“Deprive me of my superpowers?”

Captain Marvel’s eyes widened in disbelief and he exclaimed in disbelief.

This sentence of the system was simply tantamount to a thunder on the ground, which shook her whole person stupidly.

And just as Captain Marvel shouted, an unprecedented sense of weakness suddenly swept through her body.

For the first time since he gained superpowers due to the accident of the Cosmic Cube, Captain Marvel experienced this… A feeling that can be described as weakness.

“Whew… How so? What exactly is this system? ”

Captain Marvel’s body shook violently, his face suddenly turned pale, and he involuntarily reached out to cover his forehead.

And at this moment, the anger and confusion in her heart were even more indescribable.

Throughout the universe for so many years, Captain Marvel has encountered too many enemies to count.

But no matter how formidable a strong enemy is, she is defeated and invincible.

The reason is simple, after the energy transformation of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, Captain Marvel has obtained a physique that can absorb energy!

The stronger the energy of the other party attacking him, the stronger she will become!

But this superpower, which is enough to absorb all attacks in the universe, was deprived of 1/3 by an inexplicable system.


Raising his right fist in disbelief, Captain Marvel sent out an energy light wave with all his strength.

The light wave hit the ground, and Sheng Sheng punched a hole that I don’t know how deep.

But after releasing this punch, Captain Marvel’s face actually turned a little whiter.

The cold sweat on her forehead flowed uncontrollably.

Really…… She is indeed weakening.

Not only was the power of this blow not as powerful as before, but after throwing this punch, the feeling of weakness in her body actually became more serious.

“Abominable! Why, exactly? ”

Clenching his right fist, Captain Marvel’s lips trembled, and his heart suffered an unimaginably heavy blow.

She had never suffered such a major setback since gaining superpowers.

At this moment, even her mentality was about to collapse.

And at this time, in the group, there were already people who began to sigh about the misfortune of Captain Marvel.

Stephen Strange: This superheroine, or too short a time to enter the group, I don’t know the black of this system…

Loki Odinson: Hmph, I think he’s too confident, plus self-righteous.

Charles Xavier: People have already lost, do you still need to say such things?

Master Mordo: Occasional failures also contribute to one’s growth.

Rocky Odinson: Humph! I just love seeing this woman fail! Pretending to be invincible in the universe all day, the result … I can’t even answer a question correctly.

Carol Danvers: Abominable! You bastards! o(▼皿▼メ;)o

Wanda Maximov: If you want to scold that Loki, I’m okay, but other people are still sympathetic to you, do you need to scold them even too?

Carol Danvers: I don’t need sympathy!

Wanda Maksimov: What an ignorant woman, whatever you want.

Carol Danvers: You…

Bruce Banner: While I’m not qualified to answer the question, I’m also curious who exactly saved that Captain Marvel in this case… Ah, excuse me, what about the female journalist?

Nick Fury: I think it’s still my variant! He had a dozen soldiers with him!

Rocky Odinson: Oh? Since you are so confident, why don’t you answer the question?

Nick Fury: ………

To be honest, if the egg was still a little moved just now, I was ready to try my luck

But seeing Captain Marvel’s angry and corrupted appearance, he still pressed his mind.

After all, he is no longer the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. director, but on the contrary … I also gained freedom that I had not experienced for a long time.

If you choose the wrong answer and are somehow deprived of something by the system, that’s no joke.

Tony Stark: Ha, you guys are so far… Haven’t you seen through the routines of this system? It’s a shame.

Stephen Strange: Oh? Tony? Did you guess it again?

Tony Stark: It’s not called guessing, it’s called reasoning. But it seems to me that the correct answer is…

Before the words that asked you were finished, a figure that no one expected suddenly bubbled up in the group.

Godzilla: I chose D, it was the King Kong who rescued the Lone Reef Bull Demon.

Tony stark:!!! How could you…

Rocky Odinson: Oh? Looking at your reaction, are you also ready to choose this?

Tony Stark: Sigh… Exactly.

Carol Danvers: No way, how could King Kong come to the rescue of my variant? This……

Just as everyone was arguing, the cold voice of the system sounded.

【Ding! Godzilla finished answering, and the question and answer system began to decide…]

【Ding! Godzilla answered correctly. 】

“This guy actually got it right.?”

Hearing the system’s “correct answer”, Captain Marvel seemed to hear the most absurd thing in the world, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, stunned in place, his face was full of trance and disbelief,

Are you kidding?

That monster that even eats people will actually come to the rescue.

Is the world crazy?

Tony Stark: In my opinion, King Kong made a move to do his duty as the protector of Skull Island and save the trapped lone reef bull demon.

Stephen Strange: So King Kong didn’t even want to save that woman?

Natasha Romanoff: That’s right, you’re all thinking too much.

Magneto: Interesting! It was actually the gorilla.

Magneto: Oh, I also have an idea, after this orangutan rescued the buffalo, would he have eaten the female reporter as a snack?

Carol Danvers: What do you say?!!!

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Godzilla gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse related to himself]

[Godzilla gets a random reward…”True Godzilla’s evolutionary power! “】

“True Godzilla?”

Feeling this somewhat unfamiliar word, Godzilla blinked, and did not react for a while.

At this moment, a series of information poured into its brain.

【”True Godzilla”】

[Known as the strongest Godzilla in history, he has the ability to evolve almost infinitely. It can continue to mutate and grow by swallowing radioactive materials.

【Ding! Sensing the energy furnace in the host’s body, it began to transform it into a biochemical black fusion progen, sub-furnace]

[After the transformation is completed, the host will be able to rely on the biochemical black fusion gen, sub-furnace in the body, through the ingested water and air to produce a black reaction, can provide its own survival energy, so there is no need to ingest any other nutrients. 】

[Biochemical black fusion gen, sub-furnace is being generated.] Time required: One hour. 】

[After the original sub-furnace is generated, in order to maintain the operation of the original sub-furnace, the host needs to eat a large amount of black fuel. 】


Hearing these inexplicable terms, Godzilla could hardly understand a word.

Until the end, he vaguely understood a meaning.

Could it be that when the furnace formed in the body, he would no longer need to eat?

This one…… It seems to be a bit of a pity.

Also, what is black fuel?

After thinking for a while, to no avail, Godzilla simply gave up thinking, ready to have the opportunity to go to the group and ask the other members later.

Those in the group… It seems quite interesting, seems to be very smart, should know the answer.

[At this time. The image that was originally frozen on the screen resumes. 】

[Captain Marvel tried to remove the wreckage of the helicopter, but to no avail.] 】

[At this moment, the huge King Kong suddenly appeared, and casually lifted the wreckage and threw it away. ] 】

[Captain Marvel looked at the behemoth in front of him, and the whole person was frightened and stupid, and he even forgot to escape. ] 】

[King Kong looked at the small human woman in front of him, sniffled, and turned to leave. 】

Seeing this scene, there was another sigh in the chat group.

Magneto: Hahaha, I didn’t expect that gorilla to eat this woman!

Carol Danvers: You guy… What exactly is the hatred with me?

Magneto: Humph! I just can’t get used to your arrogant human attitude.

Carol Danvers: You!!!

Captain Marvel was furious, but she didn’t know where Magneto was, and she couldn’t even go to the door to seek revenge.

At this time, little Wanda asked curiously in the crowd.

Wanda Maksimov: Godzilla, how did you know that King Kong would definitely strike?

Godzilla: ………… As the guardian of the island, that is its responsibility.

Magneto: If you really know that much about King Kong, can you tell me why he didn’t eat that woman?

Godzilla: ………… It’s not worth it, it doesn’t fill your stomach at all.

Bruce Banner: Is this the disdain of superior beings for lower creatures?

Loki Odinson: What does it have to do with you to let you go? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Carol Danvers: Damn it! You bastards!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[After repairing the ship, Loki, Captain Marvel and the others got on the ship and began to sail to the north of the island. 】

[When they saw the signal flares released by the brine eggs, they immediately raised the boat and rejoiced. 】

[The humans who have divided the two lands on the island will soon converge. 】

[“Yay!!! “】

[At this moment of jubilation, an ugly strange bird swooped down from the sky, pierced the shoulder of a man on board, and then grabbed him and flew into the air! ] 】

[Loki quickly grabbed the gun to prepare to shoot, but he couldn’t pull the trigger for a while.] 】

[That man has been caught in the air, even if he shoots and kills the bird, he will die if he falls.] 】


[Mixed with screams of intense pain and fear, the man was surrounded by countless strange birds. Soon he was torn into pieces by the strange bird and died a terrible death. 】

“He’s done. “】

Loki’s face sank as water: “Everyone get your weapons, we must keep going.] “】

[After a while, Loki and the others finally converged with the soldiers led by the brine eggs. 】

[But at this time, the stewed egg does not plan to go north. ] 】

He decided to go west to find the transport pilot. 】

[World War II veteran Hank was shocked to hear :]

“We can’t go west! The west is full of skeleton lizards! “】

Although Hank objected, the egg insisted that he did not intend to give up any of his companions. 】

[In desperation, Loki had to agree to go with him. 】

[But not long after walking, everyone found a pit of ten thousand beasts, which was full of the bones of wild beasts. 】

[Among these skeletons, the largest are two adamantium skeletons.] 】

“These are the bones of King Kong’s parents. “】

[Captain Marvel’s face was as heavy as water: “I have photographed many places where bodies are buried, and I have never seen such a scene. “】

[Seeing this scene, Hank, a veteran of World War II, was even more horrified. ] Think that this is definitely the territory of skeleton monitor lizards, and there will be death and life after stepping in. 】

[But at the insistence of the brine egg, everyone still stepped into this pit of ten thousand beasts. ] 】

[Shortly after entering, a soldier threw a cigarette butt into a hole and mixed with biogas, causing an explosion.] 】

[At this moment, the skeleton monitor lizard was immediately alarmed. ] 】

[“Run! “】

[Watch the skeleton monitor lizard rush over.] The veteran Hank shouted, and quickly led everyone to hide, not to make a sound. 】

[It turns out that these skeleton monitor lizards catch prey based on sound and live underground for a long time, resulting in their poor vision. ] 】

[Can’t see the people around, a skeleton monitor lizard crawled near Loki and the others, and then vomited, actually spitting out a human skull. ] 】

[Skeleton monitor lizards do not have an excretion system, so they will spit out food after digestion, which is why this ten thousand beast pit methane is all over the place. ] 】

[Looking at the soldier dog tag hanging on the skull, Loki immediately guessed that this was the transport pilot that the brine egg claimed to be looking for.] 】

[When everyone saw the monitor lizard leaving and was about to continue on the road, Professor Langda suddenly prepared to use his camera to photograph this ten thousand beast pit. 】

[Who knows, the camera seems to be broken, and the flash starts to flash continuously.] 】

[Seeing this, Professor Langda’s face suddenly changed greatly, and he seemed to sense that disaster was coming. 】

[In the next second, a large mouth fell from the sky! ] 】

[The skeleton monitor lizard, which was brought back by the sound of the camera, swallowed the professor into his stomach in one bite.] 】

[In the melee, many soldiers were killed by skeleton monitor lizards. 】

[In the end, Captain Marvel was in a hurry, and used a lighter to ignite the methane gas in the pit of ten thousand beasts, and burned the skeleton monitor lizard alive. ] 】

[After escaping with his life, Loki took out the missing soldier’s dog tag directly in front of the egg, claiming that he was dead. 】

[Moreover, the real purpose of the brine egg is not to save people at all, he is to seize the weapons on the transport plane, and use this to kill King Kong and avenge the death of his subordinates under King Kong.] 】

[Hank, a World War II veteran, was dumbfounded. 】

[Because King Kong is the guardian saint of this island, if it dies, the entire island will be occupied by skeleton monitor lizards, and the indigenous people on the island will all be eaten.] 】

[But the egg insists on killing King Kong, and in this case, Loki can only propose that everyone part ways. 】

[Next, the brine egg finally came to the transport plane, got the weapon, poured gasoline on the lake near the transport plane, and buried incendiary bombs.] 】

[An excellent trap is laid. 】

[What the brine egg wants… It is to use Molotov cocktails and gasoline to burn King Kong alive! 】

PS: Ma-chan’s evolutionary power should be good, but what ability is better to let Mr. Ge evolve first? Feel free to make suggestions in the comments section. \(^o^)/~

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