Ether particles?

Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked.

“A reality gem in one of the 6 Infinity Stones? Originally…… It fell into the hands of the Asgardians thousands of years ago! ”

Peter exclaimed, involuntarily turning his head to look at Loki.

But he found that Loki was also confused at this time, and his eyes were full of confusion.

Although he has lived in Asgard for thousands of years, Loki has never heard of ether particles.

At this time, Thor, the god of thunder, also bubbled up in the group.

Thor: Lead your troops to defeat the Dark Elves! Didn’t I expect that grandpa was also quite powerful back then?

Loki Odinson: Thor, have you heard of ether particles?

Thor: What is that? Never heard of it.

Rocky Oddinson: ………

Stephen Strange: Speaking of which, there’s something I’ve always found strange.

Stephen Strange: When “Avengers III” was played, Thanos held the power gem as soon as he appeared, and then crushed the cosmic cube to get the space gem.

Stephen Strange: But when Thanos appeared for the second time, he already had 4 gems!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): yes, two more, the Reality Gem and the Soul Gem.

Tony Stark: These two gems, where did Thanos get them?

At the mention of this issue, the live broadcast room fell silent for a while.

Tony touched his chin, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

It seems that the image of that Avengers III is not complete, where… It seems that some important information was missing.

【Image continues】

[Although defeated the dark elves, the leader Malekith fled. 】

[In the face of the captured ether particles, God King Pol could not destroy it, so he had to set up an enchantment, and the etheric particles were buried deep underground. ] 】

[At this time, the picture on the screen suddenly changed.] 】

[A man dressed in a green robe and tightly bound by chains walked up to the hall of Asgard. 】

[This person is Loki. 】

[Odin sat on the throne and looked at his adopted son with a rebellious face, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. ] 】

[The queen of heaven, Friga, stepped forward to persuade Loki to stop resisting, but Loki did not appreciate it at all. 】

[Looking at the stubborn adopted son in front of him, Odin couldn’t help but scolded angrily:]

“You still haven’t realized… How deep are your sins? “】

“Wherever you are, there will be war, destruction, and death!”] “】

[In the face of the angry father, Loki was unafraid, and said with a treacherous smile:]

“As a god of Asgard, I went to the atrium to rule over the people of this earth… Any questions? “】

[Odin sighed lightly and said calmly:]

“We are not really gods, we also have birth, old age, sickness and death, just like human beings. “】

“And the atrocities you have done are only due to your pursuit of the throne. “】

[Loki said with a look of displeasure:]

“It’s my birthright. “】

[Odin is a little angry :]

“Your birthright… It was as an abandoned baby, dying on the cold rock! “】

“If I hadn’t adopted you, you wouldn’t hate me as much as you do now.” “】

[Hearing such ruthless words, Loki was finally angry:]

“If you really think I deserve to die, then please give me a death!”] “】

[Odin leans back in the chair on the throne:]

“If it weren’t for Frigga interceding for you, you would have died a long time ago. “】

“But as punishment for your wanton behavior on earth, I will keep you in a dungeon forever. “】

[Loki didn’t seem to care about Odin’s sentence on himself, but asked:]

“What about Thor? “】

“You’re going to make that idiot the king, and I’m going to sit in jail?”] “】

[Odin Lang said:]

“Thor is still in the Nine Realms… Clean up your mess. “】

“Then, yes, he will be the new king of Asgard. “】

And seeing this, Loki in the live broadcast room clenched his teeth tightly, and the muscles on his face twitched.

If he had seen a similar scene before, he would only resent Thor or resented Odin.

But by now, Loki can only hate his fate.

“Where do I go, it will cause war, destruction, and death?”

“Do you think this is what I want to?”

Loki suddenly roared loudly, and while roaring, he stomped his foot and said:

“This is my damn destiny, the sacred timeline that was designed!”

Hearing this, Peter and the others were silent.

After watching the relevant images of the Time Authority, they all knew that in many universes, Loki’s life trajectory had long been set.

If he really transforms himself and wants to be a good person, or even a hero, then the Time Guard of the Time Authority may appear and cut his existence out!

At this moment, Black Widow said lightly:

“Loki, there’s one thing you have to figure out first. The Time Authority will simply crop those ‘against design’ Loki. ”

“But they don’t brainwash every multiverse Loki into telling them what to do.”


Upon hearing this, Loki’s face changed sharply.

He tried very hard to argue, but his usually eloquent tongue seemed to be stiffened, and he could not say anything.

At this time, Tony also understood:

“That is to say… Whether it is this one around us or the Loki in the image, what they do is all out of their own choice! ”

Speaking of this, Tony pointed to the screen and said to Loki word by word:

“After falling into the cosmic abyss, this guy ran to collude with Thanos and then attack Earth! I don’t know how many earthlings were killed in New York! ”

“He went to jail for this crime… Shouldn’t it? ”

“Are you going to blame all this on the Space-Time Authority?”


As if he had eased up, Loki didn’t continue to argue with you, just snorted coldly, and there seemed to be a dangerous wave of light flowing in his eyes.

By now, he had thought it through.

The reason why the Loki on the screen later gave himself up so much and made a crazy move to attack the earth was not because he wanted to rule the earthlings.

It is a kind of compensatory act that he did after he was abandoned by Odin.

This unlucky bastard, probably just wants to satisfy his pathetic self-esteem from the process of conquering the earthlings…

【Image continues】

[Thor fought everywhere and calmed the chaos in the Nine Realms. 】

[After returning to Asgard, Odin persuaded her to give up the woman named Jane Foster and inherit his throne with peace of mind. 】

[But Thor still seems hard to put down. 】

[At this time, the picture turned and came to the earth, the country of yin. ] 】

[Through visions detected by special instruments, Jane Foster and her friend Daisy John arrive at an abandoned factory. 】

[They found that the factory seemed to be connected to an unknown space.] 】

While exploring the inside of the factory, Jane Foster entered a mysterious place.] 】

[Here, this is the alien space where the god king Boll buried the etheric particles. 】

[Jane was unknowingly possessed by etheric particles. 】

[And because of the power of the etheric particles, the dark elves who had been sleeping for thousands of years also woke up. 】

Seeing this, Tony’s eyes widened sharply, and he exclaimed with a look of surprise:

“Yin Country! It turns out that the reality gem is hidden in the factory that is the capital of Yin Country! ”

“Then let’s take it out when we go back.”

Strange also let out a sigh. Laughed.

Really no one expected that one of the legendary 6 Infinity Stones was actually hidden on the earth!

Originally, they thought that such a treasure did not know where in the universe.


Little Wanda’s face was red with excitement:

“Stark has obtained the Cosmic Cube, plus the Reality Gem… That’s two Infinity Stones! ”

Looking at the excitement of everyone in the live broadcast room, Black Widow suddenly said calmly:

“Maybe don’t rejoice too soon.”

He said, pointing to the screen.

“First of all, etheric particles should be hidden in some other space.”

“Moreover, this alien space should not be so easily exposed.”

“Otherwise, it’s the employees in the factory… No, at the time of the construction of this plant, someone had already noticed the anomaly. ”

Hearing this, the excited smile on Tony’s face also converged, and he nodded slightly.

“Perhaps, only under some special circumstances, will the entrance to that alien space appear.”

“Is it time?”

Strange said thoughtfully:

“Many magical enchantments have their time limits, perhaps… It was the seal set by the god king Pol that began to loosen over time. ”

Hearing this, Little Wanda was also a little unhappy.

“If that’s the case, we’ve found this factory?” Can’t you enter that alien space? ”

Tony’s eyes flashed, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“Not necessarily.”

He just remembered that the Cosmic Cube that was enough to shuttle through space was in his hands!

【Image continues】


[Thor came to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, when Heimdall told him that once in thousands of years a cosmic wonder… The convergence of celestial bodies is coming. 】

[At that time, the nine realms will be connected in a line. 】

Thor didn’t seem to care at all, but instead asked Heimdall if he could see Jane Foster and how she was doing.] 】

[Heimdall turned his head to look, but suddenly said in surprise, he couldn’t see Jane. 】

[Thor was shocked when he heard the news, and quickly came to Earth through the Rainbow Bridge and found Jane Foster. ] 】

[However, at this time, because Jane was possessed by ether particles, her body appeared abnormal, and she suddenly fainted. ] 】

[Thor quickly brought Jane Foster back to Asgard.] 】

[Odin recognized the etheric particles in Jane’s body, but was helpless against it. 】

[At the same time, the leader of the dark elves, Malekis, used fragments of etheric particles to create terrifying cursed warriors! ] 】

[Moreover, Malekis also asked this cursed warrior to pretend to be a prisoner and secretly infiltrate Asgard to capture the ether particles! ] 】

[In Asgard, Jane Foster asked Thor how he knew something was wrong. 】

[Thor said that during the convergence of celestial bodies, the boundaries of the nine realms will become blurred. 】

[Maybe Jane Foster just happened to encounter such a blurry point, so he accidentally entered the alien space that sealed the etheric particles. ] 】

Looking at the terrifying and hideous appearance of the cursed warrior on the screen, Loki suddenly felt that his heart tightened, and the cold hairs on his back stood up.

He remembered very well that in the previous image of the Time Authority, Mobius had said to another Loki…

It was he who led the cursed warrior in the direction of the queen of heaven, Friga!

In other words, it was Loki who inadvertently killed his adoptive mother!

Do you say… Is this horrific scene about to play out?

At this time, in the group, Thor was making a fuss again.

Thor: Damn, these black elves dare to infiltrate Asgard!

Thor: If you let me see those disgusting cursed warriors, see if I don’t squash them!

Deadpool: Thor! You have a lot of muscles, you look so powerful, it’s just my type!

Thor: What do you say?

Deadpool: Wow! With those strong muscles and rough hair, I felt like my whole body was about to burn!

Thor: Fuck off, disgusting fellow, if you stand in front of me and see if I don’t beat you into meat sauce!

Deadpool: Huh… Your rough tone simply makes me want to stop.

John Constantine: Deadpool, I think your mental state is very dangerous and I suggest you see a doctor.

Charles Xavier: Uh… If this Mr. Wade has any psychological problems, I can consult him for free.

Deadpool: Humph! You two little white faces flashed aside, and now I… Prefer that kind of rough macho!

Wolverine: Charles, you and that Magneto need counseling more than anyone else.

Charles Xavier: ………

Magneto: What does this matter to me?

“Cut, where did the system find these demons and monsters?”

Tony shook his head and took his gaze away from the barrage on the screen, and then he fell into deep thought again.

It turned out that Jane Foster encountered a blurred point caused by the convergence of celestial bodies by chance.

Now, I don’t know how many years are left before this strange celestial phenomenon occurs.

Therefore, if you want to forcibly enter the alien space that seals the ether particles, you may only be able to rely on the power of the Cosmic Cube.

【Image continues】

[As soon as the picture turns, the cursed warrior has infiltrated the dungeon, and used the power of etheric particles to break the cage and escape! ] 】

[Not only that, in order to cause chaos, the cursed warriors also released almost all the prisoners in the dungeons of Asgard! ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Loki not only was not angry, but smiled at the cursed warrior and said:]

“I think you should take the stairs on the left so you can find what you’re looking for. “】

Seeing this, Loki closed his eyes sharply, and the blood on his face instantly disappeared.

Actually…… It’s true!

In another universe, his variant really did such a stupid thing!

The cursed warrior that Loki directs will kill the queen of heaven, Friga!

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