
“Rebel! How dare you? ”

Looking at Loki on the screen smiling and showing the way for the cursed warrior, Odin’s one-eyed eyes sitting on the throne suddenly widened, and his face instantly became gloomy as water.

Previously, he had also seen the images of the Time Authority and knew that Frigga was killed by a cursed warrior.

However, what exactly happened, Odin still had some doubts in his heart.

But by now, he had fully understood.

Loki’s path to the cursed warrior leads to the interior of the Asgard Palace.

This villain should hope that this cursed warrior will deal with Thor, and even deal with him Odin!

No one expected that by mistake, the cursed warrior would kill the queen of heaven, Friga.

Due to Loki’s background, Odin has always felt a little ashamed of this adopted son.

So, although Loki only badly injured the Three Warriors a few days ago, Odin doesn’t intend to hold him accountable.

But now, Odin feels… I must pay attention to this adopted son!

Otherwise, what would Loki do in the future if he really did something bad for Asgard like in the image?

Thinking of Thor and the queen of heaven, Friga, Odin’s eyes immediately became a little dangerous.

If this rebel son is really because of the battle for the throne… And hold a grudge against yourself or Thor!

Then Taodin, as the king of Asgard, has no room for favoritism…

【Image continues】

[Heimdall spotted the invading army of dark elves and tried to activate Asgard’s energy barrier to prevent enemies from entering the palace. 】

[But Heimdall did not expect that the cursed warrior, under Loki’s guidance, directly entered the interior of the Asgard Palace and destroyed the control center of the energy barrier. 】

[Thus, a battle between the dark elves and the Asgardians began. 】

“This… This is the battle of aliens? ”

Looking at the war that seems to be quite “high-tech” on the screen, most of the expressions of everyone in the live broadcast room are very strange, and Tonis Dak directly shows disappointment.

That’s it?

This is an alien with unimaginable technology?

Are you kidding?

Look at those dark elves!

Although they have some kind of spaceships that can be completely invisible, these spaceships do not even have weapons installed, and they can only attack enemies by crashing!

“An alien ship to attack with impact?”

Peter blinked, looked at Loki, who had an ugly face, wanted to say something, and finally swallowed.

At this moment, his heart was full of doubts.

Not to mention the invading dark elves, even the Asgardian side responsible for defense, the combat power shown by them is also surprisingly weak.

In the face of an invading enemy, there is not even decent anti-aircraft fire, almost a fighter that makes the dark elves … In Asgard’s airspace like no man’s land!

As far as the eye can see, there is only one Asgard fighter that can fly into the sky to fight!

This kind of thing, even if it is replaced by a big country on the earth, is simply unimaginable.

Moreover, in the face of those fleeing prisoners, the servicemen of Asgard held … They are all cold weapons.

Strange frowned and muttered in a low voice.

“The technology of these aliens seems to be a little too biased.”

Tony shrugged as he listened:

“The dark elves can control the reality gem, one of the six Infinity Stones, while the Asgardians can cross the galaxy through the Rainbow Bridge.”

“But to fight … But like this, except for the crooked technology tree, there seems to be no other possibility. ”

At this moment, the dark elf on the screen suddenly showed some kind of extraordinary technology, which made Tony’s eyes shine.

【Image continues】

[The dark elves used the power of etheric particles to create some kind of space grenade. 】

[As long as this grenade explodes, a small black hole will appear, sucking everything around it into it and completely annihilating it.] 】

[Relying on this space grenade, Malekis’s subordinates were like a broken bamboo, killing the Asgard soldiers in front of them. ] 】

[Rushing all the way to the dormitory, Malekis rushed directly to Jane Foster. 】

[He attacked Asgard this time in order to recapture the ether particles in Jane’s body. 】

[Malekith never expected that the divine queen Friga’s swordsmanship was extremely superb and quickly defeated him. 】

[But at this moment, the cursed warrior who had received Loki’s guidance also broke into the dormitory. 】

[No matter how strong Friga’s swordsmanship is, she is also powerless to face this monster, and she is restrained in an instant. ] 】

[Seeing Frigga being arrested, Malekith walked towards Jane Foster:]

“Child, you took my stuff and gave it back to me. “】

[He stepped forward and stretched out his hand, but only found that the Jane Foster in front of him was just an illusion. 】

“This is illusion magic!”

Loki’s heart shook when he saw it.

His magic was all taught by Friga, and this illusion magic was naturally no exception.

But at this moment, Loki immediately thought of something even more terrifying.

If Malekith can capture the Tai Particle, maybe he can spare the Queen of Heaven Friga.

But now… A conflict between the two of them is already inevitable!

【Image continues】

[Sure enough, looking at the vision that disappeared without a trace in front of him, Malekith looked back at Frigga sharply and roared loudly:]

[“Witch! “】

[“Where are the ether particles?” “】

[And looking at the angry and corrupted Malekis, although the queen of heaven Frigga was still firmly grasped by the cursed warrior, the corner of her mouth actually showed a victorious smile. ] 】

“I will never tell you. “】

[Malekith stared at the fearless woman in front of him and said coldly:]

“I believe in you. “】

[Before his words fell, the blade in the cursed warrior’s hand stabbed into Friga’s body fiercely. 】


Although he had seen this scene in the previous video, Loki still only felt an unforgettable pain at this moment, like a tide rushing to his heart, almost drowning his whole person!

“Abominable! Damn it! ”

Bending down, Loki clenched his fists, the muscles on his face twisted wildly, and the tears in his eyes could no longer be held back, and drops flowed down.

After seeing so many images, he has little affection for his adoptive father Odin.

But as a mother, Frigga loves his son unconditionally, both in reality and in the image.

Such an amazing woman would actually make a wrong decision because of her own … And gave away his life!

You know, if it weren’t for the cursed warrior “coming in time”, Malekis would not have been able to defeat Friga.

And the reason why the dark elves were able to drive straight in and directly invade the interior of Asgard’s royal palace was, in the final analysis, because… Loki shows the cursed warrior the way so that he can successfully destroy the defensive hub of the Asgard Palace!

Therefore, no matter how you calculate it, the pot of “Friga’s death”, Loki has to carry it.

At this time, Thor also shouted in the group.

Thor: Loki, what are you thinking? If you hate me, then you come to me, why do you do such a stupid thing? Queen Mother!!!

Rocky Odinson:! That’s not me, and… I didn’t expect that to happen.

Charles Xavier: To be fair, there’s a lot of luck in the end, but Loki, you’re the most responsible.

Loki Odinson: This kind of thing… I don’t need you to say that I know!

Nick Fury: Oh? I was really surprised that there was no quibbling and shirking of responsibility.

Rocky Odinson: Damn one-eyed dragon! Shut up for me, you talk casually again, and the first one will kill you after I get out!”

Natasha Romanoff: That Thor, I think you are to blame Loki.

Thor: Woman! What do you know?

Natasha Romanoff: It’s very simple, in the video, you will ascend the throne and succeed to become the new god-king, and Loki will spend the rest of his life in prison, such a contrast is absolutely unacceptable to him, so… It’s understandable that he hates you and Odin.

Thor: You… What did you say?

Natasha Romanoff: I would say that when Loki sees the Cursed Warrior, Loki should think… This weirdo is here to deal with Odin! That’s why he showed the way for the cursed warriors.

Charles Xavier: That is, does Loki want to kill his father?

Natasha Romanoff: If it were you, would you be willing to spend your whole life in that prison?

Charles Xavier: This…

Magneto: Hahaha, I also understand, Loki that kid, originally hoped that the cursed warrior would kill Odin, causing chaos in Asgard.

Magneto: That way, he can not only vent his anger, but maybe he can take the opportunity to escape!

Magneto: But Loki didn’t expect it at all. Cursed warriors and dark elves break into Asgard… They all came to find that ether particle!

Magneto: So they didn’t go to Odin or Thor, but to Jane and his mother!

Rocky Odinson: Enough! Shut up! Say no more!

John Constantine: Ahem, Loki, the god of trickery, I didn’t expect to meet the gods of Norse mythology in the group, what an honor.

Loki Odinson: Boy! What are you trying to say again?

John Constantine: … There is only one thing I want to say, and that is… Before you regret it, reconcile with your father.

Rocky Odinson: ……… Hum.

Seeing Konstantin’s speech, the sadness on Loki’s face suddenly narrowed a little, replaced by a sneer.

In Asgard, Odin must have seen this image too!

So…… Now it’s not what he Loki wants to do, but what Odin wants to do to his adopted son!

【Image continues】

[Just after Friga’s death, an enraged Thor arrives and unleashes a powerful thunderbolt with Mjolnir, repelling Malekith and the Cursed Warrior. 】

[However, he was still one step late.] 】

[At this time, the picture turned to Earth. 】

[The Dr. Eric, who was once manipulated by Loki to open the portal to the universe, was later locked up in a mental hospital. 】

[Although this guy is crazy, he has seen through the truth of the “celestial convergence” of the Nine Realms every 5,000 years, and he is still lecturing with a group of patients in a mental hospital. ] 】

“The spike gravity tester I invented can stabilize the focus of celestial convergence. “。 】

“Only in this way will the Nine Realms and other star queues not touch our Earth. “。 】

[After listening to the speech, an old man looked at Professor Eric, who was using his shoes as an analogy, and asked in a low voice. 】

“Can you give me back the shoes you have?”] “】

Seeing the image on the screen, several people in the live broadcast room made a surprised sound of “huh” at the same time.

“That white-haired old man… It seems to have appeared in several images!. ”

Tony Stark looked at the patient… The old man wearing sunglasses suddenly became full of doubt.

He remembers very well that in the “Avengers II” video broadcast earlier, this old man once asked Thor, the god of thunder, for Asgard’s divine wine.

After only one sip, the old man was so drunk that he was finally carried out.

“Who is this old man? How come there is him everywhere? ”

Black Widow’s gaze also became a little solemn.

In the opinion of him, a good former agent, there simply could not be so many coincidences in the world.

Maybe…… This old man also hides some incredible secrets.

At this time, Deadpool suddenly bubbled up in the group.

Deadpool: I know who he is, this old man is Stan Lee!

Stephen Strange: Stan Lee? What kind of character is that?

Nick Fury: I’ve never heard of him, is he some kind of new spy?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): How is that possible? You don’t see how old he is.

Natasha Romanoff: Wait, isn’t this Deadpool located in another cosmic person? How could he recognize people in our universe?

Deadpool: Huh… I don’t know, but when I saw this old man, for a moment… I knew his name was Stan Lee.

Tony Stark: Stan Lee? When I leave this live room, I will search for this name carefully on the Internet! See if there are any results.

Loki Odinson: Inexplicably, too lazy to pay attention to you crazy people.

【Image continues】


[After holding a grand funeral for the queen of heaven, Thor, the god of thunder, told Odin that he was going to take Jane Foster to the world where the dark elves lived. 】

[Because only in this way can he take out the etheric particles in Jane’s body and completely destroy Malekis. ] 】

[But Odin thinks that Thor’s plan is too risky, and if it fails, the ether particles will return to the hands of the dark elves.] 】

[In that case, the entire universe will be swallowed by darkness.] 】

[Seeing that his plan was rejected by his father, Thor did not continue to argue, but directly turned around and came to the dungeon and found Loki. ] 】

[Facing Loki, Thor bluntly states that he needs to leave Asgard, but Odin closes the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[In all of Asgard, only Loki knows some secret passages to the outside world. 】

[After all, it was through these secret passages that he introduced the ice giant to Asgard. 】

[In order to help his mother take revenge, Loki promised Thor. 】

[Next, Loki left Asgard with Thor and Jane Foster and came to the dark world. 】

[On the spaceship, Thor looked at Loki and said:]

“You know what? I really wish I could believe you again. “】

[Loki had his signature smile on his face again, but it already had a hint of sadness in it.] 】

[“Trust my vengeful fury! “】

[When Thor and the others finally encountered Malekis’s army, Loki suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed Thor! ] They also pushed him down the hillside. 】

“You really think I’ll care about Friga? “】

[With a signature treacherous smile on his face, Loki walked up to Thor, who fell to the ground, kicked him hard, and kicked him away again! ] 】

[Next, he simply raised his knife and cut off the hand that Thor was holding Mjolnir! ] 】

[Then, Loki grabbed Jane Foster and threw it to Malekith and said:]

“I am Loki from Jotunheim! This is my gift to you! “】

“And the reward I want is simple… That is to let me see the demise of Asgard with my own eyes! “】


Seeing this amazing scene, not to mention the other people in the live broadcast room, even Loki himself was shocked.

Don’t…… This variant of Loki, really completely blackened, ready to help the enemy destroy Asgard?

And at this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the system sounded in the live broadcast room.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Why did Loki betray Thor? 】

[This question is a special question, including people in the chat group, as long as there are variants in the image, they are also eligible to answer the question.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

PS: Have you seen “Watchmen”? The blue fat Dr. Manhattan in it is also a person from the DC universe, can you pull him? ^_^

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