification War ended victoriously. 】

[At this moment, the emperor was ready to do something, and he had already decided when he created the Thunder Warrior. 】

[Thunder warriors are only born for war, they simply cannot adapt to a peaceful life,]

[Due to their genetic problems, Thunder Warriors sometimes suddenly fail all over the body and die violently in an instant! ] 】

[Moreover, they often confuse their experience on the battlefield with reality.] 】

[Sometimes, you will even wake up overnight and think that you are still on the battlefield! ] 】

[The most powerful warriors, born only for war, they simply cannot adapt to a peaceful life,]

[Once peace comes to Terra, the dangerous Thunder Warrior will inevitably pose a threat to the stability of human society. 】

[At first, the Emperor only refused to replenish the Thunder Warriors after they died in battle or died violently due to genetic problems, hoping to “naturally reduce” their numbers in this way. 】

[As the War of Unification of Terra came to an end, the Emperor knew that he had to adopt a more drastic approach. 】

[According to the official records of the empire, the Thunder Warriors all died in the War of Unification… In the last battle. 】

[In that glorious bloody battle, a great thunder warrior raised the lightning banner in the Declaration of Unity, thus establishing the emperor… Reign over decisions throughout Terra. 】

[After the battle, this warrior, like other colleagues, died because of his injuries.] 】

[Official records claim that the total destruction of the Thunder Warriors just proves their bravery and loyalty! ] 】

[They sacrificed for the great victory of the emperor! ] 】

[But, that’s just a lie. 】

[The Thunder Warrior was destroyed by the Emperor himself’s order! ] 】

[It is said that just before the end of the war. The Thunder Warrior suddenly realized that his short life and violent death were all because… There is a problem with the technology that the emperor used to make them! 】

[Under the fury, many thunder warriors betrayed the emperor and turned to the Chaos Evil God for help. ] 】

[And the emperor is full of insight into all this. 】

[Since the Thunder Warriors have chosen to betray, it is only natural to purge them! ] 】

[After the end of the last battle of the Unification War, the Emperor sent his most powerful force, the Imperial Forbidden Army, to surround and suppress the Thunder Warriors! ] 】

[At that time, the Imperial Forbidden Army was the only warrior who could defeat the Thunder Warrior head-on! ] 】

[This operation to clear the portal is led by the legendary Forbidden Army and led by Constantine Waldo. 】

[At the same time, the first legion formed by the newborn new generation of interstellar warrior “Astarte” also participated in this encirclement operation. 】

[In fact, as early as the beginning of the Unification War, the emperor had already set about creating a “successor” to the Thunder Warrior. 】

He gathered a large number of geneticists and created a huge genetic laboratory in the Himalayas. 】

[Through the successes and failures of the Thunder Warriors… With the valuable experience gained and the mysterious knowledge of subspace, the emperor and these scholars finally developed a new generation of genetically enhanced warriors. 】

[That’s Astarte, that is, the Star Warriors, and their genoplasms!] 】

[In the face of the imperial advance and the sudden attack of Astarte, the Thunder Warrior was caught off guard and was completely destroyed without suspense. ] 】

[Although, the Thunder Warriors, as a legion, have been eliminated, some of the “individuals” have survived. 】

[Among them is the original body of the fourth legion of the Thunder Warriors, the famous Steel Lord “Usotan”. 】

[In the war of unification, “Usotan” showed amazing command and combat ability, and won the respect of countless soldiers. 】

[Among them, even the commander of the forbidden army, Konstantin Waldo.] 】

[Faced with the attack of the forbidden army and Astarte, Usotan knew that defeat was inevitable, so he fled with some of his subordinates and hid. 】

[However, they also know that their life expectancy is short, and they don’t live long at all! ] 】

[Encountered betrayal and massacre, these thunder warriors whose lives were not long in hiding did not wait to jump out. ] 】

[They found an opportunity and prepared to take revenge on the emperor! ] 】

[On the eve of the end of the Terra Unification War, the emperor’s imperial legal director staged a palace coup. 】

[This coup was doomed from the start, but… The Thunder Warrior led by Usuotan took the opportunity to rush into the emperor’s palace! 】

[They are determined to make their death meaningful!] 】

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