[After rushing into the royal palace on Earth, Usotan easily knocked out several Astartes who stood in front of him. 】

[These new generation of super gene warriors, in front of him, the Thunder Warrior Protobody, are like children, and they have no power to fight back. ] 】

[In the end, Usuotan met the first strong man under the emperor. Forbidden Commander: Konstantin Waldo. 】

[The two initially fought indistinguishably, but after a period of fierce fighting, Usotan was defeated. 】

[After falling to the ground after defeat, Usotan laughed loudly and claimed that he was very pitiful to Constantine.

[Although he was transformed into a Thunder Warrior, Voltan “lived” as an ordinary human for the first half of his life. ] 】

[As the emperor, the strongest genetic weapon under his hand, Konstantin was genetically engineered from the moment he was born. ] 】

[Although this commander of the forbidden army has unparalleled combat power, he has no emotions or humanity.

[Konstantin did not refute Usotan’s words, but silently stepped forward and executed the dying thunder warrior. 】

[Since then, almost all the Thunder Warriors have died, and only a few warriors who have survived have fled to the remote corners of Terra Earth. Lingering. 】

[After eliminating all opponents and hidden dangers, in the 30th millennium of consciousness, the emperor finally fully mastered Terra and established the prototype of the empire. 】

[From the moment the empire was born, the emperor destroyed all religious beliefs on earth. 】

Instead, the emperor began to promote an idea of “imperial truth” within the empire’s borders. 】

“Imperial truth” fundamentally denies the existence of God and requires human beings to believe in science, remain rational, and reject all forms of religion and superstition. 】

[Not only that, but the imperial truth also claims: human beings are the noblest race in the universe galaxy, no alien alien can compare, and… Destiny is destined to become the master of the entire galaxy. 】

[Under the shaping of the emperor, this newborn human empire will gradually change into an extremely xenophobic, human supremacy, and a militaristic state that rejects all religions. 】

[Moreover, the Emperor will create a more powerful new generation of super soldiers, as his commander, to lead this newborn human empire… Towards victory after victory. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Agent J: Good guys! What does this ABC want? To take all the aliens in the galaxy… Kill them all?

Agent J: There are bad guys in the aliens, but they can’t all be wiped out.

Deadpool: Shhh This “emperor” is really ruthless.

Deadpool: Not only kill the Thunder Warriors who serve you, but also destroy all the aliens in the galaxy!

King Ida: It’s not unusual for rabbits to die and lackeys to cook.

Thanos Thanos: Ha, foolish earthlings, you really don’t understand anything.

Agent J: Huh? What do you mean?

Thanos Sanos: If I were in the position of that emperor, I would do the same thing as him.

Thanos Thanos: But the other parallel universe, the so-called humanity, has long been on the verge of destruction.

Thanos Thanos: In order to ensure the continuation of human civilization, it is normal to eliminate aliens who may be threatened.

Divine Kesha: I’m worried… This overly extreme approach only established a brutal militaristic regime.

Holy Kesha: Even if this emperor can sweep the galaxy, under the rule of this regime, human beings may not live a happy life.

Robert Kiliman: I…

Although he wanted to take out the “five hundred worlds” under his rule, Kiliman’s words suddenly stopped.

As a genogen, even he had to admit that the people of the five hundred worlds lived… On the territory of the empire, it is almost unique.

Moreover, seeing now, there was a faint trace of fear in Kiliman’s heart.

If it is said that the Thunder Warriors, after unifying Terra, become useless waste and must be cleaned up.

Then after the emperor dominates the galaxy, how will he deal with it… More than a dozen “sons”, including himself.

No…… It’s also a cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking!

Just as Kiliman was terrified, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Just when the Terra Unification War began, the Emperor was already secretly developing a new generation of super soldiers to replace the Thunder Warriors. 】

[The emperor chose the goddess of Venus in Mesopotamian mythology, who ruled over war and love, after her… to name the new generation of super soldiers created. 】

[The goddess of Venus is known as “Ishtar” in Central Asia and “Astarte” in Greek.] 】

[All Astarte was developed on the basis of 20 genetic seeds. 】

[These gene seeds are the emperor’s use of the mysterious power of subspace, mixing the most advanced genetic science, and putting his own DNA… Combine with another woman to create 20 “genotypes”! 】

[In this sense, the 20 genoplasms are the children of this pair of men and women. 】

[The reason why the emperor wants to create the genogen is because he needs to… The right hand that can help him save humanity, not just powerful warriors like the Thunder Warriors. 】

[After dormant for tens of thousands of years, the emperor has made a rigorous plan. 】

[That’s the Great Expedition! ] 】

[The emperor not only wants to save countless colonized planets from chaos and strife, but also wants to conquer the entire galaxy! ] 】

[And to do this, the emperor not only needs a subspace that can pass, but also needs to manage trillions of countless people.] 】

[No matter how much his intelligence is far beyond ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible for one person to complete this task. 】

[The emperor saw how the human race in the golden age solved this problem. 】

[They are trying to use artificial intelligence instead of humans to manage the human alliance across the galaxy.] 】

[And the result is obvious, the federation has completely collapsed.] 】

The emperor, who learned his lesson, believed that the only way to maintain the human empire he built was to transform managers into smarter, wiser, stronger, and more perfect humans. 】

[In the emperor’s conception, the future human empire will be divided into 20 regions, each of which will be managed by 20 of the most perfect “subordinates” in his place. 】

[The emperor intends to train these 20 created “sons” to become the best military commanders and political leaders in human history! ] 】

[They will serve as his generals and governors in the name of the emperor!] 】

[Expand the territory of the empire to every corner of the galaxy.] 】

[In the emperor’s plan, each genogen has a special purpose and expertise. 】

[When they grow up, they will have a unique super gene warrior legion.] 】

[The original body and these Astarte legions not only have the same genes, but also have a spiritual connection! ] 】

[This makes … These legions, it is almost impossible to betray their own genoplasm. 】

[However, it is precisely because the emperor used the chaotic power of subspace in the process of creating the gene proto, which directly led to these gene protos… Highly susceptible to chaos. 】

[If we say that the soul of an ordinary person is equivalent to the flame of a candle in subspace. The projection of the soul of the genogen… It’s the equivalent of a lighthouse. 】

[In this case, the mere existence of the gene protogen will naturally attract the attention of various subspace demons. 】

[The emperor has long anticipated this. 】

[In order to ensure that the birth and growth of genoplasms are not disturbed, he deliberately created the most powerful Gaila force field ever built around the genetic laboratory deep in the Himalayas. 】

[This is why the emperor carefully inscribed the mysterious protective glyph on the gestational sac of the protosome, and created the most powerful Gela force field ever built around the gene pool deep in the royal palace in the Himalayas. 】

[The so-called “Gayla force field” is the scientific and technological force field used by human spacecraft to protect the hull when entering subspace. 】

[Without this “force field”, spacecraft entering subspace will be affected by the energy flow of subspace, either completely lost or torn to pieces. 】

[But even if the emperor calculated everything, there was one thing he still miscalculated, and that was people. 】

[To be precise, it was the woman who co-created 20 genogens with him.] 】

[In the emperor’s tens of thousands of years of life, he has also met many immortals like him. 】

[Among them, there is a woman named “Erda”. 】

[This woman is not only immortal, but also a scientific genius. 】

[After learning of the emperor’s plan to save humanity, she volunteered to follow the emperor and assist him. 】

[Because of Erda’s talent in genetic science, the emperor put her and himself in charge of the genogen project, and even fused Erda’s genes with him to create the genoplasm! ] 】

[In this sense, Erda is the mother of 20 genoplasms!] 】

[However, in the process of creating the genoplasm, Erda discovered a terrible secret.

[The emperor used the power of chaos in the experiment! ] 】

[These 20 children, before they were born, were already polluted by chaos! ] 】

[Erda believes that the Emperor created these genetic protosomes to use them as disposable weapons, as if he used the Thunder Warriors.] 】

As a mother, Erda panicked and wanted to save these children. 】

[Driven by panic and nervousness, this woman… Done something extremely stupid. 】

[In the gene laboratory, she created a subspatial rift, and the genoplasm that was still a baby at the time was thrown into it.] 】

[Through subspace, these 20 protozoan babies were scattered throughout the galaxy and scattered on 20 different planets. 】

Robert Kiliman: Mother ??? (⊙o⊙)

Seeing the appalling image on the screen, Kiliman’s mouth opened slightly, and his pupils contracted violently.

At this moment, his mood was simply indescribably complicated!

If anything, Kiliman’s own luck can be said to be very good.

As a baby, he landed on a relatively rich planet.

Moreover, his parents who adopted him are also local lords and are very kind in heart!

Therefore, Kiliman can live a relatively complete childhood and receive a good education.

But other genogeniones don’t have such good luck.


Petu Rabo!


The fate of these unlucky eggs, now I want to come… It turned out to be caused by their “mother”!

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