[“Bang! “】

[The “Dangerous Wanderer” stumbled through the huge body of the Ju Beast, but this monster actually immediately straightened up again and rushed towards the mecha hunter. 】

[“Bang! “】

[The two pilots made a precise left hook at the same time, and the mecha hunter also swung a punch exactly the same, slamming the Kaiju beast into the sea. ] 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[Kaiju Beast raised its head from the sea again, but saw the “Dangerous Wanderer” clenched his fists, raised his head high, and smashed down with the momentum of thunder. ] 】

[At this moment, the “sickle head” of the Kaiju beast was smashed into the sea again. 】

[This monster is really thick skin, I saw the Kaiju beast roaring, listening to the head like a sharp knife and axe, the fierce mecha warrior rushed over, and suddenly bit the left hand of the “dangerous wanderer”. ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[The entire mecha hunter shook a bit, and the two pilots in the cockpit were also shaken to their feet. ] 】

[But Raleigh and his brother… Worthy of an experienced driver! 】

[They first broke free from the teeth of the scythe head, and then grabbed the monster’s head with the left hand of the mecha, and the plasma impact cannon in their right hand immediately began to charge. ] 】

[“The charge is over! “】

[“Let’s go together! “】

[The two pilots worked together to control the right hand of the mecha warrior and hit the scythe head in the abdomen with the plasma impact cannon! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[This blow is so powerful! ] The body of the “sickle head” of more than two thousand tons was actually beaten with both feet and flew out! Finally smashed the sea level! 】


[Kaiju beast “sickle head” slowly sank into the sea, and it seems that it has been killed. 】

[“Sir, a strong electric current bursts. “】

[At this time in the base, correspondent Cai Tiantong reported. 】

[“Detected… Plasma cannons fired from a front rack 7 miles from the coastline! “】

[Black Commander Stark hurriedly asked:]

“Wanderer, what happened? “】

[Raleigh had a triumphant smile on his face and replied loudly:]

“Mission accomplished, sir, that was the fifth monster we took out just now. “】

At this time, in the live broadcast room, just when everyone was excited about the scene of “mecha warriors fighting monsters” in front of them…

The picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why do the mecha warriors created by humans insist on attacking the Kaiju monster with their fists? 】

[This question is a special question that can be answered by all people in the live broadcast room and chat group.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

“Special questions that anyone can answer?”

Hearing the announcement of the system this time, many people’s faces showed surprise.

In the past, almost all the questions in the live broadcast room were qualified to answer, or there were variations that appeared in the image to be qualified.

But this time… The system is like a big broadcast, giving the permission to answer questions to everyone in the chat group.

Wolverine: It’s a surprise that even I can answer questions. Hahaha…

Magneto: Is it really that happy? When you answer the system incorrectly, and then you are deprived of certain abilities, it will be up to you to see if you still laugh.

Previously, due to incorrect answers, Magneto was deprived of 1/3 of his superpowers.

Later, although he made up for part of it because he obtained the LV4 super electromagnetic cannon, as long as he thought of it, it was enough to make Magneto’s heart jump.

Wolverine: Uh… Then forget it.

Originally, everyone in the chat group was a little surprised, but Magneto’s speech was like a basin of cold water, which immediately calmed them all.

Never thinking he was smart, Wolverine thought about it, and when he found that he had no point, he shook his head and raised his bottle to pour himself a glass of wine.

Such a difficult question, let those smart people answer.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, little Wanda habitually looked at Tony and asked:

“Stark, have you thought of an answer?”

However, Tony Stark frowned slightly at this time.

“The robot hits the monster with its fist, this… It’s really troublesome. ”

Although Tony is also an expert in mecha manufacturing, the steel suits he makes are all used to attack enemies with a variety of high-tech weapons.

It can be said that this question is exactly asking his blind spot.

At this time, Peter spoke with some uncertainty:

“I have seen on the Internet that some people are called “middle two diseases”. ”

“It is also said that these people’s minds are not very mature, and they do things like children in the second grade of middle school…”

Before Peter, when Peter finished speaking, Loki interrupted him:

“Boy, what do you want to say?”

Loki stretched out his finger to the large screen frozen in front of him and said coldly:

“Didn’t you see the image just now? This mecha hunter plan is being implemented on a planet-wide scale. ”

“Do you want to tell us that such a plan involving all mankind was decided because of someone’s secondary illness… Let all the robots punch monsters with their fists? ”

At the end, Loki’s tone was already full of sarcasm:

“Are you crazy, or are you crazy about the humans on that earth?”

Hearing these words like a knife, Peter’s face turned red at once.

I saw that he even took several steps back, lowered his head deeply, and did not dare to say a word.

“You scoundrel, what is fierce?”

Seeing Loki’s unscrupulous bullying of Peter, little Wanda was a little unhappy.

Loki glanced at her, and suddenly revealed his signature treacherous smile:

“Little girl, see you jumping like this, you have the ability to answer a question.”

“Maybe you can get it right.”


Looking at Loki’s weird smile, little Wanda’s expression stiffened at once.

Since joining the group, she has only answered the question correctly, and it is largely due to luck.

And this time, the problem, but not even the option, belongs to the most difficult one!

In this case, how could little Wanda stupidly rush up to send people’s heads.

“Obviously a robot, but choose to use the most primitive fist to fight hand-to-hand…”

Strange frowned and pondered, faintly seemed to sense something, but could not grasp the center of gravity.

At this moment, someone suddenly bubbled up in the chat group.

Bruce Banner: I really didn’t expect that so many smart people in the live broadcast room would focus on the robot.

Wanda Maksimov: What do you mean? Did you already guess it?

Bruce Banner: There is a conjecture, but I haven’t decided whether to go to Bo or not.

Natasha Romanoff: The focus of the problem is not on robots, but on monsters?

Natasha Romanoff: Wait a minute! I understand!

Bruce Banner: The response is so fast, and he is really one of the few smart people in the world.

Natasha Romanoff: Mainly because of your reminders.

Loki Odinson: How? What is the correct answer?

Wanda Maximov: You scoundrel! What others themselves think, on what basis do they tell you?

At this time, sitting in the living room of Tony’s mansion, Bruce Banner, who looked sluggish, took a deep breath, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

By now, Banner is almost certain. My own conjecture is correct.

And if he really answers correctly, what kind of magical reward will the system give him?

Bruce Banner: I answer! Because these Kai Ju monsters are full of toxins, in order to avoid a large amount of their blood flowing out of the environment and polluting the environment, the mecha warriors will try to fight them with their fists.

Wanda Maksimov: Blood? Toxin?

Before Little Wanda could react, Tony slapped his palm sharply, and his eyes showed a look of sudden realization.

“Yes! In previous images, it was revealed that the blood of those monsters after death… With a poison called ‘Monster Blue’! ”

“So it is.”

Strange shook his head and sighed:

“We all wanted to be crooked and focused on the robot, but we didn’t expect the monster to be the core of the problem.”

At this time, the black widow suddenly said coldly:

“Don’t you think it’s strange? These Kaiju monsters are not only mysterious in origin, but also from the information they have summarized, they simply came to Earth to kill themselves! ”

When Tony heard this, he was shocked:

“That’s right, these monsters are not only covered in poison, but since they appeared, they have been frantically destroying everything everywhere.”

“And if humans kill them with weapons of mass destruction, the blood in the monster’s body will flow everywhere, damaging the environment, polluting water sources, and even the atmosphere!”

Peter listened creepy next to him, and unconsciously swallowed his spit:

“It’s terrible, who is behind those Kaiju beasts?”

“Could it be… Do they want to destroy the entire planet? ”

“If the earth is destroyed, what good is it for those invaders?”

Tony shook his head and sighed:

“Peter, you think too simply, you remember, in ancient times… Why did Godzilla and the other behemoths choose to hibernate? ”

Peter was stunned when he listened, and then the whole person was as if he had been struck by lightning, stiff in place, and his eyes showed horror.

“It won’t! Could it be…”

Tony’s expression was a little heavy:

“At that time, the surface of the earth was full of radiation, which was the most suitable environment for monsters!”

“So, if I’m not mistaken…”

Tony’s face immediately became cold, and he said word by word:

“The mastermind behind creating a space gate and sending those monsters to Earth may be living in an environment full of poisonous gas and water!”

“And they keep sending monsters to Earth, in addition to wanting to exterminate humans, it may also be to modify the environment!”

At this moment, even Strange came to his senses.

“They want to take the Earth’s environment … Transformed into the same as their planet, what a ruthless means! ”

In addition to the live broadcast room, even most of the people in the chat group changed their faces when they heard it.

If those masterminds hidden behind the scenes really turn the earth’s environment into poison everywhere through these kaiju beasts.

So…… Not only was humanity extinct, but the planet was transformed to look exactly like their hometown.

At that time, those masterminds behind the scenes will directly walk out through the portal and harvest the entire planet!

Godzilla: Trying to destroy the environment of the earth, abominable alien invaders!

Although he claims on the surface that he doesn’t want to protect anything, Godzilla does have feelings for the world he lives in.

Carol Danvers: ………

Looking at Godzilla’s indignant appearance in the group, Captain Marvel’s expression also became very strange.

Did I make a mistake?

Why do even monsters want to protect the earth now?

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

【Ding! Bruce Banner finished answering, and the Q&A system began to decide…]

【Ding! Bruce Banner answered correctly. 】

After hearing the system’s notification, Bruce Banner let out a long breath, and the whole person suddenly leaned on the sofa of Tony’s mansion.

Wolverine: So those robots only use their fists to try to beat the monster to death without bleeding?

Stephen Strange: That’s it.

Stephen Strange: No matter how terrifying these monsters are, as long as they are creatures and have internal organs… You can kill it with this method of “creating internal injuries”!

Wolverine: It seems that I can’t use this method of killing monsters.

Magneto: Maybe… Charles can try to use his psychic abilities to control these monsters.

Charles Xavier: No kidding, who knows what the brains of these monsters look like, and if I invade, I might mess up my own brain.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Bruce Banner gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to stream any multiverse on demand]

[Bruce Banner gets a random reward……… Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist (Advanced)! 】

“Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist? Is this a punch? ”

Bruce Banner was stunned to hear this, and the whole person was stunned.

His ability is to transform into a violent Hulk.

In that case, even his own personality will be replaced by the Hulk!

No matter how powerful the boxing technique is, it is useless to him.

Just then, a flurry of information flooded into Banner’s brain.

[Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist, Hero Association S-class hero, silver fangs “Bungu”‘s stunt. ] 】

[Not only can it dissolve the enemy’s powerful attacks like flowing water, but it can also guide others, and it can also attack the enemy himself with the enemy’s strength! ] 】

[It can be called a boxing technique that is both offensive and defensive, and it is the best at dealing with those weirdos who only have strong brute force. ] 】

“The Hero Guild? Kook? ”

Hearing these strange terms, Bruce Banner couldn’t understand what it meant for a while.

But in an instant, a strange thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

“This punch … Seems very suitable for dealing with that green guy. ”

At this moment, the picture that had been frozen began to play again.

【Image continues】

[At this time, Cai Tiantong’s face in the base suddenly changed. 】

“The monster’s signs of life are increasing, and the ghost thing is still alive. “】

[Immediately afterwards, a trace of panic suddenly appeared in Cai Tiantong’s voice. 】

[“Monster level, level three! “】

“This guy is a level three monster. “】

“What? “】

[The pupils of the black commander Stark also contracted instantly. 】

[Since the implementation of the Mecha Hunter Program, they have always faced second-level monsters. 】

[Why did it appear this time… It actually turned into a third-level Kaiju beast! 】

[After reacting, the black commander quickly rushed to the microphone and shouted an order:]

[“Wanderer, hurry up and get out of there with that fishing boat, that monster is still alive!”] “】

“Moreover, it is still a level three monster! “】

“What? “】

Raleigh and his twin brother were taken aback. 】

[But as soon as they turned around, they saw the scythe head rushing directly in front of the mecha hunter! ] 】

[“Click! “】

[In the nick of time, the two pilots finally controlled the mecha hunter and grabbed the blood basin of the scythe head. 】

“You control it, I’ll give it another blow!”] “】

[Raleigh just launched the plasma impact cannon, but saw the scythe head lowered its head, and the head was extremely hard and sharp… Fiercely plunged into the shoulder of the mech hunter! 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[The left shoulder of the “Dangerous Wanderer” is pierced by the head of the scythe head! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, as soon as the scythe head raised its head, it actually cut off the left arm of the entire mecha hunter! ]

[It turns out that… This monster’s head is its biggest weapon! 】

PS: The first season of Marvel’s animated “What If…” begins! Advice if you haven’t seen it is to go now!

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