Robert Kiliman: The Emperor… He’s dead???

Robert Kiliman: It can’t be! ( ̄△ ̄; )

At this moment, Kiliman’s mood was really complicated to the point of being incomparable.

Before, the words of the alien alien called Thanos were like a reassuring pill, calming Kiliman’s mood.

Horus will be killed by the emperor!

In other words, the final victor of this war … Or the emperor, as well as the empire!

But Kiliman never expected that after winning, the emperor would die of his injuries!

And the most incredible thing is that even dead … The emperor actually continued to sit on that golden throne for tens of thousands of years!

What the hell is this?

“Wait a minute… Tens of thousands of years? ”

Kiliman’s eyes flashed, and he quickly thought of something amazing.

If the emperor sat on the golden throne for so long, wouldn’t it mean … Can empires last for tens of thousands of years?

That’s amazing!

How has there ever been such a long-lived empire in human history?

Soon, others in the group thought of this as well.

Stephen Strange: Tens of thousands of years! Even if the emperor died, his empire lasted for tens of thousands of years!

Stephen Strange: It’s incredible.

Starlight: If that emperor is dead, who will take his place as the new emperor?

Starlight: Mr. Kiliman in our group?

Robert Kiliman: No way! How could I…

Under the sharp change of thought, Kiliman was actually stunned again.

If you want to say, the emperor does have biological heirs, that is, genoplasma!

But in the original body, Horus, who was really regarded by the emperor as an heir … but rebelled!

Saint Guiles, the Holy Blood Angel, also has a strong prestige, and if he becomes an emperor, he can barely obey the public.

But in that parallel universe in the video, even “St. Giles” was killed by Horus!

Now… It’s really a leaderless crowd!

“Damn, such a bad future… It must not happen in our world! ”

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and Kiliman bowed his head slightly and began to think desperately.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn’t think of a way to break through the subspace storm!

Perhaps, the Faros road sign can illuminate the eastern galaxy, but the “lighthouse” can’t stop the storm!

If the subspace storm continues, even if Kiliman knows the future, he can only watch the situation gradually deteriorate!

Then, like in the video, walk towards the worst of scenes!

And just when Kiliman was distressed, the sound of the system sounded again.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

【Selected object: Starlight】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Black Robe Picket 2”! ] 】

Tian Xiaoban: Black Robe Pickets? What is that thing? I’ve never seen it.

Starlight: Terrible stuff… After you read it, you may regret it. (╯_╰)

Captain America: Starlight, with your current strength, no one dares to bully you.

Starlight: That’s right! Even the people of the Motherland are now somewhat hiding from me! o( ̄▽ ̄)d

However, now Walt seems to have changed a lot, not as unscrupulous as before.

Starlight: Maybe they found it in their conscience.

Ghost Rider: Humph! Such large companies will only care about profit and will not consider conscience.


Hermione Granger: The Walt Company? What do they do? Is it a business?

Ghost Riders: They are a bunch of evil bastards who artificially create superpowers and make money from them!

Ghost Rider: The most evil of them is the native of the motherland!

Deadpool: Uh-huh, I remembered too, this bastard… Once he allowed a passenger plane to crash to cover up his own ugly deeds!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s so infuriating that guy who treats human life like a mustard and dares to claim to be a superhero!

Bruce Wayne’s powerful energy is an inherently dangerous existence…

Deadpool: Hahaha! Speaking of which, in the world of black robes, the worst thing is that ABC.

Deadpool: Not only was his wife robbed by the Motherlandmen, but he also gave birth to a son! It’s a joy to be a daddy! ^_^

Starlight: First of all, I have always thought that the people of the motherland are garbage…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The captain of the black-robed picket … “Butcher” was taken away after being stunned by the Motherlanders. 】

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a lawn next to a house. 】

[It was here that he saw his long-lost wife, Rebecca, and a little boy with blonde hair. 】

[Looking at this mother and son, and how they looked when they got along with the people of the motherland, Butchelton was heartbroken and doubtful about life on the spot. ] 】

[It turns out that his wife was not killed by the Motherland, but robbed by the Motherland! ] 】

[Now, even children have grown so big! ] 】

[For so many years… The act of revenge on superheroes now seems to be nothing more than a joke! 】

[Just showing Butcher a “family reunion”, the Motherland crushed this determined Avenger! ] 】

[On the other side, because the female executive “Madeleine” was killed by the motherland, the real senior “Edgar” of Walt also came to the front from behind the scenes and officially began to take charge of the company’s operations. ] 】

[And under the operation of Edgar, the motherland and the starlight began to enter and exit pairs, shining at the funeral of the transparent person. ] 】

[Looking at the Motherland on TV … Huey, who put his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders and hid alone in the basement, suddenly had mixed tastes. 】

[Although, Starlight saved his life last time. 】

[And now, these anti-superhero “black-robed pickets” can only hide in the basement like rats crossing the street, and even go out carefully, lest they be recognized and call the police! ] 】

[Although he did not leave the Walt Company, Starlight still kept in secret contact with Huey and secretly provided them with information. 】

[Starlight is still the heroine who is full of justice in her heart, everything she has done… It’s all to expose Walt Corporation! 】

[After returning to the underground base, Huey also told the rest of the black-robed picket his plan! ] 】

[That’s through Starlight… Get “Compound 5” as evidence to expose the true face of Walt to the media. 】

But the black “milk” among his companions was very opposed to the plan.] 】

[The reason is that Starlight is watched all the time, and it is too dangerous to use her power. 】

[What Huey and others did not expect was that Starlight had already hit the idea of “compound No. 5”. 】

[She secretly tracks down a superpower nicknamed “Gecko”.] 】

[This man has a super self-healing ability, but he only uses this ability… Go and satisfy some perverted desires and then charge a fee. 】

[Starlight secretly took a video of the gecko, and then used this video to threaten him and force the gecko to steal compound No. 5 for himself! ] 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Deadpool: Wow! This man’s superpowers are like mine.

Deadpool: But… He has such a strong power, why don’t he do something serious? (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Wow haha! I think this job is very serious, and… And very dedicated!

Loki Odinson: Did you see that? That gecko kid claimed that as long as he paid 1,000 yuan more, he would let the “customer” cut off his own ****!

Morty: Gag… God, doesn’t this guy feel pain? No! Doesn’t he have shame?

Wolverine: I don’t want to say that, but this kid… I have probably experienced a lot of similar things and have long been numb. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Rocky Odinson: Haha, Starlight, I didn’t expect it… You’ve learned to video secretly and blackmail others!

Rocky Odinson: Worthy of a superhero. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Starlight: Bah! What qualifications do you have to laugh at me?

Starlight: No matter what my variant does, she’s also fighting for justice!

Wanda Maksimov: Yes, if she loses her hand, the Motherland may slaughter her!

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