Robert Kiliman: Horus, the emperor’s most trusted genoplasm! He is also the son who pleases him the most!

Robert Kiliman: Of all the genoplasms, he is the least likely to betray!

Loki Odinson: Oh… You say that he is “least likely” to betray.

Loki Odinson: That is, other people, it is still possible to betray!

Robert Kiliman: You !!!

Robert Kiliman: In short, I don’t believe that the commander will betray, and… What reason does he have for doing this?

Robert Kiliman: The Emperor… But put the entire expeditionary fleet in charge of him! Now, Horus is the first person under the emperor!

King Ida: Under the emperor, above all people? That’s not a good thing.

King Ida: In the history of our East, generals in this position will not end well unless they rebel.

King Ida: An emperor will not allow… This kind of person is enough to threaten his power.

Robert Kiliman: … Wrong! Previous imagery. Didn’t you guys watch it?

Robert Kiliman: The Emperor is ready to assign specific management to us protosomes after conquering the galaxy!

Robert Kiliman: He’s not going to deal with us like he did with the Thunder Warriors!

Ida: Maybe… Indeed it is.

King Ida: But in your world, the Emperor didn’t tell you that.

Robert Kiliman: This… ( ̄△ ̄; )

This sentence was like a thunder smashed on Kiliman’s head!

In an instant, countless thoughts flooded into his mind, even his brain comparable to a computer… I almost couldn’t handle it for a while!

“Whew… Whew”

After gasping for several rough breaths, Kiliman’s face first turned red, then turned white, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

“The commander’s order… The Wai Talker… Lorja Aurelian … No way!!! ”

Suddenly, Kiliman closed his eyes in pain, and his huge body trembled slightly.

“Thunder Warrior! Horus must have known the fate of the Thunder Warrior, and was afraid that he would repeat the same retreat, that’s why…”

Under any other circumstances, no matter what images he saw, or what people in the chat group said to him, Kiliman would not be so gullible.

But the current situation… It’s just so weird.

In fact, Kiliman never believed it, and Horus ordered him to take the Extreme Warrior with him… I came to this remote planet to join the “Wai Whisperer” and surround the orcs.

How could a bunch of green-skinned monsters use two genetic protosomes?

Originally, Kiliman also felt that Horus’s move was to make up for his past feud with the Wai Talker.

But…… Thinking that Horus has the possibility of “mutiny”! It was as if he had lifted the fog, and suddenly let him see everything clearly.

This is a trap!

The commander transferred me to this remote place to kill me!

As the master of the “five hundred worlds” and the man who is the best at handling internal affairs of all the genotypes, Kiliman is definitely not a stupid person.

But even the smartest person can guess … In the course of a big war, his own war commander will actually betray!

Taking a sharp breath, Kiliman tried his best to suppress the shock and panic in his chest and calm himself down.

“Although there is no evidence, if this is true, it means … Horus is definitely not the only one who betrayed in the genoplasm! ”

“Who else but Loja?”

For the betrayal of the waiver, Kiliman was not so shocked.

These divine sticks are not normal in the first place.

“This… Do you want to inform the emperor of Terra? ”

As soon as the thought arose, Kiliman smiled bitterly.

Just a few days ago, the psionics under his command told him a bad news.

Now in the subspace, it seems that a huge storm has gathered again!

Although, this storm has not yet affected the entire subspace, but long-distance subspace navigation and communication … All have already been affected!

“Anyway, you have to give it a try!”

Gritting his teeth, Kiliman rushed out of the office, ignoring the screen and the live broadcast.

Now, he will personally supervise the psionic to turn out the possible betrayal of the war commander Horus… Pass it to Terra!

Even if…… The probability of failure is 99%, and he has to bet on that 1%!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Horus, the second genogen that the expeditionary force came into contact with was the Wolf King… Riemann Nuss. 】

[Through the subspace rift, Riemannus fell to the northwesternmost part of the galaxy, on a remote planet called Fenris.] 】

[Because this planet is far from the sun, the whole world is surrounded by ice and snow. 】

[After climbing out of the capsule, Riemannus, who was still a toddler, was adopted by a she-wolf on the ice field and became a wolf child. 】

[Fortunately, the king of this ice and snow planet, after learning that there were wolves in trouble, led his army to eliminate it. 】

[In the process, the king came into contact with Riemannus Nus, who was no different from a beast. 】

Impressed by Riemann Nus’s astonishing physical strength, the king decided to adopt the boy and treat him as a son. 】

[As an adult, Riemannus showed unimaginable physique and strength, and was even able to uproot an oak tree empty-handed. 】

[After the king’s death, he naturally succeeded to the throne and became the new king of the planet.] 】

[Riemann Nus’s extraordinary strength won him an astonishing reputation, which soon reached the ears of the emperor. 】

[The emperor judged in an instant… This person may be his own son, that is, the lost proto! So he came to the ice planet Fenris alone. 】

[The emperor used spells to disguise himself and challenged Riemannus. 】

[The first two challenges were gluttony and drinking, and the emperor lost them all…]

[After losing two games in a row, the emperor directly made a provocation, claiming that the king who could eat so much and drink so much wine… It must be a wine sac rice bucket! 】

[Upon hearing this, Riemann Nuston became furious, jumped off the field, and fought the emperor. 】

[As a result, he was painfully beaten by the emperor without suspense. 】

[After a severe beating, the blue-nosed and swollen Riemannus knelt before the emperor and swore allegiance to him. 】

[Through this method, the emperor accepted the second genoplasm. 】

[However, not all genogenitors have the good fortune of Horus and Riemannus.] 】

[For example, the gene protogen of the Twelfth Legion of Astarte-Devourer: Angron is a person who is extremely unlucky. 】

[It is said that his nursery capsule crashed directly to the surface of a planet, causing Angler’s head to be severely damaged. 】

[And his bad luck… It’s just the beginning. 】

[Even in early childhood, Anglon has shown amazing physique and fighting ability. 】

[So he was captured by the local people and sold as a slave into the gladiatorial arena.] 】

[Here, Anglon was adopted by an old gladiator as his righteous son. 】

[But when he became an adult, the administrator of the gladiatorial arena ordered Anglon to fight the old gladiator and kill him! ] 】

[Anglon rejected this cruel decision, and the gladiatorial arena simply nailed the “butcher’s nail” into his brain! ] 】

[This device is a scientific and technological creation of the golden age of human beings, as long as it is implanted, it will continue to give the brain terrible stimulation, making people feel painful. ] 】

[After being implanted in the butcher’s nail, for Anglone, all emotions except anger… will make him feel extreme pain. 】

[This even includes thinking, touching, and breathing!] 】

[And the only way out of this pain is violence and killing!] 】

[In other words, for this pathetic protogen, everything in life is painful, only raising a weapon to cut people… to make him feel a touch of pleasure. 】

[After completing the implantation surgery, the owner of the gladiatorial arena directly put Anglon’s adoptive father… Thrown in front of him. 】

[Under the torment of the butcher’s nail, Anglon, who lost his mind, killed the old gladiator! ] 】

[Looking at his adoptive father’s body, Anglon wailed for days. 】

[Since then, the man has changed. 】

[That Anglon who still has some sympathy has completely disappeared! ] 】

[In its place, it is a murderous, bloodthirsty, violent, crazy… War maniacs who take pleasure in killing! 】

PS: Black Robe Three has already started! I’ll start writing this next week! Write 2 and 3 together! ^_^

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