[After experiencing the death of his adoptive father, Anglon was even more filled with resentment in his heart. 】

[But in addition, as a genoplasm, he also showed amazing personal charm and commanding ability.] 】

[In the gladiatorial arena, Anglon recruited a large number of gladiators who were just as disgruntled and resentful of the world as him, and led them to launch a rebellion! ] 】

[These more than 2,000 gladiators converged into a torrent of death, wantonly killing and destroying everything they could see. 】

[Ironically, when the emperor “designed” Anglon at the beginning, he set it as a “calm and resourceful” commander. 】

[And now he has become a… I only know the maniacs who are crazy to kill…]

[Without strategic goals or overall plans, Anglen led those fellow gladiators, just constantly fighting against the rulers of their planet. 】

[Unfortunately, their number is too small, and they are about to be wiped out. 】

[Just when Angron’s troops were surrounded by a large army and were in danger, a savior came. 】

[That’s the emperor.] 】

[In the course of the Great Expedition, the emperor discovered the existence of genetic protogens on this planet, so he personally went out to find his lost son. 】

[But after this, Anglon regretted countless times, when… Why didn’t he die on that planet! 】

[This is because, after the emperor came, he only did one thing, that is, he took Angron away! ] 】

[The gladiators who rebelled with him were all surrounded by the army on the planet and killed cleanly! ] 】

[The emperor did this because he had reached an agreement with the ruler of this planet, and this planet would voluntarily submit to the empire and become a front-line base for the emperor’s great expedition, providing material and military supplies for the expedition. 】

[Anglon who was teleported to the space battleship by the emperor went crazy on the spot. ] 】

[He would rather die on the planet with those gladiator comrades than leave alone like this!] 】

[Crazy Anglon shows a terrifying power that is unimaginable even for genogenia! ] , and even killed an Imperial Forbidden on the spot. 】

[But in the end, he was still the emperor who was personally shot… Easily suppressed. 】

[And since then, although Angron was forced to submit to the emperor’s divine power, and led an Astarte army… Conquered the north and south for the emperor. 】

[But deep in his heart, he was always full of resentment towards the emperor. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: I’ll go, this emperor is too outrageous! (⊙o⊙)

Charles Xavier: He turned this “son” into an enemy.

Charles Xavier: This man, perhaps with the strongest strength and supreme intelligence, does not understand the human heart…

Violent Lori Jinx: No wonder that Horus betrayed in the end, and it is not normal not to betray when he encounters such a “father”!

Nick Fury: Ahem, that’s not what I said.

Nick Fury: The emperor did this for the sake of the human world, not for his own selfish desires.

Nick Fury: And he also has a “placement” for these sons.

As a former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., she is no stranger to dark means.

In his view, as long as it is for a bright end, the means themselves are not important.

Others… They don’t agree with that.

Magneto: Placement? Do you think the “emperor” will let this Anglon who hates himself sit in the position of a high-ranking official after the war and rule part of the empire?

Magneto: The emperor may not understand people’s hearts, but he is definitely not an idiot.

Charles Xavier: Eric, you mean…

Magneto: When the war is over, the emperor will definitely clean up this dangerous son, just like he did when he cleaned up the Thunder Warriors.

Magneto: He will not stay with this kind of instability that may be detrimental to peace.

King Ida: Good fellow, to put it this way, the betrayal of that war commander Horus is quite reasonable.

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? What are you talking about? How I don’t understand. (⊙_⊙)

King Ida: It’s very simple, if the emperor can kill one son, he can also kill two, three!

King Ida: And the most dangerous is the high-ranking Horus.

King Ida: In the history of the East, this kind of general who is too high in position and too powerful has only a dead end.

King Ida: This is called “merit is not rewarded, only death”!

Torrecchia: I think… You seem to be thinking too much.

Torrecchia: What fathers, sons…

Torrecchia: Who told you that the emperor took the “genoplasms” born in these laboratories as his son?

Tian Xiaoban: Ah??? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Banner: Not a son, is it an experiment?

Torrecchia: Hee-hee, maybe… It’s the kind that runs out and discards.

Tian Xiaoban: No, doesn’t the image say that the emperor is ready to let these genetic protozo rule the Galactic Empire instead of him?

Torrecchia: That’s just a plan, a plan that changes with reality!

Torrecchia: As you can imagine… That neuropathy with a butcher’s nail in his head, to rule the people?

Torrecchia: If the emperor had treated the protomorph as an experiment from the beginning, then it would have been reasonable no matter how many they were cleaned up afterwards.

Bruce Banner: Oops, if that’s the case, isn’t it exactly the same as the Thunder Warriors?

Starlight: Huh? Why didn’t that Mr. Killyman speak?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, it won’t be too hard to hit, so it’s silly.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the Wolf King, the Emperor’s expeditionary force found the 3rd Protobody. ] 】

[But the existence of this proto, along with the Astarte legion to which he belongs, was erased by the emperor, as if it had never existed. 】

[The fourth protosome found is Ferrus on the planet Medusa. Manus]

[When he was young, he once challenged a silver dragon, Asirnoth]

[This dragon is made of invulnerable metal and is almost impossible to kill. 】

[After a fierce battle, Ferrus used magma to kill the giant worm. 】

[The body of the silver dragon was melted by magma, and finally fused with the flesh and blood of Ferrus, giving him a pair of steel hands. 】

[When the emperor landed on the planet Medusa, he beat Belus according to the “usual practice”, which brought him under his command and made him the commander of the “Iron Hand” of the tenth legion. 】

[Due to his talent, before he was born… He has an intelligence and physique far beyond ordinary people, and the gene protogens lost in the galaxy have almost all shined on the planet where they landed, and even become the owner of the planet! 】

[And among them, the best luck is Robert Kiliman.] 】

[The planet he landed on “Makurag” can almost be called a paradise in the galaxy. 】

[There are no terrifying alien aliens, terrible subspace demons, no famine and rebellion, no massacres and strife…]

The planet is not only rich in resources and beautiful scenery, but also retains a large number of factories and manufacturing industries left over from the golden age of mankind. 】

[Although they do not have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, the people of Makurag can rely on spaceships equipped with subspace engines to communicate and trade with the surrounding planets. 】

[The entire planet is jointly managed by two consuls, and for a long time, it can be said that the government is harmonious and the people are sincere. 】

[Of course, this planet is not a paradise on earth, and there are still a large number of bandits in the wilderness outside the city. ] 】

[And when Kiliman descended on the planet, the person who found him was one of the two archons… Connor Kiliman]

[Connor was not married, so he made his female manager serve as Kiliman’s nanny.] 】

[So, Kiliman grew up almost with both parents.] 】

[Growing up, Kiliman, like the other protozos, showed amazing talent and intelligence that dwarfed all people.] 】

[Even before he is fully an adult, Kiliman has already learned all the knowledge on the planet Makurag and has become the first wise man on the planet. 】

[In addition to academics, Kiliman also showed amazing military talent, as if he was born knowing how to fight.

[Extremely proud of his son’s talent, the archon Connor was full of joy… Allow Kiliman to participate in military operations against the barbarian tribes. 】

[Unfortunately, once, when Kiliman went to the wilderness to fight the barbarians, his adoptive father was assassinated by another archon on the planet. 】

[When Kiliman returned to the city, he not only learned the bad news, but also saw that the entire city was in flames, burning and looting everywhere. 】

[This incident dealt an extremely heavy blow to Kiliman. 】

[Although he easily killed the archon to avenge his adoptive father, Kiliman finally realized… Strength and wisdom alone cannot solve all the world’s problems. 】

On the other hand, Kiliman also firmly believes that as long as you stick to your beliefs and work tirelessly, even in the face of difficult obstacles, things will always get better. 】

[For the rest of his life, he did. 】

[Instead of his father, Kiliman became the sole consul of Makurag.] 】

He reformed the world’s political system and established elitist rule. 】

[Under Kiliman’s rule, anyone in Makurag can be promoted if they are able. 】

[Under his rule, the entire planet has become more stable and prosperous. 】

[Five years later, a space fleet descended on the planet. 】

[The commander at the head is Kiliman’s real father… Emperor. 】

[After meeting the emperor, Kiliman did not hesitate to turn to this real father. 】

[Makurag became the recruiting ground for the “Extreme Warriors” of the Astarte Legion under his command. 】

[Under the teaching of Kiliman, all “extreme soldiers” have become capable people who “grasp both military and political hands”. 】

[Unlike many Astarte, who only know killing and destruction, there are still many talents in “government affairs” and “people’s livelihood” in the Extreme Warrior Legion. 】

[Whenever a planet is conquered, they remain as officials, responsible for rebuilding and revitalizing the planet’s economy and establishing trade networks with other imperial planets! ] 】

[Under the guidance of this set of guidelines, in the Great Expedition, extreme warriors not only conquered the most planets, but also put these worlds… Build better than before! 】

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