Looking at the suit in front of him, Tony shouted softly.


Only listening to the “click” sound, the suit carrying the Infinity Gauntlet broke up in front of him, and then put it on Tony’s body.

Picking up the blue space gem with his left hand in the suit, Tony carefully set the gem in the groove on the right hand of the suit.

And then…… Nothing happened.

“What’s going on?”

Tony looked stunned and quickly started the Void Engine, trying to find out what the problem was.

[Start searching for the fit between the suit and the Infinity Stones…]

[There was an accident… Without the necessary key objects, the existing database is not enough to drive the Space Gems to successfully fit with the Infinity Gauntlet. 】

Tony frowned slightly and began to inquire

“Missing essential critical objects? What is that thing? ”

After receiving the order, the Void Engine suddenly began to calculate further.

[Start searching the database, making calculations and making predictions…]

[The result of the operation… The 6 Infinity Stones must be regularly embedded in gloves to fully function. 】

“A certain pattern?”

Tony’s expression froze slightly.

After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up and he suddenly realized.

“It turns out that… Is that so? ”

From the image, Tony can learn that the Mind Gem, one of the 6 Infinity Stones, has long fallen into the hands of Thanos.

But Thanos didn’t care about the gem and casually gave it to Loki.

Not only that, after Thanos seized the two gems of power and space, he did not come to Earth to seize the Mind Gem, but went to other places first and captured the Soul Gem and the Reality Gem.

“Could it be that even with the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet, it still takes some order to successfully set the gems on the gloves and function!”

After figuring it out, Tony smiled wryly on his face.

If he guessed correctly, then the order of setting of gemstones should be power first, space second, soul or reality third and fourth, time fifth, and mind last.

“No wonder Thanos doesn’t care so much about the Mind Gem, it turns out that this gem is the last to come in handy.”

But even knowing the secret?

Tony doesn’t know where the Power Gem is right now!

“Hmph, think this will stump me?”

Looking at the space gem embedded in the battle suit, but without moving, Tony’s eyebrows raised slightly, and he immediately gave an order to the Void Engine.

“Void Engine, give me the Analytical Space Gem!”

[Void Engine starts, parsing… Some targets cannot be parsed, the targets contain unknown high-level energy, and the computing model is seriously insufficient…】

Tony asserted, “Can only part of it be counted? It doesn’t matter, how much can be calculated! ”

【…… In re-retrieval, the target that cannot be calculated… The culling is complete, and the analysis begins…】

[Database simulation begins… Per cent…… Two percent… Space Gem, fifteen percent of the resolution completed… Twenty-five percent… 50 percent]

[New data has been obtained, as well as new energy support, and the Void Program has reached the upgradable condition.] Do you want to start the upgrade? 】

“Upgrade? Parse 50% to upgrade the program? That’s great! ”

Tony was overjoyed to hear this, and quickly responded:

“Upgrade the Void Program!”

【…… The Void Program begins to form! 】

[Redefine the new spatiotemporal algorithm, import advanced programs, start verification… Program debugging… Start fitting the algorithm…】

[Advanced program fit… Current progress: 15 percent… Thirty percent, fifty percent… Ninety-five percent… One hundred percent! 】

[Void program upgraded! ] 】

【Start loading advanced programs!】 】

【Energy supply starts switching! 】 】

[New data has been obtained, start activating space gems…]

At this moment, the space gem embedded in the right hand of the suit gushed out a azure light and slowly flowed into the suit.

At the same time, Jarvis’s voice also sounded in Tony’s ears.

【sir! The energy supply of the suit has reached 200% … 300%, still rising! 】

【500%! The energy has peaked! 】

“Good guy, is this the energy of the Space Gem?”

Tony took a deep breath and had a look of surprise on his face.

In addition to being able to travel through space, space gems are an endless source of energy in themselves.

Therefore, the Red Skull would have thought of drawing energy from it and creating a terrifying weapon.

The egg is also looking for Professor Eric Sweig, who wants to transform the space gem into some kind of endless new energy source.

Through the analysis of the Void Engine, although Tony can’t use this infinite rough stone as he wants, he can already mobilize its energy.

With the infinite energy support of the Space Gem that does not need to be converted at all, the speed of the Void Engine has been increased again!

[The third generation of space-time algorithms began to update… Complete the update! 】

[The spatiotemporal algorithm has been upgraded to the fourth generation, and the data support for building the big worm bridge has been completed. 】

【The project process is growing exponentially, and the data is being updated…】

【Data has been updated, the project continues to advance…】

When Tony focused his attention on the interface of the Void Engine again, he was suddenly surprised.

[Second-generation void engine, core computing speed: twenty-eight frames.] 】

[Engine Energy Source: Space Gems! ] 】

[Second-generation angel gene additional functions: dark energy reading, man of steel, fourth-generation space-time algorithm, intermediate material definition, intermediate concept rewriting. ] 】

[The fourth generation of space-time algorithm additional programs: space-time engine, micro-wormhole handling, space-time shuttle, and worm bridge construction. 】

[Intermediate Substance Definition Additional Program: Subversive Conservation of Energy.] 】

[Space Gem Analysis Process: 65%! ] 】

The more Tony looked at it, the more excited he became, and the whole person became excited.

“Just analyzing a space gem, not even reaching 100%, gives the Void Engine such a big boost!”

“The Infinity Stones are worthy of being treasures in the universe!”

After finally calming down, Tony suddenly remembered something, smiled, and walked out of the basement laboratory in his combat suit.

In the hall of the mansion, Black Widow was sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for him.

After leaving the live broadcast room, Black Widow came to Tony’s mansion for the first time.

However, he had been studying the “Infinity Gauntlet Suit” these days, so he didn’t have time to entertain her at all.

Seeing Tony walking over in a steel suit, Black Widow’s gaze immediately focused on his right hand.

Glancing at the glittering space gem on the right hand of the suit, a look of surprise flashed in Black Widow’s eyes.

“In just a few days, not only did the Infinity Gauntlet and your steel suit fuse fuse into one, but also embedded the Infinity Stones!”

Looking at Iron Man, Black Widow’s tone already brought a hint of amazement.

“No wonder Thanos would call you … People cursed by knowledge. ”

“You don’t have to say flattery.”

The mask on Iron Man’s face automatically opens, and Tony laughs:

“In the live broadcast room, you deliberately gave me the opportunity to win the answer, do you want me to help you with something?”

Looking at Tony’s face. Black Widow nodded and said with some solemnity:

“Now my brain development level has stepped on the edge of ‘controlling others’.”

“So I can judge at a glance that your physical fitness has long surpassed that of humans…”

Hearing this, Tony immediately understood:

“You’re trying to make me… Transform your body too? ”

Black Widow let out a soft breath and seemed to be caught in a memory:

“In the image of the superbody, although Lucy’s brain has been extraordinarily developed, the development of the body has not kept up, and the energy supply is not enough.”

“Therefore, in the end, she will assimilate her body with everything in desperation.”

Looking into Tony’s eyes, Black Widow said word by word:

“I don’t want to walk her path again.”

“Understood, then I will now use the most advanced genes I have at my disposal… Transform your body. ”

Speaking of this, Tony suddenly spread his hands:

“But I don’t dare to pack a ticket, can my transformation help you achieve… How much is eternity? ”


Black Widow laughed softly:

“Don’t worry, ‘eternal’ or something, I will only pursue it myself. Won’t bother you. ”

Next, Tony reached out and lightly snapped his fingers in the air.

The moment he snapped his fingers, the two entered a dark space shimmering with strange starlight at the same time.

With the latest upgraded space-time algorithm, Tony’s use of “microwormhole handling” is also more nuanced.

In just an instant, he and Black Widow were sent into the dark plane at the same time.

Looking at the strange and magnificent space, the widow’s eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

At this time, Tony could give instructions directly in the dark plane.

“Void Engine, choose the third-generation angel civilization gene! Load me and this woman at the same time! ”

[Accept the command and start loading the third-generation Angel Super Soldier genetic data code! ] 】

[Current progress: 1%… 2%…… 3%】

After a while.

The two reappeared in the living room of Tony’s mansion.

At this time, Tony himself was still wearing a steel suit, and his body did not seem to have changed.

Black Widow, on the other hand, stayed in the air, with a pair of huge white wings behind her back, and kept flapping in midair.

[The third generation of angel super soldier genes! ] Loaded complete! 】

[You and “Natasha Romanoff” have successfully loaded the third-generation angel gene and obtained the “not bad body”]

[“Not Bad Body” is already the peak of super soldiers, second only to “Divine Body”. It has a strong defense and is immune to all thermal weapon attacks below the black explosion. 】

[However, it is not immune to high-intensity energy attacks, as well as god-killing weapons.] 】

[The “not bad body” has a strong recovery ability, as long as it is not directly killed, it can activate super genes to repair itself. 】

In order to make Black Widow also hear the introduction, Tony simply turned on the high-speed train, the sound of the fighting spirit, and released the report of the Void Engine.

“Immune to all thermal weapons below the Black Explosion… It was remarkable. ”

Black Widow looked at the white wings behind her, her eyes widened slightly, and her face was full of exclamations.

After all, she also grew up in Western culture, and naturally has a longing for the legendary angel.

“In this way, we will be clear.”

Tony smiled and nodded to Black Widow, then directly raised his right hand.

“Turn on the microwormhole teleportation, target… Yin Country! ”

Just listening to the smack, Iron Man’s body disappeared in the living room of the mansion like a wisp of green smoke.

After obtaining the “Advanced Space-Time Algorithm” and the energy supply of space gems, Iron Man’s “microwormhole” teleportation ability is enough to cover the entire Earth.

From now on, he will no longer have to wear a steel suit and fly around in the air.

Watching Iron Man leave by way of space transfer, Black Widow did not move on the surface, but a trace of envy flashed in the depths of her eyes.

“Manipulating space? I don’t know how far my brain has to develop to have such abilities. ”

Of course, Tony’s reason for going to Yin Country is only one purpose.

That is the “ether particles” hidden in the alien space of the abandoned factory!

When he searched the abandoned factory through the Void Engine and rushed to the factory door, Tony found out… Two people have already made the move.

I saw a big blond man and a young man in a green robe, all standing at the gate of the factory with a grunt, facing each other with their backs to each other, as if children were sluggish.

“Thor! Loki! Hahaha…”

Seeing the appearance of these two people, Tony immediately laughed.

Just for a moment, he guessed what was going on.

Through the images of “Thor 2”, Tony already knows that it is precisely because of the convergence of celestial bodies caused by the connection of the nine worlds that causes spatial disorder and blurred boundaries in the nine worlds.

A few years later, in order to find Thor, the god of thunder, entered this factory, he happened to step into such a blurry point, and then inadvertently entered the alien space where etheric particles were blocked.

But…… God knows how many years it will take for the “celestial convergence” to appear?

Therefore, the two brothers, Thor and Loki, want to find the ether particle in advance, how can they find it?

Seeing Iron Man suddenly appear, and hearing his undisguised ridicule, the faces of the two brothers turned red all of a sudden.

“Abominable! Mankind! How dare you mock the gods? ”

Thor’s face was full of annoyance, and his eyes actually lit up with flashing electricity!

After taking the Thunder Fruit and completely awakening the Thunder Godhead, his current strength is even much stronger than before he was banished by Odin!

And just when Thor was about to release a thunderbolt to scare the Iron Man in the air…

Iron Man floated in the air, just glanced at Thor, and directly activated the microwormhole.

[Load spatiotemporal algorithm, database update, analysis target… Thor, the god of thunder! Start pairing… Pairing complete! 】

[Relative coordinates have been imported… Microwormhole opens…】

[The target has been teleported, the operation is over! ] 】

In an instant, countless microwormholes appeared around Thor, the god of thunder!

Then, Thor, surrounded by thunder and lightning… It disappeared silently.

When he first acquired the microwormhole technology, Iron Man could only be used to carry himself and some small things.

But by analyzing space gems, the space-time algorithm of the Void Engine has been upgraded to the 4th generation!

By now, there is nothing on the entire earth that Tony can’t move!

“What? What just happened? ”

Watching Thor instantly turn into nothing, Loki’s surprise was really extraordinary.

I saw that his pupils shrank, his breathing instantly stagnated, and his whole body tensed all of a sudden, and his eyes looking at Iron Man were full of surprise and shock.

In fact. What shocked Loki the most… It wasn’t Thor who was teleported away.

It’s this silent and weird means!

Loki still remembers very well that in the “Thor 3” image, when he and Thor faced Doctor Strange, it was also instantaneous… Teleported to Norway by the other party!

However, Doctor Strange still opened the golden portal!

And this steel man in the air in front of him didn’t seem to do anything, just glanced at Thor… He’s gone!

What kind of magic is this?

How is it so amazing?

Feeling that his throat was a little dry, Loki swallowed his spit, and then asked:

“You… Where did Thor go? Wouldn’t it… Norway too, right? ”


Iron Man listened and smiled, and said indifferently:

“It’s not that far, I just teleported it to the nearby sea.”

“But… When he will find his way back here, it is difficult to say. ”

The current Iron Man has not yet fully parsed the space gem.

Otherwise, his move of “micro-wormhole handling” can even directly teleport Thor to the depths of space!

Let him drift forever in the dark universe!

Although he knew it wasn’t Norway, Loki was shocked.

And when Loki was about to continue asking, Iron Man seemed to sense something, and his figure disappeared in the air again.

At this time, in the square outside the abandoned factory, only Loki was left, standing in the open space with a confused face.

“Void Engine, retrieve this entire factory for me.”

Teleporting himself into the corridor on the 3rd floor of the abandoned factory, Iron Man calmly gave the order.

Now that he already knows the approximate location of the entrance to the alien space, what he has to do next is to use the Void Engine to forcibly solve the problem and break into the door!

[Started retrieving the current environment, and has detected a spatial anomaly.] 】

[Do you break through the space barrier?] 】

Iron Man nodded lightly and ordered indifferently:

“Turn on the space-time algorithm, break the spatial barrier, and let me send it in.”


【Start retrieving target program… Space-time algorithm matching… Match complete: Target bearing locked,… After the dark data is imported, start cracking the target space barrier! 】

[Current progress: 10%, 20%, 30%…]

[Dark energy has been disrupted, the spatial stability structure has been cracked, and the distribution of microwormholes has been partially rewritten! ] 】


In another instant, in the space not far from the Iron Man corridor, a crack that was visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared.

“Click, click…”

The rift gradually expanded, and finally, a huge cave leading to the unknown world was formed in the corridor!

On this side of the corridor, it is still a normal world, and on the other side, it has actually become a dark and strange world.

“So it is, I see.”

Looking at the entrance of the space in front of him, Iron Man’s face suddenly showed a clear look.

It seems that in ancient times, the former god king “Pol” should also have used the power of space gems to create such a strange space out of thin air in this place.

In other words, if Iron Man did not master the space gem, then he would probably have to spend several times more time and energy to have the opportunity to open the entrance to this alien space.

Without hesitating to walk into the other space, Iron Man soon discovered… The huge stone pillar inlaid with the ancient god pattern of Asgard.

Looking at the scarlet light flowing from under the stone pillar from afar, Iron Man stretched out his right hand and gave the order again:

“Void Engine, start parsing ether particles!”

【Engine starts, target locked, database simulation begins.】 】

[Parsing target… Analysis progress: 5 percent… Ten percent, thirty percent… 50 percent]

Just when the analysis progress exceeded 50%, the etheric particles that were sealed in the stone pillar suddenly floated out.

These strange substances, which looked like scarlet water droplets, began to gather in the palm of Iron Man’s hand, as if hearing a command, and finally condensed into a square object.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Iron Man picked up the scarlet object and slowly placed it in a groove in the glove of his right hand.

[New data has been obtained, and the Reality Gem has been activated…]

[Void data is perfect, anti-void concept is perfect.] 】

[The Void Program has reached the upgradeability condition.] Do you want to start the upgrade? 】


[Introduction of a new data model, start adding substance definitions, and start adding concept rewriting]

[The anti-void engine starts to start… Fifteen percent… Sixty percent… Eighty-five percent… One hundred percent! ……】

[Database update… Retrieving… The search is complete… The data is updated. 】

【Anti-Void Engine Built!!】 】

And just when Iron Man successfully set ether particles and used the power of reality gems to carry the anti-void engine.

In the darkest abyss of the universe, a group of dark elves wake up in their spaceship.

“Ether particles! Someone found the ether particle! ”

Malekith opened his eyes from the sleeping pod, a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.

Thousands of years!

After being defeated by the Asgardians and taking away the ether particles, he and the rest of his men fell into a long sleep.

And now, the time for the rise of the dark elves has finally come!

PS: Iron Man’s serial has been upgraded! ^_^

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