Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Wanda Maksimov: What’s wrong with this black egg? Why was he so persistent to kill King Kong?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): yes, if King Kong died, then the natives of this island… All of them will be eaten by skeleton lizards!

Wolverine: It should still be for… Let’s love between comrades-in-arms.

Wolverine: To be honest, it’s not that I can’t understand this feeling, when I was in Vietnam… Minami also lost many friends.

Wolverine: But being so obstinate as he is will only make his subordinates more seriously injured.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Yes, in the pit of ten thousand beasts just now, there are already many dead soldiers.

Charles Xavier: What is the point of revenge for his subordinates, but losing more subordinates?

Magneto: Charles, don’t continue to peddle your Lady logic. Either way… If someone kills my subordinates, I will definitely avenge them!”

Charles Xavier: Eric, if you want to say that, it was these soldiers who threw bombs all over the island as soon as they came up, which angered King Kong and forced him to shoot.

Magneto: Huh? Charles, are you going to tell me now that humans must be sentenced to death when they kill a group of animals?

Charles Xavier: ………

Loki Odinson: What a bunch of stupid guys who haven’t seen the true meaning of this image until now.

Charles Xavier: Really?

Nick Fury: What was that?

Bruce Banner: Mr. Loki, if you have any opinions, please advise.

Loki Oddinson: Hahaha, this is the truth of the world that I only realized after I experienced the plot of the Time Bureau.

Rocky Odinson: In this world, some people are born decent, heroes, and destined to be applauded by thousands of people.

Loki Odinson: And some people are destined to become villains and villains! Only their miserable failures and deaths can make decent heroes achieve a brilliant life!

These words, in fact, were originally in the Time Authority… What Mobius said to Loki.

At the time, Loki was a little indignant, but now, he seems to have understood.

Wanda Maksimov: Uh… Are you talking about yourself?

Rocky Odinson: That’s right!

Wanda Maksimov: ???

Charles Xavier: To be so frank about being a villain and villain, Mr. Loki, I’m starting to change my opinion of you.

Rocky Odinson: No! It doesn’t matter if you always see me as a villain.

Bruce Banner: I already see what you mean, but what does this have to do with the “true meaning of the image”?

Loki Odinson: Quite simply, the brine egg in the image is destined to become a villain! Or rather… Become a stepping stone on the path of that gorilla’s glorious hero!

Wanda Maximov: Huh?

Bruce Banner: Interesting, I’m starting to understand.

Tony Stark: I get it too.

Tony Stark: If there is no company commander, then the next thing King Kong will do is to fight the biggest skeleton monitor lizard and kill the enemy who killed his parents!

Tony Stark: But that doesn’t seem like much meaning, and it doesn’t highlight King Kong’s heroism.

Wanda Maximov: Heroism? That guy is an orangutan. (⊙_⊙)

Loki Odinson: But on that island, he’s a hero!

Loki Odinson: In order to make this hero look even more radiant when he wins the final victory. Then some tribulation must be added to it.

Nick Fury: So, that’s the character of my variant?

Rocky Oddinson: That’s right, you’re the gorilla on the way to the top, and the stepping stone.

Loki Odinson: Only after stepping through the trap you set and then destroying the strongest skeleton monitor lizard… This shows the strength and courage of that gorilla!

Wolverine: You’re a little too troublesome, I get dizzy when I hear it.

Loki Odinson: You don’t need to understand, just read on.

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[In the evening, after the two sides parted ways, Loki and Captain Marvel climbed the mountain and saw the evacuation point they had dreamed of.] 】

[At this moment, King Kong came out of the dense fog and stood in front of them. 】

[Seeing this scene, the two of them were immediately frightened and the whole person froze. 】

[Seeing that King Kong did not immediately attack, Captain Marvel tentatively stepped forward two steps and reached out to touch King Kong’s… Nose. 】

[After touching it twice, Captain Marvel took two steps back with a strange smile on his face. 】

[And King Kong’s expression also became a little surprised, and it seemed that there was no desire to attack at all. ] 】

[At this moment of some peace, a violent explosion suddenly sounded on the shore of the lake in the distance. 】

[When King Kong heard this, he immediately opened his mouth and roared, and rushed straight over. ] 】

Seeing this, little Wanda also came to his senses.

Wanda Maksimov: That explosion was a trap set by the company commander of the brine egg.

Loki Odinson: That’s right, the next thing is to see how that gorilla stepped through this ordeal and became a real hero.

Nick Fury: Stepping stones? I didn’t expect that… Even in a different world, I still play this role.

Sitting in the underground base, the brine suddenly smiled bitterly.

Without any superpowers, now even power is lost, from now on … I can only play the help behind the scenes of those heroes.

But thinking of the possible fate of another variant, the halogen’s mood suddenly relaxed a little.

Even if it’s an auxiliary… It’s also better than being trampled by a gorilla!

Wanda Maksimov: But what’s the interaction between King Kong and Captain Marvel?

Tony Stark: Judging by the situation, it seems to be kind of interesting to that woman.

Carol Danvers: What are you kidding, how is this possible!!! You all shut up for me.

Captain Marvel took a deep breath and suddenly gritted his teeth fiercely.

She is a grand superhero, how can she be given by a gorilla…

As soon as he thought of this possibility, Captain Marvel only felt that his scalp was numb and goosebumps appeared on his body.

【Image continues】

[Sure enough, it was the brine egg that ignited explosives near the lake and created an earth-shattering explosion in order to lure King Kong out.] 】

[In this way, it really led King Kong out.] 】

[Looking at King Kong rushing in his direction from the lake, the brine egg showed a smug smile on his face and threw the torch in his hand violently. ] 】

[It seems that due to the anger attack, King Kong did not find the gasoline floating on the lake, and was surrounded by fire in an instant. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[Immediately afterwards, the incendiary bomb that the brine egg had been placed on the lake in advance also exploded.] 】

[At this moment, the lake instantly turned into a sea of fire, burning King Kong to scream. 】

[No matter how tough its fur is, King Kong is also a creature that cannot resist the erosion of flames. 】

[And this special incendiary bomb plus gasoline, the flame temperature caused by it is even more amazingly high.] 】

[“Roar! “】

[King Kong used his last bit of strength to rush ashore from the sea of fire and kill two beautiful soldiers. ] 】

[But because the injury was not light, it eventually fainted on the ground.] 】

[Seeing King Kong fall to the ground, the brine company commander showed a smug look on his face, and took out the bomb detonator he had set up long ago from his arms. ] 】

[As long as he presses the button, the bomb that has long been buried in the ground can blow up the fainted King Kong alive.] 】

[At this moment, Loki and World War II veteran Hank rushed to the rescue. 】

[Both sides were holding weapons, and the situation suddenly reached a stalemate. 】

[What no one expected at this time was… The bomb detonated by the brine egg led the king of the skeleton monitor lizard out. 】

[After Loki and the others saw it, they didn’t say a word and ran away. ] 】

[Only the brine egg actually thought of revenge, raised the remote control in his hand and was ready to press the button. ] 】

[At this time, only listen to a roar.] 】

[“Roar! “】

[As soon as the company commander turned around, he saw King Kong who fell to the ground and opened his eyes. ] 】

[It seems that sensing the presence of natural enemies, King Kong woke up. ] 】

[“Give me death, you Farke…”

[The egg was about to press the button, and King Kong’s giant fist fell from the sky and beat him into a meatloaf. ] 】


Seeing the fate of the company commander of the brine egg, everyone in the live broadcast room actually felt a feeling of “sure enough”.

Next, they looked at Loki in unison.

Seeing this, Loki sneered:

“The villain has completed his mission, and it’s time to step out.”

At this time, in the underground base, the brine egg shook his head even more, and suddenly felt a little cold behind him.

Even if you know it’s a variant, you see yourself beaten into a meatloaf!

That sense of horror… It’s still chilling.

【Image continues】

[Next, after waking up, King Kong fought with the King of Skeleton Lizards.] 】

[Since the damage caused to him by the brine egg company commander was not light, King Kong was quickly knocked down by the monitor lizard. 】

[And after putting it in King Kong, the monitor lizard did not kill it, and directly chased Loki and others. ] 】

[Seeing that the monitor lizard was about to catch up with Loki and them, King Kong fell from the sky again and started the second round with the monitor lizard. 】

[“Boom! Snap! “】

[The terrifying roar resounded in the sky! ] For a while, the battle between the two monsters shook the entire island. 】

[Halfway through the fight, the skeleton monitor lizard rolled up King Kong with its tail and threw him out.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Good death or death, King Kong just fell on a long-damaged giant ship, and was entangled in the iron anchor and chain of the giant ship. ] 】


[The King of Skeleton Lizards let out a harsh scream and pounced on King Kong, about to bite this old enemy to death! ] 】

[At the critical moment, the black assistant brother drove the broken ship that they repaired, and rushed up while firing, once again attracting the attention of the king of skeleton lizards. ] 】

[King Kong, who was slowing down, broke free of the chains and stood up from the ruins of the giant ship, and only then did it discover the propeller of the giant ship! ] 】

[Copying the huge steel propeller, King Kong stepped forward and struck a blow, inflicting heavy damage on the skeleton monitor lizard, knocking the monitor lizard to the ground. ] 】

Seeing this scene, Black Widow nodded in the live broadcast room:

“This beast’s intelligence is not low, and it knows how to learn and use tools!”

“Use tools?”

Tony couldn’t help but be a little surprised to hear it.

“The biggest difference between an ape and a monkey… It’s the apes who learned to use tools. ”

Touching his chin, Tony groaned.

Listening to the old pilot Hank, this King Kong seems to be still in his childhood!

If you say it this way, let it get older, will his intelligence also increase?

“With such a large size and strength, if there is intelligence, it is really amazing…”

Tony’s eyes flickered, and he seemed to begin to understand, that Professor Rhonda… Why are you so afraid of these ancient monsters?

【Image continues】

[Because the battle between these two monsters was too intense, the shock caused by it actually shook Captain Marvel standing on the mountain rock into the water. ] 】

[And after using the steel propeller to knock down the king of skeleton monitor lizards, King Kong quickly put his hand into the water and fished up the fainted Captain Marvel. ] 】

[Staring at Captain Marvel in the palm of his hand, the expression on King Kong’s face also brought a hint of softness. ] 】

[But at this moment, the king of the skeleton monitor lizard, who was originally defeated by him, actually climbed up again. ] 】

[The two giant beasts suddenly rolled together again. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Seeing King Kong desperately protecting and grabbing Captain Marvel’s right fist, the king of skeleton monitor lizards suddenly stretched out his long tongue and entangled King Kong’s fist! ] 】

[Next, it also opened its mouth wide… Swallowed King Kong’s entire right fist, along with Captain Marvel! 】

[“Roar!!! “】

[It seems that he is very worried about the safety of Captain Marvel, and this time King Kong is completely furious. ] 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[Condense the strength of the whole body, King Kong pull hard! ] 】

[This time, he actually ripped out the tongue of the king of skeleton monitor lizards, along with its internal organs! ] 】

[“Plop! “】

[The king of skeleton monitor lizards fell into the water and never moved again. 】

[King Kong released his right palm with a nervous face, and saw that Captain Marvel was still lying in his palm, and seemed to be breathing. ] 】

[Placing Captain Marvel on the shore, King Kong turned his head and walked towards the depths of the island.] 】


[In Loki’s arms, Captain Marvel coughed violently a few times and woke up. 】

[Hearing the sound of Captain Marvel coughing, King Kong turned around, and there was a nostalgia in his eyes. ] 】

[But he still remembered his responsibility as the guardian of the island and turned back into the thick fog.] 】

[Next, Loki, Captain Marvel and others met with the rescuers and left the Skull Island. 】

[King Kong: Skull Island Ends]

Seeing the end of the plot, no one in the chat group mentioned King Kong for a while,

Everyone focused their discussion on Captain Marvel.

Rocky Odinson: I guessed that King Kong finally surpassed the ordeal set by the villain to become a greater hero,

Loki Odinson: But… I really didn’t guess the last hero saving beauty.

Carol Danvers: Stop! Don’t say anything heroic to save beauty, or I’ll kill you. o(▼皿▼メ;)o

This moment. Captain Marvel was really repaired and angry.

As the strongest superhero on Earth, she has traversed the universe for decades, and she has always saved others! When will it be someone else’s turn to save her.

Not to mention, saving her in the image… It’s not a human, it’s a gorilla!

Wanda Maximov: Ahem, Carol, don’t you actually have to be so bad? Looking at that King Kong’s last expression, it seems to really like you.

Carol Danvers: What do you say? (▼へ▼メ)

Wanda Maximov: Unfortunately, you are of different races and cannot be in love. …… Poof! O(∩_∩)O haha~haha! I can’t stand it!

Magneto: I really didn’t expect that your woman’s charm is so great that even gorillas can be fascinated and admired! Admire.

Carol Danvers: Stop! Shut up! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Godzilla: Hmph! It is a shame that this monkey was actually confused by human females.

Carol Danvers: What do you call me? Female?

Captain Marvel was so angry that his head was a little dizzy.

What’s going on today?

How did some mess of people pop up?

Just when Captain Marvel was angry, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! Start the third random stream. 】

[Ding… New features have started to start…】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected Target: Wanda Maximov]

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Godzilla 1”]

Wanda Maksimov: Huh? I? Is there a variant of me in the multiverse this time?

Tony Stark: Wait… Godzilla 1?

Tony Stark: Could it be… This time, the video tells the story of the new group member.

Magneto: Interesting, until now, that Godzilla hasn’t introduced me.

Magneto: Hey, Godzilla! What kind of person are you? What era do you live in? Let’s hear it.

Godzilla: …………

PS: Skull Island Pretty Boy is temporarily out of the scene, Godzilla, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch are about to take the stage! ^_^

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