[Kai Ju Monster’s attack on Earth has terrible consequences. 】

[Needless to say, the damage caused by monsters to the city is already shockingly high just because of the nuclear bombs released to destroy monsters. 】

[Moreover, the monster blood scattered after the Kai Ju monster was injured and died actually caused a special poisoning phenomenon – monster blue. ] 】

[In the face of rising civilian casualties, the human side has finally woken up. 】

[If this situation is not reversed, sooner or later the human race will be exterminated by the endless Kaiju beasts. 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was moved.

“What is this? An alien monster that teleports to Earth through a space-time portal? ”

Strange frowned and said:

“How can even monsters use such sci-fi methods? Are there still scientists in the monster? ”

Tony spread his hands and said:

“Who knows, maybe this is a special ability evolved by some alien monster.”

“It’s like that Muto… An EMP force field evolved to restrain Godzilla. ”

Hearing this, everyone’s faces changed a little.

“Evolved … Portal abilities across the galaxy? ”

Little Wanda’s eyes widened, and her expression was a little dull.

Even if it is a monster, it is too bizarre to do this.

At this time, an unexpected person suddenly bubbled up in the chat group.

Nick Fury: Something is wrong! This high-intensity succession of attacks can never be random.

Nick Fury: There must be a mastermind behind these so-called Kaiju monsters!

Natasha Romanoff: And these monsters are not afraid of life and death after they come to Earth, they are just crazy destruction.

Natasha Romanoff: This style of play is very similar to self-killing, attacking!

Tony Stark: Ready to exterminate humanity with endless monsters, dare, death, team? No matter who the other party is, this hand is really ruthless.

Mage Mordo: This method of opening the portal and letting the monster take the lead… It should be an attack by aliens!

Master Mordo: What I wait for the mages of Karma Taj to defend against is such a threat!

Stephen Strange: Oh? It turns out that in addition to resisting the demon gods of another dimension, we magicians are also responsible for resisting aliens?

Mage Mordo: Of course, just like in the picture, if all humans are exterminated by alien monsters, can we magicians still stay out of it?

Godzilla: Roar! As long as I am here, the alien monsters want to occupy the earth!

Wanda Maksimov: Oh, Godzilla boss, in addition to protecting humans, are you going to protect the earth this time?

Godzilla: I’m not interested in protecting anything, it’s just… This land is my home, and these alien monsters are absolutely not allowed to make trouble here!

Charles Xavier: Repelling pests in the garden? It’s not that I can’t understand this mentality…

Godzilla: A monster that invaded from another world always reminds me of that hateful Ghidorah!

Godzilla: If I’m in that world, I’m sure I’ll crush them with my own hands!

【Image continues】

[However, just as the monster was raging around the world, an unexpected turn came. 】

[Just as the opening monster “Cutter” attacked Kangaroo Country, Jasper, a scientist in the beautiful country, was taking care of his son at home. 】

[When he saw his son holding a mecha toy in one hand and a monster toy in the other, playing with each other, an incredible thought suddenly popped up in his mind. ] 】

Two weeks later, Jasper came up with his invention of the “Mech Hunter” at a seminar and the idea of using giant robots to fight the opening monsters. 】

[September 20.1.4, the Rim-Pacific Ping-Yang Joint Defense Force … PPDC was established for short. 】

[The purpose of this force is to fight the opening monster and close the portal in the depths of the Pacific Ocean once and for all! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Jasper began to develop the mech of his dreams. 】

[But soon, he ran into a problem. 】

[In Jasper’s plan, this mech does not require a driving device, but is directly controlled through consciousness. 】

[Finally, with the help of a female neurologist, he finally developed the “consciousness sensing system”! ] 】

[This system can transmit human brain waves into a computer to generate a virtual brain.] 】

[Then connect this virtual brain with the mecha’s artificial intelligence system.] In this way, humans and mechs can complete synchronous collaboration without delay. 】

[However, after they finally built the giant robot, there were problems in the actual operation.] 】

[It turns out that the huge amount of data returned from the consciousness sensing system will suddenly pour into the human brain, making the driver simply unable to bear it. 】

After losing two drivers in succession, someone finally realized that a person could not bear the pressure of this consciousness sensing system. 】

Next, scientists invented the dual-driver system. 】

[Let the two drivers provide the left and right hemibrains respectively, and use this method to control the super robot collaboratively… Mech hunter. 】

[With the production of a powerful mecha hunter, the Kai Ju monster began to be defeated continuously. 】

[The advantage of the battle situation began to shift to the human side. 】

Seeing this, Tony said thoughtfully.

“So it is, with two people to share … The huge flow of information returned by the consciousness control system is not a genius, but it is an acceptable solution. ”


Hearing this, Little Wanda asked with some curiosity:

“Stark, do you have a better plan?”

“Of course.”

Tony said without hesitation:

“The reason why this kind of thing happened, in the final analysis, is because the artificial intelligence system of that mecha does not have enough processing power!”

“Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been… Let so much unprocessed information flow into the human brain. ”


Tony nodded.

“This kind of operation that uses human consciousness to directly control robots is indeed very novel.”

“It inspired me a lot.”

At this time, Strange suddenly said:

“Let the brain waves of the two drivers be highly synchronized to start this robot?”

“In this way, then the driver should preferably be related by blood, or even twins!”

“That’s the only way to make sure their minds are in sync.”


Little Wanda listened with disgust:

“Do you have any wrong ideas about twins?”

“What Pietro’s idiot is thinking, I can never guess!”

At this time, Godzilla bubbled up in the group again.

Godzilla: Are these humans really interesting, producing these mechanical gadgets, but mainly fighting with their fists?

Godzilla: Aren’t humans good at making weapons?

Tony Stark: Well…

When Godzilla asked this, Tony choked too.

To be honest, he was also completely incomprehensible …

The humans of that world in the image can even build such a huge robot, why not equip these mecha warriors with some cool high-tech weapons?

Such a high-tech robot, using fists and hand-to-hand combat to fight monsters?

【Image continues】

[At this time, the screen turned, and a pair of twin drivers appeared on the screen.

[“Raleigh” and his twin brother are both mech hunter pilots, and they fly mechs named “Dangerous Wanderers”! 】

[Just when the mecha hunters they were driving were preparing to attack and fight the Ju Beast. ] 】

[This pair of drivers’ top bosses.] The supreme commander of the Huantai Pingyang Joint Defense Force… Black Commander Stark also appeared. 】

Looking at the familiar black man on the screen, Loki and the others were all stunned.

“This… No way? It’s him? ”

“Is this a variant of that Heimdall in another world? Interesting. ”

Tony’s eyes flashed, and a strange idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

In other universes… And what will your own variant look like?

Also a scientist?


Still is…… Careers in other careers?

At this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, who had been silent, suddenly shouted in the group.

Thor: Heimdall! Isn’t that Heimdall?

Thor: I really didn’t expect that in another universe, he actually became a mortal.

Thor: But he still seems to be so majestic, uh-huh, not simple, worthy of being the patron saint of Asgard.

Loki Odinson: Huh? Thor…… Are you sobering up?

Thor: Huh… I can’t lift that hammer anyway, what else can I do without drinking?

Rocky Oddinson: ……… Whatever you want.

As if he didn’t bother to pay any more attention to this stupid old brother, Loki turned his attention to the screen again.

[I saw the 80-meter-tall “Dangerous Wanderer” mecha left the base under the control of two pilots. 】

[The two pilots make various movements in the huge space inside the mecha, and their movements will also feed back to the huge robot outside. ] 】

Seeing this scene, Tony fell into deep thought.

Pressed up, the world’s “consciousness control system” is still stuck to a very primitive degree. ”

“The driver has to actually make a movement in order to control the robot”

“It seems that… Even if I get the design drawings for this dangerous wanderer, there is still a lot of room for improvement. ”

【Image continues】

[In the sea, a fishing boat encountered a terrifying giant monster. 】

[This Kaiju monster named “Sickle Head” is nearly 100 meters tall and covered with armor like a shell. 】

[The sharp horns of its head look even more fierce! ] 】

[“Help!!! “】

【”What to do? We’re going to die. “】

Just as the fishermen on the fishing boat howled in despair, the “dangerous wanderer” suddenly stood up from the sea, grabbed the fishing boat with one hand, turned and lowered it on the sea behind it. 】

[Next, the dangerous wanderer turned around, clenched his fists and smashed it on the head of the “sickle head”. 】

[The battle between the mecha hunter and the opening monster has begun! ] 】

PS: There are really not many variants of Iron Man, does anyone really want to watch his “Sherlock Holmes”? ^_^

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