[Right at the navigation beacon in Faros… While positioned over Makurag, a miracle happened. 】

[A powerful light illuminates the small half of the eastern galaxy! ] 】

[Those loyal ships floating in subspace saw a shining beacon. 】

[Under the guidance of this lighthouse, the survivors of the interstellar warriors scattered throughout the eastern galaxy gathered in Makurag. 】

[From the mouths of these survivors, Kiliman learned the truth. 】

[Now at least half of the genoplasms have rebelled, the great expedition of the empire has completely collapsed, and even the entire empire… are on the verge of falling apart! 】

[Although he can rely on the technology of the space necromancer to create a Dao marker, the subspace storm that ravages the eastern galaxy is still impossible to traverse. ] 】

[To put it bluntly, it is impossible to return to Terra “rescue”. 】

[In the face of unprecedented adversity, as a wise man, Kiliman can only prepare for the worst. 】

[If the rebels have succeeded, the emperor has died, and the other loyalist proto-bodies have all died.] 】

[So… He will shoulder the future of all mankind alone. 】

[And to do this, Kiliman can only build a new human empire.] 】

[That’s the Second Empire.] 】

[But Kiliman is also very clear that if the emperor is still alive now, then his approach to establishing the Second Empire… It is tantamount to a mutiny! 】

[In the midst of these two dilemmas, good news suddenly appeared in front of him. 】

[Under the guidance of the Faros Dao, the First Legion, Leon Ai Johnson of the Dark Angel, and the Ninth Legion, Saint Giles of the Holy Blood Angel, all came to Makulag. 】

[Seeing the arrival of St. Giles, Kiliman was ecstatic. 】

[This genogen not only has the beautiful appearance of an angel, but also enjoys a great reputation throughout the empire. 】

[No one can doubt St. Giles’ loyalty to the emperor, and besides, he was also a very benevolent superior. 】

[If the Second Empire must be established, it can be said that it is most appropriate to have such a person as the head of the empire. 】

[Under the persuasion of Kiliman and Lane, although St. Giles was very reluctant, considering the future of the empire and even mankind, he could only reluctantly agree. ] 】

In this way, in the 9th year of the 31st millennium, the “Second Empire” of mankind was established in the five hundred worlds of Otrama. 】

[The regent of this empire is Saint Guiles, the holy blood angel, and Robert Gilliman is in charge of government affairs and becomes the “guardian governor”. 】

[Lane of the Dark Angel holds military power and serves as the protector of the country. ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! That emperor isn’t dead yet, is he? In the end, he killed Horus!

Tian Xiaoban: The result… You’ve built your empire here! Is this really not going to be a problem?

Loki Odinson: Question? Haha, this is too big a problem.

Loki Odinson: Before the emperor died, they formed the second empire, which is clearly splitting the empire or rebelling into chaos! ^_^

Robert Kiliman: (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, Kiliman’s usually calm face actually surged with an unnatural flush, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It’s not that he doesn’t know… What does the self of that parallel universe think.

With all communication voyages cut off and no knowledge of Terra’s situation, as a commander, you must prepare for the worst!

Moreover, he is also responsible for his 500 world!

It’s just that since the emperor is not dead, and he has just experienced a rebellion of Horus!

In this case, once the emperor knows the existence of the “second empire”, these three gene protos, including “himself”, I am afraid that they will be cleaned up by the emperor!


Thinking of this, the corners of Kiliman’s mouth suddenly showed a bitter smile.

He now understood Horus’s fears.

Ants are greedy.

In the face of the butcher knife that the emperor may wield, not everyone has the courage … Draw the neck and kill!

“Hopefully… The emperor can still be considerate of me, otherwise…”

Kiliman did not dare to imagine that he would betray!

But after watching so many betrayals, killings, destruction, fratricide … of images, he couldn’t believe anything anymore …

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Nearly 10 years have passed since the rebellion of Horus. 】

[In the 14th year of the 31st millennium, the rebels have finally approached the solar system. 】

[And in the face of traitors whose strength far exceeds their own, the imperial army can only barely delay time and hope for a miracle. ] 】

In a sense, miracles do happen. 】

[For unknown reasons, the subspace storm stopped again, and the “Second Empire” located in Otrama also received information that the emperor was still alive. 】

[Kiliman, St. Giles, and Lane quickly canceled the establishment of the Second Empire, mobilized all the troops, and rushed to the solar system at all costs. ] 】

[On Terra, for many years, in order to stop Magnus from opening the subspatial rift… Continuing to expand, the emperor had to sit on the golden throne all the time, using his spiritual energy to barely maintain the network tunnel he had created. 】

[But with the rebellion of Horus, more and more subspace demons rushed out of the rift, and the situation began to gradually deteriorate. ] 】

[Faced with such a situation, the emperor finally couldn’t hold back. 】

[One day, he made up his mind and stood up from the golden throne! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[By sacrificing a thousand psionics, the emperor was briefly freed. 】

[And the emperor seized this fleeting opportunity and rushed into the subspace rift! ] 】

[After gaining freedom, the emperor used all his previous spiritual energy to summon an army of absolutely loyal dead from the netherworld! ] 】

[This army includes not only Astarte, who died in the civil war, but even the genoplasm that was beheaded by Fogrim himself… Ferrus Marus! 】

[With the help of these undead, the emperor finally repelled a steady stream of subspace demons and closed the door of the network. 】

[But this move means that the emperor has done his best for many years… The attempt to open up the Ancient Saint King’s network channel was a complete failure! 】

[Moreover, this door to the other space is only temporarily closed. 】

[If there is no external force to continuously seal it, it will continue to open up and bring subspace to the real world.] 】

[And after sitting on the golden throne again, the emperor knew in his heart…”

[He only has one last chance to get out of the throne, and then he will be trapped in this golden tomb forever, and he will never be able to live beyond life!] 】

[Soon, Horus’s army came to the sky above the earth and carried out the strongest orbital bombing of this weather-beaten human parent planet! ] 】

[However, Horus did not intend to destroy the earth. 】

[He wants to kill his hypocritical father emperor with his own hands in the palace! ] 】

[Then crown the king in this place where mankind was born and become the new lord of mankind!] 】

[And just as Horus’s fleet approached the Holy Terra, the reinforcements of the Holy Blood Angel finally arrived. 】

[Not only that, the original bodies of the extreme warriors and dark angels also rushed to the Holy Terra at the fastest speed with their assembled subordinates. 】

[Faced with such a situation, Horus, the war commander who had been attacking Saint Terra for a long time, also had a glimmer of understanding. ] 】

[He is running out of time. 】

[If you continue to spend time here, when Gilliman and Lane’s reinforcements arrive, his rebels may be defeated! ] 】

[At this critical juncture, Horus did something amazing. 】

[He removed the energy barrier of his ship.] 】

[For Astarte and the genoplasm, their favorite method of use in space is to directly use a short-distance teleportation device to transmit to the opponent’s bridge for jumping gang combat! ] 】

[Horus’s move is to challenge like the emperor! ] 】

[“I’m right here, come and kill me if you have the ability!”] “】

[The emperor who saw this scene did not hesitate and stood up from the golden throne for the last time. 】

[This time, the one who made the sacrifice in his place was the strongest psionic in the “human race”: Macado, the prime minister of the empire. 】

[In place of the emperor, Maccardo sat on the golden throne. 】

[But his strength is still too far behind the emperor. 】

[From the moment he sat down, the golden throne began to rapidly consume Makado’s soul and life. 】

[This immortal will die soon! ] 】

[Just before he died, Macardo gave the emperor another gift. 】

[That is, the elite of the 12 human beings that he carefully selected.] 】

[These people’s loyalty to the empire and the emperor is beyond doubt. 】

[In the future, they will become the founders of the “Gray Knight” and even the “Inquisition Court”! ] Continue to support this human empire! 】

[In the face of his old friend, the emperor sighed and gave Macado the name of “hero”. 】

[But when the emperor spent some time coming to the flagship of Horus, he could only see… The original body of the Ninth Legion’s Holy Blood Angel, Saint Giles, fell to the ground. 】

[This proud angel was killed by the war marshal himself. 】

[Looking at the eyes… Filled with the power of the four gods of chaos, Horus with a face full of arrogance, the emperor’s eyes were full of pity and sorrow. 】

[He knew that this was the end. 】

[“Kill! “】

[This final battle of the Horus Rebellion is unfolding in the bridge of the battleship! ] 】

[By the time the human reinforcements arrived, the emperor had already personally killed his favorite son! ] 】

[But this move also made him pay a heavy price. 】

[The four gods chose Horus and gave the emperor terrible serious injuries! ] 】

[The emperor who was rescued back to the Holy Terra used his last breath to sit on the golden throne. 】

[And the Macado, who replaced him, turned into ashes the moment he saw the emperor. 】

[The moment he sat on the throne, the emperor’s body was already dead. 】

[But his body, protected by the magical technology “Static Stance” on the throne, will never decay or decay. 】

[And under the protection of powerful spiritual energy, the emperor’s soul will continue to exist in this body! ] 】

[A hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years! ] 】

[This is the end of the emperor, and even the human empire:]

[In the form of a “living dead”, continue to exist! ] 】

[Warhammer 30k broadcasts over]

PS: The next chapter is Black Robe Picket 2!

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